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A Good Boy Is Hard to Find

A Good Boy Is Hard to Find (The Naughty List #3)(18)
Author: Suzanne Young

Izzie shrugged and then seemed to rethink it and smiled. “Definitely,” she said. “Hey, maybe the guys will mention us.”

Leona laughed. “Oh, I’m sure they’ll mention us. I’m just not sure you’ll like what they have to say. Then again, maybe they’ll mention the bastard that turned us in.”

I shifted on my cast. Leona was heck bent on finding the person who had caused our compromised position. I might have to keep an eye on the situation for potential overzealousness. “Still nothing from Chris?” I asked her quietly.

She shook her head. “I don’t care anyway. He’s a tool.”

I knew she didn’t mean it, but maybe it made things easier if she thought of him that way. Maybe it was what I needed to do about Aiden.

I looked back at my squad. “Listen, girls. I want you all to try to stay positive. I know we’re going through a tough time right now, but just remember: We have each other.”

“That’s all we have,” Leona mumbled. “We’re like a virus at school and people are staying away.”

“Viruses are totally gross,” Kira said, looking around for agreement. Most of the girls nodded. Well, except for Kayla Anders. She’d had mono last year. It was an unfortunate case of over-kissing.

I asked Leona for a time check and then decided we had better get started on practice if we wanted to have anything put together for ESPN. First, we had to go over the basics, just to make sure we were in sync. Just to make sure Chloe fit in.

I dropped my crutches down at my side and then kept my knee bent so that my stance was near normal. I motioned for the girls to get in formation, and when they were, I clapped my hands. “Ready? Okay.”

I started the cheer and narrowed my eyes as Chloe was able to mimic every cheer move, every tone fluctuation. That rattlesnake had amazing control of her diaphragm. I pushed harder, doing everything one legged. I was able to raise my cast boot, but not nearly as high as normal. I made up for it with voice projection.

But soon, I was being drowned out by Chloe’s voice. Enunciating every word. Clipping all her vowels. Argh!

In a moment of frustration, I felt the weight of my cast shift me to my side. I hopped, trying to catch myself, but it was too late. Soon I was falling sideways and landing hard on my hip in the lush, backyard grass. Ouch.

The girls squealed, and I felt them surround me as I tried to sit up. Kryptonite! My ankle was killing me. I must have hit it when I fell.

“Are you okay?” Leona asked, squatting down.

“I’m fine. Let’s keep going.” But even I knew I wasn’t fine. I’m sure my doctor would frown upon cheering while in a cast.

“I don’t know, Tess,” Izzie said, standing over me and twisting a red curl around her finger. “I think maybe you should take it easy today. You did just break your

ankle… .”

I closed my eyes, heat warming my cheeks. I felt embarrassed. Both because I fell and because I wasn’t acting like a strong leader. And if I didn’t right this ship, I’d be out as captain.

“I’ll take you home,” Leona said, getting up and reaching down for my hand. “We’ll pick up practice tomorrow. I mean, might as well. We’re suspended anyway.”

I didn’t glance at Chloe although I could feel her stare on me. She was probably smiling, happy that I was out for today. I was having a really bad day.

Kira walked up, looking me over, her face more concerned than pleased. For a second, I could see the old Kira. The one who trusted me. The one I trusted. But then her eyes went to where my pants had lifted up enough to expose my cast. She gasped.

I followed her stare and saw that she was looking at Joel’s note. Of course, she knew I didn’t write it, but did it matter? I let him write it. She took a step back from me, looking away quickly and seeming to hold her breath. I felt awful.

“You okay?” Leona asked from above me.

I nodded, hearing the squad behind us becoming unfocused. But I couldn’t look away from Kira. I felt like I’d betrayed her. I understood how she felt. She probably felt a lot like I did when Mary Rudick started sleeping with my boyfriend. Even though this situation was completely different, and even though Kira had been completely evil to me, I felt sick with myself.

“They’re losing focus,” Leona said, motioning back toward the squad. She was right. I needed to get my ponytail on straight.

Someone had to take the squad reins, and Leona (although a great cheerleader) wasn’t the Kitten for the job. I knew who could be. I just debated whether or not it would cause more harm than good. “K?” I asked.

“Yeah?” She turned back to me, her icy-blue stare chilling me.

“Will you lead them through the rest of the routine?”

She seemed to choke, looking confused. But then she recovered and nodded.

“Uh … sure.” She looked at Leona who glared at me. “I’d love to.”


Kira glanced at the ground, then at the squad. “Well,” she called out to them impatiently. “What are you waiting for? Get in formation!” She clapped her hands together, and the girls fell in line, even Chloe. I might have been a little jealous, but I tried not to think about it as Izzie handed me my crutches.

“Sorry you fell, Tess,” she said. “I know what it’s like to feel out of control.”

I watched her for a second before putting my hand on her shoulder. “I know you do, Iz. And I’m sorry for that.” When she and Sam had started to have problems last month, Izzie fell apart. She seemed even worse now.

She nodded, a look of guilt crossing her otherwise pale face. Then she went back to stand in the cheer line, mimicking Kira’s moves.

“We’ll see you tomorrow, Tessa,” Kira called without looking over. She was completely serious as she worked the arm movements for the squad, taking them through the steps. But at the last second, I saw her lips pull into a smile.

I put one crutch in front of the other and began my way around the house with Leona at my side. I may have lost that battle, but giving in a little might not be so bad. Because I had to admit, I’d missed Kira’s smile.

From: Joel Fletcher <[email protected]>

To: Tessa Crimson <[email protected]>

Sent: Wed, October 9, 5:45 PM

Subject: Excited!

Is this lame? Do you think it’s totally ridiculous that I’m e-mailing you fifteen minutes before I’m supposed to pick you up? If so, too bad. I can’t wait to see you and your casted declaration of love to me.
