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A Good Boy Is Hard to Find

A Good Boy Is Hard to Find (The Naughty List #3)(16)
Author: Suzanne Young

“In fact, I have practice in a few hours.”

“You’re a machine, Tessa. A perky, intense little cheerleading machine.”

“That’s sweet. Thank you.”

He laughed. “All right then, what about tonight? Do you have plans for tonight?”

“Not at the moment.”

“Then can I take you and your cast out to dinner?”

This was an excellent turn of events! Not only was Joel not mad at me, he still wanted to date me. This boy might just be smitten. “I would like that.”

“Cool. What time should I pick you up?”

Hm … my parents would be home by seven, and I didn’t really want them to intersect with Joel. Not when I’d have to explain the whole suspension thing. “How about six?”

“Perfect.” Joel stood up and smoothed out the tablecloth after it snagged on his pullover. I watched him, admiring how calm and thorough he was. He made me feel very safe. “Do you need anything else before I go?” he asked, turning back to me.

“I’ll be okay. And … thank you for taking me out tonight.”

He smiled. “Tessa, I’d take you out every night if you let me.” My stomach fluttered as he crossed to the door. “But one thing,” he added.


“Leave your binoculars at home.”

I laughed. “Promise.” And then he left, clicking the door shut behind him.

Once he was gone, I went to my room and took a seat at my wood desk. I pulled up my e-mails. Fifty-six new messages. I blew out a hard breath. There was no way my psyche could take that kind of negative overload. Instead, I just scanned the senders. I saw the e-mail from Joel, one from Leona with the subject line, “I will kill them.” Poor thing. So much pent-up anger.

But oddly enough, there was nothing from Aiden. No mention of my ankle or how he’d come to see me in hospital. Why he was even in town. Just … nothing. I felt a pain begin to build up in my chest, and I quickly shut off the computer and hobbled away from my desk.

Not going there. Not now. Instead, I lay across my pink comforter and looked at my phone. I had missed a text message from Kira. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to open it. She’d totally outvoted me in front of the squad.


I wondered if maybe she knew that Joel was here. She could be saying it sarcastically. I slowly typed in “FOR WHAT?”

She answered quickly as if she’d been waiting for me. “FOR LETTING ME BACK ON THE SQUAD EARLY”

I was surprised by her answer. Kira and I … we had some serious issues. And it seemed that every time I gave her an inch, she took the proverbial mile. I had let her on the squad because I needed her, but not just for the mission. She was part of the team, and I didn’t like seeing her left out. But instead of thanking me, she made a fool of me.


I waited, hoping Kira and I could finally have it out. Put our issues aside. Maybe become friends again. But when ten minutes passed without a response, I put my phone on my side table and curled up. Yeah. I guess things didn’t really work out that easily.

From: Darrell Tremont <[email protected]>

To: Tessa Crimson <[email protected]>

Sent: Wed, October 9, 4:00 PM

Subject: WTF

Girl, what have you gotten yourself into? I’ll tell you, I’m straight pissed at you and Kira over this shit. Kira used to be my girl and you’re Aiden’s girl. Then I find out this mess?

I’m done with you. With all you cheerleaders. A bunch of sneaky bitches! Don’t talk to me again. And tell your new little squad member to stay the f**k out of my locker room. Peace.


Chapter 8

When we got to Leona’s, most of the squad was already gathered in her backyard. We’d switched into our winter uniforms, which were pretty much the same thing but with cute white turtlenecks underneath. We didn’t want to risk ill health.

As I hopped out into the yard with my crutches, the girls came to attention. It didn’t take me long to notice Chloe among them, who seemed to stand out in her Smitten Kitten uniform, her hair in a high ponytail. The girls were gathered around her, cooing and touching her hair. It made me uneasy.

When she noticed me looking at her, she gasped and walked over, stopping to stand close to me. “Wow, Prez. That cast looks really awkward and uncomfortable. Are you okay?” A look of fake concern crossed her face, and I swear, I almost leapt forward and used my palm to strike her.

“I’m fine.”

“Do you need to talk to someone?” she whispered. “Because many domestic-abuse situations happen in high school. Have things with Aiden gotten that bad? Wait!” She paused. “I forgot. He’s doing that Mary girl now. Sorry!” She shrugged and then backed away, glancing around once before taking her spot in line.

I was shaking. My fingers were trembling as they gripped my crutches. Aiden. Mary.

“Unicorns!” I yelled. Everyone stopped to stare at me.

“Is … that a new code?” Leona asked, pulling her brows together. Chloe was next to her, beaming.

I shook my head, trying to get a hold of myself. “Sorry,” I said. “Never mind.”

“Do you need me to lead?” Kira asked from the back of the line, walking up to stand next to Chloe.

I met her icy-blue stare. “No, I’ve got it. Thanks.” Chloe and Kira were tag teaming me with negativity. It was very hard to concentrate.

“Thank you all for being so prompt,” I began in my strongest captain’s voice. “Chloe, I’m assuming you’ve been briefed about our missions and received the official handbook?”

She gave me a crooked smile. “Practically have it memorized, captain.”

I almost went into anaphylactic shock. She was like an allergy, something that could put me in the hospital if I stayed around her too long. And now she was on my squad. She was trying to steal my squad.

“I’ve already filled her in,” Kira said, looking sideways to smile at her. My jaw tightened, seeing them standing there together. Like a force against me.

“Thanks,” I managed to get out. With a cleansing breath and a supportive nod from Leona, I continued. “Before we start discussing the final cheer, let’s hammer out the details of the next mission. If we can get SOS back on track, I really think we can start rebuilding with our classmates.”
