Read Books Novel

A Forever Love

A Forever Love (Wanted #5)(27)
Author: Kelly Elliott

I tilted my head. “Buy you out? You mean, he was going to take over your ranch?” I looked at Emma.

“Yes, the deal was that I would sell but remain on as a ranch hand to help your father until you were out of school and could begin taking over full-time.”

My head was spinning. That would make our ranch one of the biggest cattle ranches in Mason County. I smiled at the possibilities that could bring to our ranch.

David let out a chuckle. “Garrett, I can see your mind already working. Yes, that would make the Mathews’ ranch the biggest cattle ranch in the area.”

Dr. Birk smiled. “Garrett, I have a proposition for you. Right now, you don’t have the monetary means to buy out Mr. Bauer, but I do. We talked this morning with your mother, and we’ve all come up with a plan.”

Emma reached for my hand and stood up next to me. “Daddy, what kind of plan?”

“Now, I want you both to just listen to me before you say anything.”

Emma and I both nodded our heads. I didn’t even realize that I had been holding my breath until I slowly let it out as I waited for Emma’s dad to tell us his plan.

“I will help with buying out Mr. Bauer’s ranch, and in exchange for buying him out with cash, Mr. Bauer will come on as the ranch hand for the Mathews’ cattle ranch. He will be in charge of running the ranch daily while you and Emma are attending school at the University of Texas.”

Emma and I both said at the same time, “What?”

Dr. Birk took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Garrett, I’ve never thought that you were not capable of taking care of my daughter. I knew you didn’t get into Texas A&M just on a football scholarship. I’ve seen your grades, and I know you were third in your class in high school. Son, I want to see you succeed to the best of your ability. It’s very clear to me that my daughter is in love with you. I want the best for her, and I want the best for you. I want to see the two of you fulfill your dreams, but I firmly believe you both need to have college educations—not only for you but for my grandchildren.”

Emma sucked in a deep breath and said, “Daddy—”

Dr. Birk held up his hand and shook his head. “My grandchildren that y’all will be giving me after you graduate from college.”

I quickly said a prayer that Emma wouldn’t get pregnant because of my stupid mistake last night, but if she did, we would deal with it. Right now, I was just trying to take everything in.

“Dr. Birk, I don’t…I mean, I can’t afford to go to school. All the income coming in goes right back into the ranch.”

“I know that, son. I consider this an investment. I’m investing in you and your future,” Dr. Birk said as he looked at Emma and winked.

Emma let out a squeal and ran into her father’s arms.

My legs felt like they were about to go out. Emma’s father is going to pay for me to go to college on top of buying David’s ranch? Why would he do that? I slowly shook my head and ran my hand through my hair, trying to process all of this. “Dr. Birk, I do not mean any disrespect, sir, but why would you do all of this for me?”

Emma’s father smiled as he looked me in the eyes. “I want to do this for you, Garrett, because my daughter loves you, and I believe you have a very bright future ahead of you.”

“Sir, if I do this, then part of the deal must be that you will allow me to pay you back for everything.”

I looked at David, who seemed to be beaming. He was smiling from ear to ear.

When I glanced back over at Dr. Birk, he was smiling bigger. “Garrett, you were truly raised as a gentleman. You should be very proud of your parents. Yes, I agree to your part of the deal, son.”

Dr. Birk reached his hand out to me, and when I reached out to shake it, he pulled me in and quickly hugged me. I stepped back, and David stuck his hand out for mine.

As we shook hands, he pulled me in and whispered in my ear, “Your father would be so proud of the man you have become. We’ll talk about last night after Charles leaves.”

I stepped back and smiled. “Thank you, sir, and, um…okay.”

Emma jumped up and down and then ran into my arms. “Garrett, we’ll be together and in school!”

I smiled as I hugged her.

“There is one more thing,” Dr. Birk said.

Emma quickly turned to face him. “What, Daddy? I’ll do anything.”

“I want you both to promise us that you will not get married until after you finish school,” Dr. Birk said.

David nodded his head. He was quickly becoming more and more of a father figure to me, so his agreement spoke volumes to me.

Emma started to argue with her father, “Daddy, what? Why? I don’t see—”

I stepped in front of her and nodded my head. “Although I want nothing more than to make Emma my wife, I do understand why you are including this condition.”

Emma pushed me out of the way and placed her hands on her hips. “Excuse me, I don’t seem to understand.” She glared at me and then looked back at her father. “Why does it matter if we get married now or if we wait until after we graduate?”

Her father smiled. “Emma, let’s just slow down and take things one day at a time. I think Garrett understands our reasons.”

“Well, I don’t, Daddy.”

“I want you both to focus on school. Your first year is almost over, and Garrett can take summer classes to catch up. I’m not asking you to wait a long time. All I’m asking is for you both to wait a few years.”

I walked up next to Emma and took her hand. When her eyes met mine, something happened between us. We didn’t have to be married to know we belonged to each other. After what we had shared last night, I would wait forever for her. I gave her a smile, and when she smiled back, I felt the ground move.

Without looking back at her father, Emma said, “Okay. As long as we are both at the same university, I think I can wait a few years to become Mrs. Garrett Mathews.”

I pulled her to me. I began kissing her, and I wasn’t sure where my head was until David put his hand on my shoulder.

He pulled me back. “Garrett, I’d like to see you live another day, so mind your manners when it comes to kissing Dr. Birk’s daughter, especially when he is standing right next to you.”

Everyone let out a laugh, and I watched as the blush moved across Emma’s cheeks.

“Come on, let’s head back to the house. Your mother made potato soup, and it smelled like pure heaven. We will get you registered and all taken care of with the school by the end of the week,” Dr. Birk said.
