Read Books Novel

Accidentally in Love with...a God?

Accidentally in Love with…a God?(Accidentally Yours #1)(29)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“And there’s still no way you’ll tell me who, or what they are?” I asked.

“Not today.”

“But why? I mean—why are you so afraid?”

“Emma, I am an Uchben. We’re never afraid.”

Oh, goody! A real piece of information. He’s an Uchben! Wait… “What the heck is an Uchben?”

He smiled just ever so slightly. “We are an ancient society of warriors who serve Mr. Santiago and his…associates.”

“Are you dangerous?”

He smiled proudly and opened the door. “Absolutely.”

My stomach did a flip. “But in a good kind of way, right?”

“Just knock.” He turned and shut the door.


I got the feeling there was a lot more to Tommaso’s story, some dissonance stirring just beneath the surface of his immaculate exterior. Whatever it was, however, was his problem; I had my own issues to deal with, like my family’s safety and my life being smashed into sad little pieces. Not to mention, I didn’t know where Guy was—but he and I had a huge score to settle—and my life wouldn’t be fixable until I had answers. Maybe he was out hunting Maaskab. Maybe he’d already found a clue about my grandmother.

I scarfed the delicious, chewy bagel and took the world’s fastest shower; I was still in shock from the nightmare. I threw on a pair of jeans—yes, another stupid thong, too—a tee-shirt, and flip-flops. They hadn’t brought me much in the ways of outfit options, but I was much more concerned about my life than I was fashion. A first.

I corralled my mass of unruly curls into a knot at the back of my head and then made a heavy knock on the door. A tall man with thin lips and dark brown eyes opened the door. “This way.”

I followed him down the long hallway, passing several closed doors. I wondered if there were other “guests” staying at the villa.

We reached a set of Mexican, blue and white tiled stairs that descended into a great room. It had the same brownish-red Saltillo floors and two soft brown leather sofas, same as in my room. In addition, there was a fireplace large enough to park a car inside and a wall made entirely of floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking an expansive patio with a view of endless, rolling, vine-covered hills. I was half expecting to see a man with a snappy black beret painting outside. It was too gorgeous for words.

“Is this really Guy’s?” I asked.

“Yes. He’s had it for a very long time, though rarely stays here. Especially recently, as you’re aware. But the Uchben look after all of his assets and have full use of them. This villa is used for training, off-site meetings and team-building events, you know.”

“Oh, sure. Uchben. Team-building. Uh-huh. I totally get that.” Just like I got how Guy had this house all along and never told me. And a plane. What else had he hidden? Wait. I know. What species he was or what else he knew about my grandmother.

I followed the man outside through a set of double doors and down a tiny set of stone steps that led out to a rose garden. The sky was a spotless blue and the morning sunlight felt amazing on my face.

“Wait here,” he said.

“For what?” I wasn’t nervous or afraid, but I wasn’t exactly at ease.

“Tommaso. He’ll be right here.” The man left and went back toward the house. Funny, he wasn’t the least bit concerned I’d run off. He probably guessed I wouldn’t get far.

I sat down on a cement bench next to a pink rosebush with blooms the size of salad plates. Gorgeous. Then there were the endless hills covered in vines. More gorgeous. The place just screamed relaxation. Did it really belong to Guy? He seemed more like the kind of man who’d enjoy a girl-on-girl mud fight or a relaxing day at the cockfights. Not a vineyard.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The air smelled like potpourri—earth, roses, grapevines, and…Polo cologne?

I heard the low rumble of Tommaso’s voice off in the distance. I stood and tiptoed quietly over the path back toward the house. Just around the corner of the villa was Tommaso with his back to me, talking on his cell. In his other hand he had leads with two horses. I was just about to say, “Uh uh. No way, buddy. No horses for me,” but I realized he was talking about me.

He nodded. “Yes. She liked my gift—she’s wearing it.” He paused and listened. “He says he’s on his way now.” Another pause. “Yes. I’ll be ready. Everything will be in place.”

“Yes, sir.” He gave one last nod and flipped the phone shut.

“In place for what?” I said.

Startled, Tommaso jumped and dropped the leads. “Jeez. You scared me.” He sighed.

“Ready for what?” I asked. “Is he coming?”

His eyes shifted briefly, then he bent to pick up the leads. “Yes. Mr. Santiago’s on his way. My chief just wanted to be sure everything is prepared.”

Finally. Guy was sooo going to get it when I saw him. First, I was going to jump on his head and tear out that long hair of his. Then I was going to visit his groin with my knee. Again.

“So what’s this?” I looked at the two horses, one black and the other brown with a white neck.

“They are horses.”

I crossed my arms. “Wow. You don’t say?”

Tommaso’s eyes softened a bit, then he smiled. “They are the best way to see the entire estate.”

“Oh, I get it. You’re being nice to me because I cried and made you hug me this morning? Which, by the way, you were horrible at. Possibly the worst hug I’ve ever had,” I said.

He gave a small laugh and shook his head. “No.”

“Then why?” I waited, still crossing my arms. I had no reason to trust these people and this sudden kindness only…well, confused me.

The man who’d led me outside appeared again, holding up a pair of black, knee-high, leather boots. He handed them to Tommaso and went back to doing whatever the men did around here. Shopping on line for more suits or cleaning their guns?

“Put them on,” Tommaso instructed.

“Not until you answer me. I’ve never been on a horse; I was raised in Manhattan. So before I go and risk my neck sitting on top of that animal, I’d like to know why you’re being so nice.”

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he suddenly looked ashamed.

“Mr. Santiago called this morning, and I told him how poorly you were doing. He instructed me to make sure you had…” He swallowed. “Fun today. He wants you in a good mood when he gets here.”
