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A Good Boy Is Hard to Find

A Good Boy Is Hard to Find (The Naughty List #3)(22)
Author: Suzanne Young

“It was true, wasn’t it? He’s cheating.”

Her statement knocked the wind out of me. Sometimes when investigating, I forgot the human factor. That these were real couples who had been dating—kissing. Holding hands. I swallowed hard.

“Yes. I’m so sorry, Janet.”

She let out a low, disbelieving laugh and looked away, still not taking the envelope. She wiped roughly at her cheek when the first tear streamed down. Forest Gump! My lip was quivering.

“It was Stacy.” She didn’t ask. It was like she knew. When she looked over at me, I nodded. “Any chance you girls double as hit men?”

“I don’t support violence in any form.”

“Too bad.”

My center was tilted, and I wanted to go home and take a hot shower. Something to distract me from the tragedy of the moment. I held up the envelope to her again.

“I do have to deliver this,” I said.

“Okay.” She sighed, as if resigned to the truth. “You know, I have to tell you. When I heard about the Smitten Kittens being SOS, I totally didn’t believe it. I mean, SOS is pretty badass. So I was, like, cheerleaders? No offense, Tessa. But I didn’t think cheerleaders were very smart.”

I considered correcting her and telling her that the Smitten Kittens had a median grade average of 91.3. Or that all of our former squad members had attended college.

“But you proved me wrong,” she added suddenly. “Obviously I underestimated you.” She looked away across the parking lot. “I guess I misjudged a lot of things.”

I waited until she turned back to me, and then I leapt forward, embracing her. I wanted to hug it out. Poor girl just learned that her boyfriend was cheating. I was so sad! I hadn’t even brought her any flowers!

Janet hugged me back and soon she was crying into my sweatshirt. We didn’t say anything else, but when she was done, I pulled a package of travel tissues out of my jacket pocket and gave them to her.

This was why SOS had to go on. We were saving lives.

“We can’t just accuse her,” Kira said as she typed on her laptop. I was standing behind her as she sat at the counter of the Coffee Break. I decided that with all of our hard work I deserved a latte. Just so happened that Kira was here trying to IM some of the guys from school under a fake name—Kara Reynerd. She was starting with Rhett.

She felt fairly confident that she could IM some information out of the football team. Also, I think she really liked to do IM seduction.

“But Chloe is—” I tried to continue.

“Tessa.” Kira turned around to look at me. “This is bordering on obsession. Chloe has done nothing since the horrible—and I agree it was horrible—incident. I mean, yes, she was in your boyfriend’s bedroom, attacked you, and hit you in the head with an alarm clock—requiring stitches. But you really need to let it go.”

I clenched my fists at the side of my crutches. If there was one phrase I was sick of hearing, it was “let it go.”

Kira glanced down at my fists and then scanned my leg where my cast was hidden under my track pants. She was thinking about Joel’s note again. I lowered my eyes.

She then turned in her seat and started clicking on her keyboard. When the barista called out my drink order, I was grateful for the temporary distraction. I crutched up to the counter to pick up the frothy vanilla goodness. Somehow a warm drink and the scent of coffee made me feel better. Safe.

I glanced over to Kira and watched her pause to peek at her phone. Then she texted something quickly and set it back down. I wondered who she was communicating with, but then I decided it wasn’t my business. I’d let Kira have her space. Even if mine was feeling a little empty. I cupped my drink in my hand and was about to walk out when Kira called my name, waving me over.

“You got something?” I asked. She grinned and turned her laptop so I could see her illuminated screen.

LOVELYLADY: Yes, I totally think you’re hot. So what are you doing tonight?

BBOY: Party 2nite at Rick’s

“A party?” I smiled at her, enjoying the feeling of a plan coming together.

“Yep. And you know that there are two things that go on at parties. Hooking up and gossiping. Chances are if we listen in, one of the players will get drunk and spew out some names. Among other things.”

“Ew.” Wait. “How are we going to get in? There’s no way Rick will let us. Remember last February when we caught him with Marilyn Magee? I haven’t gone back to that theater since.”

“Don’t remind me. I can’t even look at my James Bond poster.” She wrinkled her nose. “They weren’t even in the back row!”

“Lickety-split! I’ve got it!” I snapped my fingers, adrenaline rushing through me. “Disguises! We can totally sneak into the party.”


“I know!”

“Can I dress as a kitty cat? Maybe you can be a devil, or an angel or something.”

I stared at her. “Um … not those sort of disguises.”

She looked disappointed. “Oh.”

“There’s no way we can all sneak in, I mean, we’re sort of noticeable.”

“Especially since my boobs have grown a size. Have you noticed?” She cupped them. “They’re huge.”

I hadn’t noticed, but they were impressive. “Right. I think it should be Leona. She’s really great at not attracting attention—a total undercover expert.

“Whatever.” Kira started typing again.

This could work. If Leona could get into that party, she could infiltrate the enemy, listen in on their conversations. Surely the Smitten Kittens would be a hot topic. And with booze flowing and girls all around, the guys are going to brag. And they’ll let out their secrets.

Hah! We totally had them kitty-cornered.

In my pocket, my cell phone vibrated. “Hold on a sec,” I said, slipping it out and turning away from Kira. It was a private call, and I debated letting it go to voice mail in case it was another heavy breather, or a dissatisfied customer. But I felt a little braver now. So I put the phone to my ear.


“You answered.”

My breath caught in my chest. I should hang up. I should definitely hang up on Aiden.

“Let me just talk for a minute,” he said as if reading my thoughts. “I promise I won’t bother you again.” He paused with a chuckle. “Okay, that’s probably not true, but I won’t bother you anymore today.”
