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About a Dragon

About a Dragon (Dragon Kin #2)(21)
Author: G.A. Aiken

Now he was confused. “Why would that embarrass you?”

“If you’re not embarrassed why did you take him out of here and, I’m hoping, gut him like a fish?”

“Because he interrupted me,” he bit out between severely clenched teeth. “And I wasn’t done.”

“Well, we’re done now,” she barked and actually tried to walk around him. Grabbing hold of the fur, he snatched it off her. Angry, Talaith spun around but froze when she saw his face. He could imagine how he must look. Desperate, most likely. Because he was.

“You’re not going anywhere.” Not now. Not after last night. Now he knew why Fearghus smiled. If this was normal human f**king, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t taken a human before. And he wasn’t about to let that idiot brother of his ruin this.

“I understand, dragon, that you like to pretend you have some hold over me, but let me inform you quite clearly—”

“What has you so upset, Talaith?” He cut her off, stepping in front of her so she couldn’t leave. “Just my brother walking in on us?”

“Oh, come on, Briec. He didn’t just walk in on us. I have no idea how long that big bastard had been standing there watching us, but by the look on his face, it was for quite a bit.”

“So what?” He took a step toward her and immediately she took a step back. “You think my brother, especially Gwenvael, has never seen two beings f**king before? Do you think he’s never done it?”

“I don’t care what he’s seen or done. All I care about is—”

“Yes?” he pushed. Still walking toward her, forcing her back into the chamber.

She shook her head. “This was wrong, Briec. I shouldn’t of. We shouldn’t of…”


“What do you mean why?”

“Why shouldn’t we have done what we did? Because I’m dragon?”

She shrugged. “Well…”

“Because you have a husband?”

“But I do have—”

“Or because knowing someone was watching us—watching you—made you wet?”

Talaith slammed into the cave wall behind her. “What?”

“Or maybe it’s just the fear of being caught, Talaith.” He put his hands against the wall behind her head, caging her in. Trapping her. “Knowing someone could walk in on you at anytime. Knowing they might see you with my c*ck down your throat or my fingers in your ass?”

She slapped his arm. “And don’t try that again!”

“Knowing that no matter what we’re doing, I won’t stop. I won’t stop until you’re screaming and crying and coming all over me.”

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked away. But he still saw the heat in her eyes. Could still smell her lust. And he simply loved how her n**ples hardened and he hadn’t even touched them.

“Is that why you feel ashamed, Talaith? Because you like that bit of danger sometimes? Because it’s outside what those horrid little peasants told you was right?”

“I. Hate. You.”

He glanced over his shoulder as if he expected to find Gwenvael there again, although he knew the bastard wouldn’t be moving for the next few hours. “You know, Gwenvael might come back.” He looked back at her. “Or Éibhear. You know how he likes to chat with you.”

“Move, Briec.”

“As you wish.” He dropped slowly to his knees in front of her, ready to grab her should she try to bolt again.

“Wha…what are you doing?”

He leaned in, burying his nose in her groin. He took a deep breath, letting the lust-filled scent of her move through him. She was already so wet.

He grabbed hold of her thighs and pried them apart.

“Wait,” she begged as he wedged one hand against the blazing heat of her sex.

“We can’t wait, Talaith. I don’t know when they’ll come back here.” A flood of warm, fresh juices wet his hand at his words. Oh, yes, he moaned to himself.

Taking firm hold of her rear, Briec lifted her and forced her legs onto his shoulders.

“Briec,” she whispered desperately.

“Sssh, little witch.” He nuzzled her p**sy, all dripping wet and perfect. “Get too loud and they’ll be sure to come to see what’s going on.”

He buried his head between her thighs, hearing her voice catch as she tried to hold back a cry. Smiling, ridiculously happy with this strange woman, Briec speared her p**sy with his tongue. She gripped his head while he licked her clean, amazed at how wonderful she tasted.

Talaith’s legs clamped tight around his neck and he heard her struggling not to moan out loud. Digging his fingers hard into her beautiful ass, he pulled her closer to his mouth, mercilessly lashing her cl*t with his tongue. Her h*ps rode his face, her moans getting louder and louder.

He loved how he could make her lose control, how he could make her come apart in his arms like this.

She gave a startled squeak and then she did just that—she cli**xed; her body tight and hot around him. Before her muscles could stop their contractions, he dragged her to the floor. Inside her before she could even see straight, Briec pounded into her relentlessly, completely lost to her and what she did to him.

Her hands, still buried in his hair, pulled him down for a brutal kiss. As soon as their lips touched and she tasted herself on him, she groaned and her cli**x started all over again. Her sex clenching him so hard, she hauling him over that edge with her.

* * *

He purred her name as he came, and she never heard it sound so sweet before. Clinging to her as his hot seed poured inside her waiting body, Talaith held back tears she’d never allow to come. Too cruel. All of it. To finally know paradise, only to have the gods snatch it away from her whenever they chose was too cruel for words.

Briec kissed her shoulder, her neck, her chin. Then he was over her, staring down at her. Smiling and never judging her. She truly hadn’t seen anything so beautiful before.

“You never fail to amaze me, sweet Talaith.” A big palm cupped her cheek gently. “I chose very well, my little witch.”

Perhaps. Shame he didn’t choose first.

Chapter Eleven

Gwenvael held his head in his hands and prayed for death. This was worse than any night after hard drinking he’d ever had. Why didn’t Briec merely kill him?

Damn spellcasting dragon.

He didn’t know what the bastard had done to him, but it took him the rest of the day and night to recover enough to make it to the next day’s morning meal. Talaith sat at one end of the table, reading. Briec sat at the other, reading. Neither spoke to each other and, if Gwenvael didn’t know better, he might have thought he’d imagined the little festival of f**king he’d witnessed between the two.

Even Éibhear looked confused and refused to speak.

When Briec did finally say something, it startled them both—but not Talaith.

“Where’s the bread?”

Turning the page of her book, but not looking at him, she said, “I finished it.”

“You didn’t save me any?”

“Is that my role now? I’m supposed to save you food? If you wanted it you should have claimed it.”

Gwenvael looked at Éibhear and his brother shrugged helplessly. He remembered quite clearly after Annwyl and Fearghus’ first time together, how the two of them f**ked constantly and anywhere convenient. Going at it relentlessly.

Perhaps the bedding between these two hadn’t been as amazing as Gwenvael first thought.

“Would it kill you to not keep the food all to yourself, like a rat storing for winter?”

“Would it kill you not to eat as if it’s your last meal? Is sharing with others so inconceivable to you? Should I add that to the list with ‘please’ and ‘I’m sorry’?”

“Only if you add ‘glutton’ to your list of ‘never shuts up’.”

Talaith gave an almost royal wave of her hand. “I’m done with this conversation.” She shoved her chair back and stood. “And I’m done with you.”

“Conversation too much of a challenge, m’lady?”

“More like too boring. Kind of like you.”

“Now if you gentlemen,” she looked at Briec, “and whatever you are, will excuse me.”

She turned and walked out.

“What is wrong with you?” Éibhear snapped.

Briec looked truly confused. “What are you talking about?”

“Why were you so mean to her?”

Briec stood. “I wasn’t mean to her. I was arguing with her. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go discover—to my horror—that the little witch hasn’t made the bed.”

He grinned and Gwenvael knew exactly what was going on. He shook his head in disgust. Never. He would never get this way over any female—ever.

Unfortunately, Éibhear was still confused. “You never make your bed, Briec. Mostly because we rarely sleep in beds.”

Briec sighed and shook his head. As he walked out, the mighty erection straining the front of his black breeches leading the way no doubt, he tossed over his shoulder to Gwenvael, “Explain it to the pup, would you? I’m busy.”

Éibhear frowned. “Explain what to me?”

* * *

She squealed as he threw her back on the bed. “Didn’t I say I wanted this bed made?”

Lifting herself up on her elbows, “You most certainly did not. And I’m not a servant. You want the bed made…make it yourself!”

The dragon growled at her and Talaith squealed again, trying to scramble away. He grabbed hold of her ankles and yanked her to the foot of the bed.

“Get off me.”

“No. You need a good lesson, I think. Saucy wench.”

He flipped her onto her stomach and dragged her back until only her chest rested on the bed and both of them kneeled on the floor.

She tried to look over her shoulder to find out what he might be up to, but he tossed the end of her dress over her head.

“Och! Briec, you arrogant bastard! Let me go!”

He didn’t answer her, but he did pry her legs apart.

Talaith gripped the fur coverings in her hands and bit her lip.

“What are you going to do?” she whispered, working hard to keep the giggle out of her voice.

“Nothing you don’t deserve.” She felt the head of his erection pushing against her sex. “And definitely nothing you don’t want.”

“That sure are you, dragon?”

He pushed his c*ck home with one thrust and she cried out. His big hands ripped the dress open from the back, then deftly stripped it from her body. When he gripped her br**sts tight, she moaned and slammed back against him.

“I’m very sure, little witch,” he whispered against her ear. “Now tell me how much you want me.”

His thrusts started off slow but powerful, forcing her into the bed.

Panting, her body delirious with lust, she said, “I’ll tell you anything you want, dragon.”

“Mmmhhm. Good.”

“As soon as you beg me for it.”
