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Accidentally in Love with...a God?

Accidentally in Love with…a God?(Accidentally Yours #1)(54)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Okay. Compromise, said rational-voice. You get on top, check things out and then decide.

Deal, said naughty-voice. I shifted my weight and rolled him onto his back. He didn’t resist, in fact, he smiled.

I straddled him and caught a glimpse of his heaving chest. He looked uninhibited and hungry. His eyes were changing to a dark emerald green with swirls of sky blue.

He sat up, pressing his bare chest to mime. He cupped my ass and pulled me into his thick erection between my legs.

“Oooh,” I involuntarily groaned. I could feel myself slipping toward the point of no return quickly.

You’re not ready for this, Emma. You can’t handle a man like him.

We had a deal! Check out the gear, then decide, argued naughty voice.

Now or never. I slipped my hand between us and gripped his erection through the silky black fabric of his boxers. His body instantly jerked with pleasure as I pushed his c**k against my wet panties. My fingers didn’t come close to wrapping around that girth. He was enormous. He was also beyond sexy and just the thought of trying to slide him inside me started to send me over the edge. So much man. So thick. So ready. So…mine. I slid myself up and down its length, squeezing and massaging his cock. The fact I was a virgin, no longer registered. I wanted. I needed. I wasn’t leaving his bed until I had him inside me.

He suddenly grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and began pulling it off. The necklace I still wore caught in my hair. He gave a quick tug and the chain broke free. The amulet tumbled to the floor. A searing pain shot through me, and I shoved back from him, writhing in pain, screaming.


I curled into a tight ball as the scorching fire jolted every muscle in my body, making me shiver with excruciating convulsions.

Two panicked guards burst through the front door, Xavier following behind them. “Oh, heavens. We were outside waiting to talk to you and heard screaming—”

Guy’s angry words almost blew out my eardrums when he ordered them to leave.

I rolled over, burrowing my head under several pillows.

As the pain dissipated, humiliation took its place. What had I just done? Correction. Almost done?

I heard Xavier and the two men scramble from the room. Guy muttered something unintelligible at the ceiling, then said, “Emma, I…” I peaked at him from under a pillow. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, covering his face with his hands. “Why? Why did you do that?” he said.

I flipped over, gripping the sheets, and sat up. “Well—I—Christ, Guy. I didn’t mean for that to happen. One minute I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine, and then you were—were giving it to me.”

“But you knew, Emma, we’re not compatible. I could have killed you. What were you thinking?”

He was blaming me and acting like he’d had zero participation? “Screw you.”

Okay. Not so classy. Or civilized. But come on. I almost gave the man—or deity, whatever—my virginity in a heat of passion, and he was talking to me like a child who’d colored over an original Da Vinci with a Sharpie.

“Yes. I know that’s what you were about to do, but how?” he asked.

Smug jerk. I began to cry and pulled a pillow to my face, flopping down on to the bed. “I don’t know. I don’t.”

“Shhh. Okay.” He stoked the back of my head. “I’m sorry. We’ll figure this out. It’ll be okay. Just please don’t cry. I hate it when you cry.”

I nodded, but didn’t bother lifting my head.

“Stay right there. I’ll be back,” he said.

I heard him get out of the bed, slip on his pants, and pad to the door.

There was a rumbling of raised voices outside, and then the door opened.

“Emma? Get decent. You need to hear this.”


Guy let Xavier back in. But not before flashing an apologetic glance over his shoulder. Was the news going to be that bad? He eyes said “yes.”

After providing a ten-minute apology for barging in and interrupting what had almost been a moment I’d remember for the rest of my life, Xavier told us about Friar Bernardino de Sahagún who’d dedicated his life to recording and documenting the history and folklore of Mesoamerica as the Spaniards took over most of Latin America.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Xavier had a calling, which I respected to the n’th degree. But what it had to do with my almost-act of carnal lust with a god well, I didn’t get the point. Until, that is, he explained how the friar recorded a small group of Mayan descendants near the border of Belize who discovered a mine filled with black jade.

Apparently, the jade was believed to have certain mystical properties, one being it was absorbent. Not like a Bounty paper towel. This stone absorbed dark energy, emotional energy, and yes, you guessed it. God-energy.

As soon as the words left Xavier’s mouth, I knew. I looked down at the necklace on the floor with horror as if it were a cootie-infested lollipop.

“That’s how it was done,” Xavier exclaimed. “He made them wear a necklace similar to Emma’s, blunting his energy so he could sleep with these women. They probably wore it through their pregnancies, as well.”

There were several minutes of frantic debate between the two as the dots began connecting.

I stared down at the seemingly harmless piece of jewelry. Could a rock really do all that? Then I remembered that while I had it on, I wasn’t able to make a significant dent in Tommaso when I punched his stomach. But later that same day, after it had fallen off, I’d socked Cimil across the room. It had muted my strength, too.

Then there was the gray soot that covered the Scab’s bodies; Xavier explained that they were using this material as a shield, which is why they were so difficult for the gods to track.

“So, you think the jars are made of this?” Guy asked Xavier.

“It fits. The jars absorb energy. Then, when it’s somehow released—”

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. “Did you say ‘jars?’”

Xavier and Guy’s eyes froze on me.

“Yes. Why?” Guy asked.

“I saw a jar, that’s why. There was one floating in that pool you were trapped in, and I flung it at that stupid cat.”

“But I thought you released me by reciting the phrase I taught you.”

“I never got that far. I was a little distracted by that overgrown kitty—hey, you don’t talk to animals by any chance?”

“Emma! It was the jar. Why didn’t you tell me about it?” Guy yelled.
