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Accidentally…Evil? (Accidentally Yours #3.5)(4)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

More screams.

There was only one solution.

Spank her?

No, idiot. Start with showing her the vision you saw upon discovering her. Perhaps this will entice her to answer. He dipped his head and kissed her softly. The woman stilled in his arms.

Yes, now she sees, too.

Words couldn’t describe the deific enormity of the visions he shared. Stars, millions of stars, laughter and joy, the eternal thread of love weaving itself through every beam of sunlight, the divine spark of life in every drop of rain, the two of them lying na**d under the tropical night sky. He had seen every step, every moment in time leading up to today.

Fate had brought them together. But as much as he wished for her to be his mate, the truth was undeniable: Gods did not have mates and they certainly could not be intimate with humans—the gods’ energy was far too powerful for any sustained, passion-filled, physical contact—which was ironic because humans were the only species they felt anything for.

Yet, like a miracle here she was. Saucy little claws and all. And he’d simply stumbled upon her. Just like that.

Perhaps she is a miracle, yes. But human, no. This kiss—wet, thirsty, unfiltered—was proof.

He pulled away, craving another glance of her exquisite face that included a tiny dimple in her right cheek and a sexy little mole just below her lip. She was utterly unique. She was utterly perfect. He couldn’t help but beam. “You saw the vision, didn’t you, my little… love guppy? And now you understand.”

The speed of her nod was impeded by her shock. “Did you really just call me ‘love guppy’?”

He cringed. He’d try to sell her on ‘bobcat’ again later.

“Who are you?” She glowered.

“Not who. What.” Chaam released her. “I am a god. In fact, I believe I am your god.”

Maggie had no clue what was happening, but when the strange man kissed her lips it felt like her body had been tossed into a volcano of sin. Sin laced with chaos and the absolute certainty she’d never woken up from that horrific bump on her head.

The kiss made her see things, impossible things—him fighting alongside a swarm of savage men donning breastplates and swords, and later, sailing on a vessel from the days of Hernan Cortez. Whoever this man was, she hadn’t a clue, but the bizarre shower of images was incredibly detailed.

She shook her head, trying to reorganize the jumbled mess inside. “You really think you’re… God?”

His eyes flickered from turquoise to grey. Or had she imagined it?

“God? Good heavens, woman, no. I said ‘a god’—as in one of fourteen. I am the God of Male Virility.”

Great. Mr. Hallucinationinducing Perfectbottom thinks he’s the god of sexual prowess. That’s far less zany than believing he’s God.

“And you’re telling me there are more of you?” she asked.

“Yes. This is what I said,” he replied as if no one had ever questioned him. “Of course, every culture gives us different names—for example, the Egyptians called me Mir; the Greek, Eros; the Aztecs, Huehuecototl-Coyotlinahual.”

“Hewy, hewy what?”

He pushed his wide shoulders back and puffed out his broad chest. “Huehue is Nahuatl for ‘very old.’ I am a Bacab—one of the first gods to be created, which means I am also one of the most powerful.”

Suuure, Joe. She began pinching her arm. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

He placed his hand over hers. “Please do not do that. It is very disturbing.”

“Disturbing. I’m disturbing you?”

He raised one dark brow. “Yes. That is what I said.”


“Now, tell me what you are,” he said.

Her thoughts continued to stall and sputter like last year’s Model B Ford. “I—I told you, I’m Margret O’Hare. I’m here assisting my father who’s doing field research on the Mayans.”

Mr. Chaam dipped his head and stared deeply into her eyes, like a wolf sizing up its prey. “You are lying. I can see it. Why do you not trust me when you’ve seen the vision?”

The only thing Maggie trusted was that her marbles had gone on marble holiday to the marble Hamptons where they were sipping teeny tiny marble martinis.

“What vision? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she lied once again.

“Fine.” He turned to leave. “If this is how you wish to proceed.”

“Where are you going?” And why do I care? She trotted behind him. Though he wore no shoes—look at those feet. Are those little muscles on those toes?—he moved swiftly over the pebble-covered shoreline. “Hey. I asked you a question.”

He abruptly stopped and turned. His intimidating height staggered her back. “I answer to no one,” he said. “And let us always be clear on this point: My kind gives the orders, and right now, I am ordering you to stay here and await my return.”

Yes. It was official. She’d hit her head and landed on Planet Pighead. And, “My kind”? Did he seriously believe he was a god? Then again that vision was…

She shook her head. “What is happening?”

Chaam took two wide steps forward and lifted her chin. “You are very cunning, Margaret O’Hare, but make no mistake, I am not the sort of god who enjoys playing games. When I return, you will tell me everything—who and what you are—then we shall spend the evening making love.”

Maggie’s knees knocked, nearly causing her to fall over. “We will do no such thing!”

He leaned down. “Fine,” his hot breath tickled her ear as he whispered, “then it will be hard, hot f**king. Your choice.”

Margaret gasped and stepped away. “What kind of woman do you think I am?”

A crooked smile leapt across his full lips. “The kind,” he said all too slowly with that rich, syrupy voice infused with sex, “who will enjoy all that I have to offer. In fact, I’ll wager that you’ll be begging me for it.” He glanced at his groin, which displayed the unmistakable outline of a rather large, slightly firmed penis.

Okay, maybe—What? Maggie! “You’re disgusting. Never,” she replied to him. Or possibly to herself. Who knew what was what at this point?

Chaam laughed with a deep, soul-felt chuckle. “Such strong words from a woman who orgasmed from my touch. Maybe you require another taste?” He grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her hard. Just like before, her body coiled with tension, but he briskly released her before the wave of combustion took hold.
