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About a Dragon

She knew it now—she really and truly hated gods.

“All that’s fascinating, but it still doesn’t explain—at least to my satisfaction—why I still live.”

“We can’t cross realms, Talaith. Not like you humans—with your soft, pliable skin.”

“You need me to get you into Arzhela’s realm.”

“Someone as strong as you anyway. I could have used Annwyl, but I have other plans for her. Besides, she’d never be able to get Arzhela’s talisman. It would have killed her merely to touch it. But you’ve been chosen by Arzhela herself, and she still wants you alive—even if it is for revenge at this point.”

His giant dragon head cocked to the side. “You do have the talisman, don’t you?”

Talaith held up her hand, the blood encrusted talisman still clutched by her fingers.

“Good. Good. Now we can get this underway. But first, you must give yourself to me freely, Talaith, Daughter of Haldane.”

If she’d followed the Nolwenn path she wouldn’t have called a goddess or god to enter her until she was well into her three hundredth winter. She wouldn’t have had the power, strength or guts to do it beforehand. But Arzhela, damn her, made it impossible for her to wait now.

Because Talaith would do anything, give anything, to make sure her daughter made it back alive. And Rhydderch Hael knew it. He knew if Arzhela got her hands on Izzy, Talaith would stop at nothing to get her back. That’s why he allowed Arzhela to take her.

At least now, Talaith had no fear as she had before. Because she knew Rhydderch Hael would destroy Arzhela and then he would send Izzy back to Briec. And Briec and his kin would take care of Izzy until her daughter’s final days.

Hell, that was more than she would have hoped for two moons ago.

“I give myself to you freely.”

“Good.” Then Rhydderch Hael took that talon that had healed her only minutes before and tore her open from bowel to throat.

* * *

Arzhela smelled the little bitch as soon as she walked through the portal. She couldn’t wait to have fun with this one.

She couldn’t wait to pull her heart out through her mouth.

No one betrayed her. No one.

And if Talaith, Daughter of Haldane thought she’d be grabbing her little scum spot and taking her out of here alive, she and that light-eyed freak were sorely mistaken.

Besides, she needed Talaith’s body. With it, she could get past Rhydderch Hael’s protections and destroy Annwyl the Bloody with her bare hands before the bitch ever had a chance to breed anything.

But first…first she would savor this bitch’s screams.

Plastering on her best and softest smile, she turned and faced Talaith. Naked, which was required to pass from her world to Arzhela’s unless escorted by a god as Iseabail was, Talaith stared at her blankly. Already terrified and Arzhela hadn’t done anything to her yet. Or her whelp.

“You don’t have to be afraid, Talaith,” she lied. She never felt honesty was all that important when it came to the humans. “I merely want to talk.”

She walked toward Talaith, glancing at the woman’s daughter still cowering by her favorite tree. The girl stared at her mother as if she’d never seen her before.

She stood a ram’s length from Talaith. “Come, my daughter. Let us sit. And talk.” She held out her hand and Talaith looked at it blankly. “Just talk, Talaith. I promise.”

Talaith grabbed hold of Arzhela’s hand and that’s when Arzhela yanked her close and wrapped her free hand around the woman’s throat.

“Betray me, you little bitch?” she snarled. “For that, you’ll get to watch your daughter die.”

Talaith said nothing as she took her own free hand, grasped the one at her throat and slowly pulled it off by bending Arzhela’s fingers back.

Confused, Arzhela tried to fight back, but Talaith’s strength was formidable. She dragged the goddess’ hands from her body. Once free, she grabbed both sides of Arzhela’s head and held her.

“My sweet, sweet Arzhela. I’ve waited so long for this. So long for you.”

And that’s when she knew. Arzhela knew what that betraying little bitch had done.

“No!” She struggled to get away but Rhydderch Hael, who’d finally found a way into her realm, merely smiled Talaith’s smile.

“No, no. Don’t fight, my sweet. There’s no point in fighting.”

“Release me, Rhydderch Hael! My brothers and sisters know you’re here. They’ll come to protect me!”

The god shook Talaith’s head. “No. They don’t know and they won’t. Talaith’s lovely body hides my presence nicely, does it not?”

“Bastard,” she spit at him in her rage.

Rhydderch Hael snorted. “Thousands and thousands of years and you still haven’t changed, you worthless little bitch.”

“Go to hell!”

“You first.” He threw her—in her own realm—and she slammed into one of the trees she loved. Landing hard on the ground, Arzhela looked up in time to see blue, black and orange flame shoot out from Talaith’s every pore, before it smothered Arzhela in its embrace.

* * *

Izzy watched Rhydderch Hael walk up to her in her mother’s body.

Tears streaming down her face, she watched him crouch in front of her.

“What is it, my little Izzy?”

“I want my mother.” She sounded like a child. But at the moment, she really didn’t care. “You promised me I’d have her.”
