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Accidentally in Love with...a God?

Accidentally in Love with…a God?(Accidentally Yours #1)(37)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

The pieces weren’t fitting. Why work with the Maaskab in the first place? Nothing could incite Cimil to make such a horrible act of treason. And if they’d turned on her, then why would she hire mortals like Pizzaro to kill the Maaskab instead of doing it herself? From Emma’s account, Cimil had no issues fighting the dark priests. She’d even fled with several Uchben in pursuit—so, he guessed. She always did enjoy a good chase.

So what was that goddess up to? Guy’s head pounded with frustration. Not a damned piece of the puzzle fit!

He glanced at Emma who was sitting behind him in the Hummer, staring out the window across the fields of vines. Tommaso was driving, and for once, Guy was pleased to let someone else be in control. He wasn’t quite used to handling these machines yet, although he’d enjoyed the rush of going fast during the drive to the villa, even though he took out a few fences and one very innocent bush. But for the moment, Emma’s safety was paramount.

He noticed her expression was solemn, as if she were playing with the same impossible puzzle in her mind. Her reddish-blond curls shimmered in the sunlight that poured through the open window at her side. Her hair was tied back with some kind of a tiny pink string, and she wore a plain gray sweatshirt and jeans. He couldn’t help but bask in her beauty. So many years he’d wondered what she looked like, and now he wished he’d never laid eyes on her.

He also simultaneously thanked the heavens for gracing him with such a vision. Somehow, she’d be the death of him, he just knew it. She was just too desirable—just like Cimil had prophesied. She stole his heart, and his balls—because he’d do anything for her. Anything. Including let her go when the time came.

He shook the thought from his mind. “Emma. Do you know how the Maaskab and Cimil found you?” he asked, thinking she most likely snuck a call to her parents, allowing her location to be traced.

Tommaso lifted his eyes from the road to glance nervously at Emma in the mirror.

She didn’t answer at first, instead fidgeting with her sleeve. “I don’t know. Like I told you, Cimil didn’t say anything—other than she’d been tracking the Scabs, and she realized they were in route to your villa.”

Guy frowned. He wasn’t in the mood for more renegade puzzle pieces. “Did she say where she’d come from or why she was following them?”

Emma shook her head then looked down at her palms. Again she was about to speak, but stopped. Guy had been observing human behavior for what seemed like an eternity, but it didn’t take a deity to figure out she was hiding something.

He twisted his large body to face Emma directly. “You called your parents didn’t you?” He’d used his command-voice on her, so he knew she’d have no choice but to tell him. No one could resist it.

“No. I didn’t. But I’m not talking about this now.” Her eyes darted to Tommaso.

What? She’d ignored his voice? How? And the blasted woman wanted to avoid disclosing something in front of Tommaso? She cared about what he thought?

She’s mine. A spark of jealousy ignited. He hated that she was giving weight to this other man’s opinion of her, and that she’d just seemingly ignored his command.

Well then, let him think less of her. Tommaso wasn’t worthy of Emma, anyway. Frankly, no human man was.

“Emma,” he shifted to his persuasion-voice; it might work better on her. “Tommaso is one of our most trusted guards. You can say anything in front of him. Besides, we don’t have time for this. If you haven’t noticed, we’ve got some serious problems to deal with such as missing and dead guards, and…” he paused. He was about to tell her about the other gods being trapped, but pulled back.

Don’t give away too much too soon, he reminded himself. “And it would be helpful to understand how they tracked you.”

“No.” She folded her arms and glared with defiance.

Again, she’d resisted? She was growing stronger somehow.

He stared at her face, observing closely. She was becoming angry. She always hated when he used his voice to control her. It always sparked her spiteful, vengeful side. He suddenly felt uneasy.

“Fine. I’ve been having nightmares,” Emma said, her voice infused with a subtle wickedness. Yeah, she was mad.

She went on to explain in detail how she’d dreamed of a man several times, not leaving out all of the possessive, seductive things he’d said to her. She explained how she never thought much about them. That is until this last time when he seemed so real and so violent. When she got to the last part, it looked as though she wanted to cry. The dream had truly frightened her, but Guy wasn’t convinced it was anything other than her overactive, human imagination at work.

“The dreams aren’t real,” he declared dismissively.

“But you got inside my head and talked to me. You even woke me up from a coma. So why couldn’t someone else talk to me in my sleep? It would explain how the Maaskab found me. The man in my dream could see where I was and said he was sending people—scary people—for me. He said not to run.”

“Not real,” he repeated.

“Well, why the hell not?”

Guy scratched his rough face.

“Well?” she prodded.

“It’s not possible that the man in your dream is a real god because the others are…well…” Then he stopped himself. How much did he really want Emma to know about the gods being trapped? Or, that he’d need her to return to Mexico and help free them. She’d already been through so much, and he didn’t want to push her over the edge.

“Here we go again! What is it with you? Are you ever going to trust me?” Emma threw up her hands.

Guy snapped. “Everything I say comes under your scrutiny. Nothing’s ever right! I don’t say enough. I talk too much. I keep too many secrets. I butt-in when I shouldn’t. Which is it, woman? Am I supposed to be quiet, or speak? Do I sugarcoat, or be honest? I’m simply trying to protect you, but you don’t have enough common sense to see it! You’re making my head spin.”

Tommaso chuckled, keeping his eyes on the road.

“What are you laughing at?” Emma squawked. “You have no idea how frustrating it’s been living with him.”

“You two sound like an old married couple,” Tommaso said.

Emma’s brow creased. “I’d rather marry a Scab. At least the suffering would end quickly.”

Tommaso roared for all of four seconds until Guy cleared his throat as a warning.
