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A Good Boy Is Hard to Find

A Good Boy Is Hard to Find (The Naughty List #3)(31)
Author: Suzanne Young

“You can be friends with whomever you want. It’s just that I don’t want there to be any animosity between the Smitten Kittens. I can’t—”

“Kira’s okay,” he interrupted. “We’ve talked about remaining friends, and I’ve told her that you and I are friends, too. Unless …”

He paused, waiting for me to finish the sentence. Only, I didn’t know how. I didn’t know what we were. I wasn’t sure I was ready to decide. He laughed.

“I’ll spare you the Jeopardy theme song that’s running through my head right now. Save your answer. Now stop frowning and finish your pizza. I know the perfect place for ice cream.”

“I wasn’t frowning.” I took a bite.

“Yes, you were,” he whispered.

I laughed. Eating the rest of my pizza, I pushed aside all thoughts of Kira or Aiden. Truth was Joel didn’t agree with what I’d done with SOS, but he was still here by my side. There was something special about that. I liked this simple existence with him.

It was a good place to be.

I need to see you. I’m not sure I can keep doing this. I hate myself. Meet me outside the 7-Eleven at midnight. I’ll be wearing black.


Chapter 14

It was fairly early Friday morning when Leona showed up at my front door. She looked positively frantic. Her bangs were pinned back haphazardly, and her clothes weren’t ironed. Oh, no. This was obviously an emergency!

“What’s wrong?” I demanded as I let her in. “Someone’s hurt?”

“Tessa,”—she was shaking her head—“I’m not sure what to do. I was at Izzie’s house last night to check up on her, and I found something.” Leona dragged out a kitchen chair and flopped into it as I crutched my way across from her. She sounded freaked out.

“What did you find?”

“A note poking out of her backpack.”

“You read it? That’s a violation of her privacy, Leona.” But I knew there was more to it. She wouldn’t look so bad if there weren’t.

Leona reached into her adorable patchwork purse and took out a crumpled-up piece of notebook paper, handing it to me. “Read it.”

I gulped, unfolding it slowly, and immediately my heart sunk. When I was done, I raised my gaze to hers. “Do you think …”

“That we’ve been had by another Kitten? It’s seems that way.”

I dropped the paper on the white tablecloth, my mind swirling. “But Izzie … I don’t think she would do that. She’s not vindictive.”

“Maybe not. Maybe it was an accident? I mean, she’s been a mess lately. And Chloe even said—”

“Wait. Chloe?”

Leona looked away. “Yeah, um, she came with me last night to check on Izzie. You were out with Joel, and Kira was with her mom, so I brought her along.”

This was not a big deal. I shouldn’t stress out about it, but I felt it coming on. For the second time in two days, the world was spinning. “I didn’t know you two were friends.”

Leona tsked. “Don’t be like that, Tess. She’s on the squad now. She’s actually pretty funny if you get to know her.”

It almost felt like a slap in the face, her talking about my archenemy this way. But at the same time, with so many battles to fight, I had to pick the right one. And currently Izzie was at the top of the list.

“Okay, and what did Chloe think?” I couldn’t believe I was asking that.

“She said that Izzie was definitely sneaking around doing something that she shouldn’t. That Izzie’s erratic behavior coupled with her obviously guilt-filled note points to acute PTSOSD—Post Traumatic SOS Disorder. She thinks we should intervene immediately.”

I sat there, staring back at her. “She said that?”

“Yes. She also said that she didn’t think Izzie was the traitor, but that she wouldn’t rule it out. She was going to collect evidence.”

“She’s a regular CSI investigator.” I blinked quickly, looking out over my cluttered kitchen. I’d been so busy lately that I hadn’t had time to wash the pots that had piled up in my sink. And now I felt completely wiped out. Chloe. Flipping Chloe.

“So what do you suggest we do about Izzie?” I asked, glancing back at Leona. “Or should I call your new BFF.”

Leona narrowed her eyes. “You’re being kind of bitchy, Tess.”

I gasped. Well, that was uncalled for. Worse, I knew she was right. “Okay,” I sighed. “I’m sorry.” Picking up the note again, I scanned it quickly. “Guess we should talk to Izzie.”

Leona nodded. “But how do we get her to spill the beans?”

I considered it, running my fingers through my hair. Then I stopped and smiled. “The best way to get anyone to talk. Makeover.”

Leona and I waited at my kitchen table for Izzie to arrive. I’d called her earlier, begging her to let me give her split ends a hot-oil treatment. She only agreed when I promised cupcakes afterward. She was going to be devastated when she found out this wasn’t a real makeover. And that I didn’t have cupcakes.

We had all of the usual equipment out on the stripped-down tabletop. Oatmeal mixed with eggs, cucumber slices, hot-oil treatment sitting in water. There was even a boiling kettle of water on the stove.

“I’m nervous,” Leona said, tapping her nails on the table. “What if she freaks out?”

“Then we’ll make that chamomile tea I bought.”

“Okay. Well if she’s the traitor?”

Luckily, the doorbell rang, and I didn’t have to answer. Instead, Leona and I exchanged a glance. When she didn’t get up, I motioned toward my crutches.

“Oh, right. Sorry.” She stood, taking a deep breath before walking over and opening the door. “Izzie!” Leona said it so upbeat that Izzie was immediately alarmed and looked past her toward me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her eyes glassy.

Careful not to blow our cover, I smiled. “Nothing. We’re just really super-duper happy to see you.” That might have been a little too cheery. She glanced around suspiciously as she came inside.

Her red hair hung limp around her shoulders, all signs of her luxurious curls were gone. Just tangles and knots of dull strands. Under her green eyes were heavy bags, red rings. She’d been crying. My word. What had happened to her?

Half dazed, Izzie sat down at the kitchen table and began to pick at her unpolished nails. Leona widened her eyes at me from over Izzie’s shoulder.
