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A Beautiful Wedding

We’d all seen another year pass, we’d all been through so much, in some cases lost so much, and yet come together as a family to celebrate something that had gone right for the Maddoxes. I smiled and nodded at the men standing with me. They were still the impenetrable fortress I remembered from my childhood.

My eyes focused on trees in the distance as I waited for my wife. Any second now she would step out and everyone could see what I saw a year before, and find themselves in awe, just like I was.


After a long embrace, Mark smiled down at me. “You are beautiful. I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.”

“Thank you for giving me away,” I said, a little embarrassed. Thinking about everything he and Pam had done for me made hot tears pool in my eyes. I blinked them away before they had a chance to spill down my cheeks.

Mark pecked my forehead. “We’re blessed to have you in our lives, kiddo.”

The music began, prompting Mark to offer his arm. I took it, and we walked down a small, uneven sidewalk that was lined with thick, flowering trees. America was worried it would rain, but the sky was nearly clear, and sun was pouring down.

Mark guided me to the end of the trees, and then we rounded the corner, standing just behind Kara, Harmony, Cami, and America. All of them but America were dressed in purple, strapless satin minidresses. My best friend wore orange. They were all absolutely beautiful.

Kara offered a small smile. “I guess the beautiful disaster turned into a beautiful wedding.”

“Miracles do happen,” I said, remembering the conversation she and I had what seemed like a lifetime ago.

Kara laughed once, nodded, and then gripped her small bouquet in both hands. She rounded the corner, disappearing behind the trees. Soon after Harmony, and then Cami, followed.

America turned, hooking her arm around my neck. “I love you!” she said with a squeeze.

Mark tightened his grip, and I did the same with my bouquet.

“Here we go, kiddo.”

We rounded the corner, and the pastor motioned for everyone to stand. I saw the faces of my friends and new family, but it wasn’t until I saw the wet cheeks of Jim Maddox that my breath caught. I struggled to keep it together.

Travis reached out for me. Mark held his hands over ours. I felt so safe in that moment, held by two of the best men I knew.

“Who gives this woman away?” the pastor asked.

“Her mother and I.” The words stunned me. Mark had been practicing Pam and I all week. After hearing that, there was no holding back my tears as they welled up and spilled over.

Mark kissed my cheek, walked away, and I stood there with my husband. It was the first time I’d seen him in a tux. He was clean-shaven, and had recently gotten his hair cut. Travis Maddox was the kind of gorgeous every girl dreamed about, and he was my reality.

Travis tenderly wiped my cheeks, and then we stepped onto the platform of the gazebo, directly in front of the pastor.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate a renewal of vows . . .” the pastor began. His voice melted into the sounds of the ocean breaking against the rocks in the background.

Travis leaned in, squeezing my hand as he whispered, “Happy anniversary, Pidge.”

I looked into his eyes, as full of love and hope as they were the year before. “One down, forever to go,” I whispered back.
