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A Date with the Other Side

A Date with the Other Side (Cuttersville #1)(37)
Author: Erin McCarthy

She groaned.

He took pity on her. “Oh. I’m sorry. Would you like me to do it again?”

“Yes,” she said, and added in a soft voice, “duh-uh.”

Boston laughed, amused and enraptured with Shelby. “Watch it, Ghost Girl.”

“Quit talking, City Boy.” Her voice came out as an anxious growl, fingers digging into his hair and urging him forward.

The aggressive move shocked him, and set his low-burning lust into high heat. Shoving her thighs apart with his forearms, Boston bent over her and tasted her thoroughly, all the way up and all the way down, licking, sucking, eating, biting.

He wanted all of her, to absorb her scent and feel and to drive her mindless. Shelby clung to his hair, thumbs pressed to his temples, thighs quivering as she gave little soft cries of ecstasy. The air was heavy with the earthy scent of straw and dirt, the sweet desire of Shelby’s wet sex, and her ragged moans.

Boston felt her muscles tighten in anticipation and he knew the exact moment she careened into an orgasm. He swirled around her clitoris and down to slip inside her as she writhed, yelling his name with enough passion and satisfaction to make him thrill from the sound of it.

His c**k rested against her lower leg, wanting in on the action, but he ignored his own needs and held on to Shelby and stroked his tongue over her leisurely, even after she’d settled back and tried to push him away.

Drawing out her orgasm on and on, while she whimpered and strained, had him fighting not to join her.

When he finally sat back and saw the look of wonder on her face, the drowsy shock and satiation, Boston pushed himself up the pile. Sweat curled her hair at her temples and ears, and moisture clung to her upper lip, a plump rosy red. Everywhere her skin glistened, and he kissed a trail between her br**sts and up her neck until he was pressing his mouth onto her open lips.

“Okay. I guess I’m big enough to admit I was wrong,” she said after breaking the kiss to gasp for air.

“But at least it worked in your favor.”

“True.” Her arms came around his shoulders and she glanced down hungrily. “If you’re still functioning after the eyelet spread incident, I think it’s time for you to take your jeans off and put that thing to work.”

He would love nothing more than to do just that, especially since her thighs had wrapped around him. The heat from her body soaked through the denim and tortured him. He could be inside all that warmth. After a deep breath, he spoke as calmly as he could under the circumstances. “I am functioning very well, thank you, and I’d prove it, but I don’t have a condom with me.”

“No?” Her question was heavy with disappointment.

“Nope. Don’t worry, we’ll get to it soon enough.” If he didn’t die from sexual frustration first. But it had been worth the pain of a rip-roaring hard-on to watch Shelby relax and enjoy herself.

“I suppose I could give you head,” she said, with the enthusiasm normally reserved for a root canal.

He almost laughed. “While I’m sure I would enjoy that, I can wait.”

She tried to hide her sigh of relief, but wasn’t quite successful. “We can go to the CVS and get some condoms. I’ll just call Gran and tell her I’ll be out late.” Rubbing the tip of her nose on his shoulder she asked, “You got bricks for doorstops, right?”

It was almost too good to be true that she was willing to spend the night with him. He’d been afraid that she was done for the night and he would have to wait. But while she was willing, he needed to reassure her quickly about the alleged ghosts before she changed her mind about returning to the White House. “Shelby, nothing is going to happen. The house has been quiet as a tomb since last week.”

She didn’t look convinced. “Maybe it’s us together then that causes activity.”

Maybe it was nothing more than wind and the power of suggestion.

Boston shoved back up, his thighs straining from the awkward position. He shook out his legs and adjusted his jeans before reaching for Shelby’s hand to pull her cute naked butt out of the straw. “I don’t think so, Ghost Girl.”

And a sudden loud moo had him just about jumping out of his skin.

Chapter Eleven

Shelby heard that big old cow mooing in the empty—yes, empty—barn and almost wet the pants she wasn’t wearing.

Boston turned around, hands out in loose fists. “Jesus Christ! Did you hear that?”

Shelby did. The sound of a complaining bovine was replaced with her own scream at top lung capacity as she leaped out of the straw and searched for her clothes. “Oh, dear God! I’m naked! Help me find my clothes.”

Boston gave her the most outrageous look of disbelief she’d ever seen in her life. “Who gives a shit if you’re naked? An invisible ghost cow doesn’t care what you’re wearing.”

It did sound stupid when he put it like that, but she just felt vulnerable as hell standing in the buff with hay stuck all over her ass. Swiping her hands across her skin, she took a few cautious steps toward her shorts, hoping she wasn’t going to inadvertently walk into Strawberry. “That’s easy for you to say, you’ve got your pants on!”

Boston put his hand on his snap, looking exasperated. “I can take them off if that would make you feel better.”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, it would.” She hadn’t gotten to see a darn thing but his chest, and had gotten to touch even less. It had been The Shelby Show for the last half hour, and even though they needed to pick up condoms, at least she should be entitled to a peek.

As Shelby pulled on her panties, giving her rear a little shake to get everything in place as she settled the elastic on her waist, Boston popped his jeans snap open.

Then took a step toward her, with a look she was starting to recognize as his dominating sex look. But then he stopped and said, “Eyaahhh!” and jerked backward.

“Holy shit, something just licked me.”

“What?” Shelby looked at the hand he was holding out for her in horror and damned if there wasn’t a slobbery streak across his palm. “Oh, my . . .”

“Nasty!” Boston swiped it back and forth on his jeans. “Grab your clothes, babe, let’s get the hell out of here.”

He didn’t have to tell her twice. Pulling on her halter top, she left it untied, scooped up her shoes, and dragged on her shorts as they jogged through the barn door.

Heading back to the road, Shelby fiddled with the top strings behind her neck and burst out laughing. “You forgot your shirt, you know.”
