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A Forever Love

A Forever Love (Wanted #5)(40)
Author: Kelly Elliott

He smiled and said, “Leg giving you problems today?”

I shrugged and nodded. I didn’t want to tell him that it was probably because I had taken my wife against the wall and then again in the kitchen.

“It’s just stiff. I have to move around for a bit, and it will loosen up,” I said. I walked over to Jack and gave him a scoop full of oats. “You ready for the wedding?” I asked as I looked over at David shoeing a horse. Every time I had to shoe a horse, I thought of my father, and I knew that was why David did most of the shoeing.

He laughed. “Yes, I am. Your mother is not looking forward to heading into Austin though.”

I threw my head back and laughed. “Billy doing okay? The last time I talked to him, he sounded like he was taking something to make him talk stupid.”

David laughed. “You wait until this summer, boy, when you get married.”

I turned around and walked over to him. “I am married. The wedding this summer is going to be a piece of cake. Why would I be nervous?”

David looked up at me, and I could tell he was holding back his laughter.

“You don’t think you will be nervous, son?”

I shook my head. “No, Dad, I really don’t.”

He chuckled. “Want to wager a bet on that?”

I smiled and ran my hand through my hair. “What are you suggesting?”

David stood up and appeared to be thinking before he smiled and said, “If you get nervous at all…during any portion of the wedding…at the reception, you have to stand up and give me a toast, saying how wise I am and that you’d be lost without my words of wisdom.”

My smile faded. I said, “You’re shitting me, right?”

He laughed harder as I looked over and saw my beautiful bride walking my way. She was carrying a tray with glasses of sweet tea on it. My heart began beating faster as she smiled at me, and I was instantly brought back to this morning when she had been on top of me, making love to me so slowly and sweetly.

She stopped in front of me, and I leaned down to kiss her.

She pulled back some and whispered, “I can totally tell you’re thinking of either this morning or perhaps last night.”

Lord, this girl kills me. My dick jumped in my pants, and I had to force myself not to drag her back to the house and have my way with her.

She bit down on her lower lip. “I’m going to work in the garden for a bit, but I wanted to bring y’all out some tea before it got too hot out.”

She set the tray down. She turned and started walking out of the barn, but then she looked back over her shoulder at me once.

David walked up to me and used his finger to shut my mouth. “Flies are gonna get in there, son,” he said with a chuckle.

I slowly shook my head and turned to watch him pick up a glass and drink the tea. “How do they do that? How can she just say one thing to me, and I go all pussy-ass pansy?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m guessing y’all are still on the honeymoon?”

I reached for the glass and took a drink. “Something like that.”

David downed his tea. “Ah hell, I forgot that I needed to take care of something over at the house. No one else is working today. You going to be okay, Garrett?”

I turned and looked at him. “Where is everyone?”

David shrugged and laughed. “I guess everyone needed a day off.” He reached down and grabbed his cowboy hat. He walked up to me. “Take the day off, son. Enjoy it with Emma.”

The next thing I knew, I was watching him drive away. I made my way into the house and to our bedroom. I smiled when I saw our quilt sitting on the chair in the corner. I walked over, grabbed it, and reached into the drawer to pull out a condom before I remembered that Emma was now on birth control. I was still leery about something so new, but Emma had insisted that it worked. My biggest worry was Em getting pregnant before our wedding ceremony.

I headed out the back door and smiled when I saw Emma leaning over and bitching at the weeds. I slowly opened the gate to the garden and made my way over to her. I grabbed her, spun her around, and quickly kissed her. Soon, we were both lost in the kiss.

When we finally pulled away for air, she looked down at the quilt and then back up at me. “Mr. Mathews, what do you have in mind with that quilt?”

“Hmm…burying myself so deep inside you that you feel my presence there for the next few days.”

Emma’s eyes burned with desire, and I couldn’t help but smile. I knew how much it turned her on when I talked a little dirty to her.

She closed her eyes. “Garrett…I need you.”

I quickly grabbed her hand and began pulling her out the gate.

She pulled me to a stop and said, “Wait!”

I turned around. “Emma, my dick is so hard that it’s painful.”

She smiled and looked over toward the barn before turning back and looking at me. “You said something to me once, and ever since then, I’ve been fantasizing about it.”

I looked at the barn and tried to remember if I’d ever said anything about having sex in the barn.

Then, it hit me.

“The day you told me your parents were moving to Austin,” I whispered.

She nodded her head and put her finger in her mouth.

I let out a small moan. “Shit, Emma.”

She began walking backward, and as the flush moved across her cheeks, she smiled. “I want to be fucked against the barn, Garrett.”

I dropped the quilt and quickly walked up to her. I picked her up in my arms, and she instantly slammed her lips to mine. I practically ran to the barn. I walked in and pushed an empty stall door open and set her down. I quickly began undressing her while she fumbled with my pants.

“Jesus, Emma…what you do to me.” I ripped my shirt open and stripped out of it. I quickly pushed her hands away and pulled my pants down, exposing myself to her. I watched as her eyes widened with delight.

She shimmied out of her knickers, and before she had them off her feet, I was picking her up and pushing her against the barn wall.

“Garrett…please…” she said. Her breathing picked up, coming in and out faster and heavier.

I pushed myself into her, and we both let out a moan at the same time. She felt so good.

“Damn, it feels so good to be inside you with no condom,” I hissed through my teeth.

“Yes! Garrett, please…” she said as she snapped her head and looked into my eyes.

“Tell me what you want from me, Emma,” I said as I slowed down to almost a stop.
