Read Books Novel

Accidentally in Love with...a God?

Accidentally in Love with…a God?(Accidentally Yours #1)(77)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Then, I saw something amazing. Something I never expected: each moment of our lives together through his eyes. Light.

I heard each word we shared—the fights, the laughter, and the years he listened quietly to the world through me, lovingly savoring each moment. I felt his heart racing as he pulled me from the dark pool, when he saw me for the first time and pressed his lips against mine. My mind vibrated with the passion, desperate need, and the raw emotion he felt for me. I relived his joy as he carried my unconscious body into the portal, knowing he would give me immortality. I would be his forever.

My mind pulsed and ached with the love he held for me, and in that moment, I knew everything about him, every corner of his mind. Finally, there were no more secrets between us.

I blinked and felt my mind settling back into my body and the intense pleasure of Guy slipping in and out. With each stroke of his shaft, he groaned, and I felt a crippling euphoric release. And with each release, I clung to him and begged for more.

He obliged, eagerly filling me again and again, launching my body into a never-ending spiral of orgasms. His body continued pumping against mine, the ropes of his muscles—arms, chest, shoulders, and neck—working beneath his glowing golden skin, while he bore down on me with his fiery turquoise gaze.

Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, that I’d simply pass out from intense pleasure, he cl**axed. The plane shook violently as he convulsed inside me and collapsed.

We lay there panting, still joined, the sweat-slicked skin of our bodies pressed tightly together. Even if I could have moved, I didn’t want to. Being so close to him made me feel so whole, so at peace, so full of love.

My new heaven.

“Wow. Thank you. And thank you for this new, sturdy body.” I said, finally catching my breath. “That was—that was…really worth the wait.”

“Yes,” he said with an airy breath. “Thank the gods we’ll be getting an eternity together, because I’ll never get enough of that.”

Ditto. I mean—not only did the man curl my toes, but he made the sky shake.

“Emma, I know that was a little fast, but you are so amazing and delicious, I couldn’t help myself. I promise, I will take my time for the next round,” Guy said.

Holy guacamole. He actually thought he’d short-changed me? “Are you kidding? It was the best ten minutes of my life.”

Even though the weight of his enormous frame didn’t bother me—again, thank you, new body—he shifted to my side and pulled me tightly into him. “Ten minutes?” he questioned.

I looked at his sweat covered brow. Gods, he looked so adorable lying there with an after-sex-glow.

The pilot suddenly announced our eminent arrival to JFK over the intercom.

“How about five hours,” Guy said with smug, male pride.

“Five hours?”

He nodded, gloating.

“I hope you’re absolutely certain I’m immortal. Because if that was your version of a quickie, I think my heart would give out with the extended version.”

He smiled and then was silent for several moments before blurting out, “After the wedding, would you wear the ring for a full nine months? I’m not sure it will work now that you’ve been changed, but I like the idea of having children.”

I held up my left hand and noticed two rings. On my ring finger, there was an offensively colossal, princess-cut solitaire. On my pinky, a small silver ring with a black jade stone.

I gasped with horror. “Why am I wearing this?”

“Despite your Payal blood and immortality, your body is and always will be anchored in the physical world, Emma, because your light is bonded to tangible mass. Mine is not. I fear our bodies remain incompatible without the jade.”

I was about to yank it off and throw it at him, but then my brain caught up with me. “Wait, Children? Wait! Wedding?”


Three weeks later. Barolo, Italy.

“Emma, I don’t think this color shirt goes with the tie!” Tommaso called out from the great room as I arranged the double chocolate chip, praline cookies on the silver tray in the kitchen. Guy insisted that his delectable creations were to be served as appetizers, rather than dessert.

“Tommy, what man in his right mind thinks pink doesn’t go with black?” I covered my mouth, smothering my laughter. Guy flashed me a disapproving glance and pulled a second batch from the oven.

“Okay,” I whispered to Guy, “so pink is tacky. But my girls love the metro look.” Anne, Nick, and Jess were coming along with my parents, eager to meet my new “man” and his brother, Tommy. I had made Guy take an oath that he would give the girls a chance; he still couldn’t understand that it was normal for women of this day and age to date extensively before settling down. I guess he was still a bit old fashion; after all, he’d waited seventy-thousand years to “cut the ribbon.”

“Emma, stop doting over Tommaso,” Guy growled. “He’s a grown man and doesn’t need your help.”

“Wanna bet?” Tommaso’s life now depended on me. After my mind-altering sex with Guy at thirty-thousand feet, we arrived in New York, thinking I could start putting the pieces of my life—our life—back together. A life that would most definitely include a long, secluded vacation with Guy at his newly renovated Italian villa.

No such luck.

After a very emotional reunion with my parents, which included telling them that I’d been kidnapped by drug dealers, held for a few days, and then rescued by a group of international, clandestine mercenaries who’d been tracking the rogue criminals for months, I introduced my parents to the new love of my life: Guy, one of the mercenaries. He so looked the part.

My mom nearly fainted when she saw him, and my dad was utterly speechless. No one even seemed to notice my eyes were a little different—I had on contacts to cover up the turquoise—because they couldn’t take their eyes off Guy. Neither could I, actually. Somehow he’d become even more devastatingly handsome. I guess being in love suited the God of Death and War. But the joy of our family reunion in New York was short lived.

“Emma, we have to return to Rome,” Guy announced as I was sorting through my drawers, deciding what I’d send ahead to Italy.

“But we just got here!” I whined.

“I know, my love, but Gabrán just called. The Uchben Council will try Tommaso tomorrow. I’m told they will vote against him, and he’ll be given an immortal execution—beheaded.”
