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Accidentally in Love with...a God?

Accidentally in Love with…a God?(Accidentally Yours #1)(62)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“Truth?” he said. “It was simply years of pent up frustration. I’m sure you of all people can sympathize.”

Of course. I’d been his first chance at sex since…ever. “But before you left, you said—”

“I said we’d sort your situation out, and we will. But, that doesn’t mean we’re compatible. We’re not. I’m a god, you’re basically a human. Your purpose is to grow up, have children, grow old, and die. Mine is to herd the sheep. And right now, I’ve got wolves. Lots of f**king wolves who’ve been chowing down on my flock. I don’t have time to play house. Sorry, Emma.”

His cold, hard words hit me like a two-ton block of ice. He never cared. He never cared. He never cared. Except when it impacted him. He was so cold. So callous.

I hunched over the sink and grimaced, forcing myself to swallow the pain.

“And since we’re on the subject, and you’re so eager for the truth, I have another confession. One you should know in case anything happens. The attraction you feel for me isn’t real either.”


“My kind can emit a potent pheromone that lulls humans into submission. In the opposite sex, one whiff creates a sexual desire so strong that I could get a girl to strip na**d in a crowded restaurant, crawl to me on her hands and knees, then lick my boots. Ha.” He chuckled. “That one never gets old.”

Wha-what? Pheromones? The man-crack thing was real? “I—I can’t. I don’t understand…”

“There’s nothing to understand. Except that after this is over, you’ll be free to move on and live your life. Normal. Out of my hair. Just like you wanted.”

“Oh,” I said again like a complete idiot while his words ripped through me, leaving nothing behind but my tattered heart and a gaping hole where my self-esteem once stood. Had I really allowed myself to believe our connection was more? Had I allowed myself to feel emotionally attached to this being whose sole purpose in life was to kill? He’d seemed so affectionate and caring at times, but it was always about getting what he wanted from me and nothing more. I had let myself get caught up in his selfish agendas. He was a heartless, selfish, prick, and I allowed myself to be blinded by his exterior. Really, what woman wouldn’t? He was a god. A larger than life specimen of male perfection. And a complete ass.

But me? I was worse than an ass. I was a sucker of colossal proportions.

“Em? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah—tired is all. I’m going to try to catch a few hours.”

“Good idea.”


The bustling inside the plane jarred me from my daze. My mind reeled with betrayal and confusion for hours as I went over the discussion, my life with Guy, my future without him. Why was it so hard for me to accept? Did he really believe I was so small and insignificant? Really? It had always been all about his agenda and the bond?

“Would ya like somethin’ tae eat, Emma? We’ve got less than an hour to go until the drop,” said Gabrán with an all too mischievous smirk.

“Drop?” I questioned.

“Yes, you’ll be flying with Brutus strapped to your back.” Gabrán pointed to brawny man number three-hundred and twenty-two I’d seen that week. Crew-cut Brutus nodded politely, not appearing at all pleased.

“What do you mean by ‘flying?’” I asked, already fearing the worst.

“Well, lass, you don’t expect us to be invisible if we chopper in. We’ll be parachuting our way down tonight.”

Parachuting? They’d failed to share this tiny detail. Of course, I hadn’t asked. I figured we’d land at a nice airport, hop in some jeeps, drive to Bacalar, quietly find the cenotes, and do a little bobbing for jars. Then voila! Let there be gods.

“And you’ll be needin’ tae change your clothes there. Pink is a lovely color, mind ya, but not so effective for cloaking yerself in the dark.”

I looked down at my pink sweater and jeans as he shoved a pile of dark gray clothes at me, including a black ski mask.

“Thanks.” I stood to head back to the bathroom.

“Christ, woman! What the hell are you doing in here?”

I heard grunting and screaming on Guy’s end. “Get the hell off me. Calm down.”

I almost fell forward, but caught myself in between the seats. “What’s happening, Guy?”

“It’s Cimil. She’s decided to drop by and pay me a little visit,” announced Guy.

I looked at Gabrán, “It’s Cimil. She inside the cenote with him.” I hoped she’d poke out his eyes and rip his head off. She seemed like the sort of deity who did that kind of stuff just for kicks.

The buzzing sound from the voices got louder. It was like a cat in a dryer.

“What’s she saying? It sounds awful.” I clutched my ears.

“Shush, Emma, let me listen to her.”

“Guy, make her stop. She’s going to give me a seizure.”

“Cimil, stop screaming. Yes. Yes. I know…but…” He paused. More screeching. “Sorry, Emma, she hysterical. Cimil, I can’t hear you because you’re making Emma squeal.” The screeching stopped. “Thank you.”

“Oh, thank heavens.”

I listened for what seemed like an eternity to one side of the conversation that consisted of an occasional, “Uh-huh” or “Hmmm. Interesting,” from Guy, following by a, “Buzzz. Buzz. Buuzzzz!”

It was beyond annoying. When this was all over, I was sure I’d never want to see another deity or a bee for the rest of my life.

“Anything?” asked Gabrán.

“Guy? The chief wants to know if you have any new information. We’re almost there.”

“Cimil says that she’s been chasing the Maaskab, collecting the jars, and trying to figure out which one of the gods was teaching them to use the jade.”

“Cimil’s innocent? Father Xavier will be relieved,” I commented. “So how’d she end up inside the cenote with you?”

“She was chasing one of the priests through the jungle and thought she had him cornered. He was standing at the edge of the cenote and right as she was about to grab him, he disappeared. She fell in.”

“Too bad she didn’t land on your head,” I mumbled.

He sighed. “Emma, I’m—”

“Shut it. I’m not interested,” I snapped then turned to Gabrán. “Let’s get this over with already. I’m ready to kick some ass.”
