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Accidentally in Love with...a God?

Accidentally in Love with…a God?(Accidentally Yours #1)(20)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

No. Definitely not a cave-dwelling, wart-infested troll. Great. Just great. Now I knew I wasn’t crazy—Guy was definitely real—but now I also knew I was way over my head. He was gorgeous.

I stood in awe, my mouth gaping as my eyes attempted to register every rope of muscle, every capacious curve packed with power. Christ, he had to be at least seven feet tall.

“Six nine, actually,” he said, guessing my thoughts.

“This can’t be possible,” I whispered, my eyes continuing to dart up and down the length of his body, stopping right on dark trail of hair that started just below his navel and continued down, down, down to his enormous beast of a—“Oh! You’re naked.” I turned sharply, but only to stop myself from reaching out to touch it. No man could be that…that…endowed. Wow. “This can’t be happening.” I covered my face.

“Emma,” he moved behind me, placing his powerful hands on my shoulders. A jolt shivered its way through my body.

I was wrong about the vibe. Way wrong. This man, or whatever he was, radiated hazard. He should come equipped with a set of blinking lights or flares. He was…“Bad. Very, very, bad,” I mumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose.

And pathetically, after everything that had happened, all I could think about was this naked, hard-bodied, glorious “man” who’d just permanently seared his image inside the storage compartments of my female DNA. All men, from this day forward, would have to survive a mental side-by-side comparison against him. They’d all lose.

Then a part of my brain, which was now marinating in a pool of whatever hormonal overload he’d triggered, was trying to tell me something important. It wasn’t ready to capitulate and hand over the keys to the Emma-kingdom.

Ah… there it is. “Don’t touch me!” I swiveled sharply, pushing his hands from my body, pointing one angry finger in his face. “I asked you for one simple thing! One!”

The corners of his delicious lips curled as he arrogantly flipped his dark, wet hair over his bronzed shoulder. “Exactly. You asked.” He took one bold step forward, well within my personal-space bubble. Clearly, he was trying to intimidate me with his endless ripples and na**d body. How sad. It was totally working, which made me even madder.

He bent down to meet my glare, his nose inches from mine. “But I didn’t agree. Did I? In fact, my exact words were, ‘I. Will. Not. Promise.’ Sharp emphasis given on the not, little girl.”

He so had this coming. I lifted my knee, thrusting squarely in his groin. The almost-seven-foot brawny male fell to his knees cupping himself.

“I am not a little girl. Emphasis on the not. And you lied to me! You’re eyes are turquoise.” With the darkening sky, I couldn’t see the exact color, but I saw they were in that ballpark. They were also beacons of heaven I wanted to lose myself in. The bastard.

Then I had an extremely poignant moment of lucidity. What was I thinking? This man, only he wasn’t a man, could snap me like a twig with his pinkies. He looked like a walking, talking, killing machine, designed to tear me limb to limb…

Right after he makes hot, steamy love—bad hormones. Stop that, I scolded myself.

I hated him. He was the embodiment of male pig. And best not forget that someone out there thought he was dangerous enough to imprison him in an ancient Mayan pool, and I had just freed him. Sure, he’d said they were “bad”, but that could have been a lie.

Understanding what an idiot I was, I did the only thing I could think of.

I ran.


The darkness had swallowed the jungle whole, leaving me scrambling over vine-covered branches, rocks, and anything else my bare feet could stub a toe on. I really missed my shoes. Damned kitty. I wasn’t going to get far, but what other option was there? Guy was…he was…there were no words for him. But now I knew why he wanted me to see him first. Bastard likely thought he could switch from using his guilt trips and voice on me to simply flexing his biceps or swinging his gargantuan penis in my face.

Why the hell had I set him free in the first place? Oh, yeah. Because he said he might be able to find out what happened to my grandmother, and he was slowly driving me insane. And, I’ll admit, a tiny part of me wanted to know who or what he really was. Was he a demon? The ghost of gladiator past? I still had no clue.

For certain, he was more beautiful than any living creature should be, which was sufficiently dangerous on its own. Making matters infinitely more perilous, something about him overrode every rational thought in my mind while igniting every female impulse my body was capable of. He was concentrated with an abundance of raw male power, and his body turned me into a dim-witted moth, hell-bent on getting warm and cozy in that nice bright flame.

I don’t know how I found the power to pull away from him, from the need to wrap my legs around his waist, but I was glad I had. He wasn’t good for me when he was just an alluring voice in my head, and he wasn’t good for me now.

I stumbled my way through the darkness, praying to God I was heading in the direction of a road or the lake. I reached out to clear away the next wall of terrifying, critter infested vegetation, hoping I wouldn’t haphazardly grope a snake, or worse, that enormous kitty, but instead found a washboard stomach.

“Emma. That wasn’t very nice.”

“Crap.” I turned to run the other way, but he latched on to my shoulders and pulled me against his unnaturally hard body. A crippling vibration moved through me, paralyzing every inch of my body while simultaneously sending my lust into overdrive.

This was just not right. I wanted him to kiss me. Maybe more than kiss me. “Are you going to kill me?” If he didn’t, I was about to stop breathing, anyway…way too much man. Way too naked.

He let out a low, sinister chuckle—the one I knew all too well—and then released me. “Kill? What’s gotten into you? Although,” he released me and rubbed his groin while I stared wantonly at his thick, long shaft. “If you pull that stunt again, I might be forced to incapacitate you, and trust me, it’ll hurt.”

I tried to gauge his seriousness, even though it was too dark to see his expression clearly. But really, did I need to see more to know he meant business? For heaven’s sake, his touch was like a stun gun. Okay. Time for different tactic.

“Please,” I whimpered. “Just let me go. You promised.”

“My sweet, let’s get one thing straight. You’re not going anywhere until I’ve figured out why those people want you. Got it?”
