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Accidentally Married to...a Vampire?

Accidentally Married to…a Vampire?(Accidentally Yours #2)(37)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Niccolo didn’t know why. Or how. But there it was: Helena now meant more to him than anything.

Do you love her? He still didn’t know, but perhaps, that was because love was so foreign to his cold heart.

Niccolo looked up toward the front of the car. “How much time until sunrise, Viktor?”

“Forty minutes,” Viktor replied without looking at his watch. “With the polarized glass, we can follow her for another two hours before I’ll tire.

“Do it. We’ll go as far as we can then find a hotel to bunker down.”

Viktor nodded. “Then what?”

“I don’t know. Pray they stop soon—somewhere I can safely sift to and get a chance to steal her back.”

“What about the Demilord?” Viktor asked.

Niccolo growled. Why the hell did the Demilord want Helena anyway? At first, he’d surmised that Andrus wanted to lure him to his death. Niccolo wasn’t an Obscuro, but that didn’t mean the gods couldn’t find offense with something he’d done; however, if that were the case, Andrus would have killed Niccolo on the spot in the hotel. According to what Niccolo had been told, once a Demilord located their target, they’d stop at nothing to finish the job. Collateral damage, loss of innocent human life, wasn’t a concern. They claimed their actions were justified because they served the greater good. Just like those idiot gods they obeyed, the Demilords lacked any sense of compassion. That’s why Niccolo had fled the hotel; he didn’t want Helena to get caught in the middle.

So now, in retrospect, he knew the Demilord’s speech about coming for Niccolo’s soul was a lie. But the other part about f**king his woman? He wants Helena for himself. I must kill him. But how?

Rumor had it that no Demilord had ever been killed by a vampire; they were a hardy breed. But Niccolo was well trained. He could take him; he knew he could. Helena would just need to be out of the way.

Viktor smiled. “Are you sure she’s worth it? The queen will have your head if she finds out you’re picking a fight with the gods’ guard dogs.”

Niccolo looked out the window toward the glowing horizon. “I’m sure.”

Chapter 12

Andrus glanced in the rear view mirror at Helena curled up on the backseat. God, he was tired. This was the longest he’d ever gone—two weeks without sleep and a proper meal. Yes, he was immortal and part vampire, but his body functioned best with natural foods. Easy, convenient energy, such as Snickers and Poprocks—his favorites—could only take an angry warrior so far.

He glanced at his watch. The sun would be rising in twenty minutes. He’d drive all day to put distance between them and The Executioner. Then, he’d find somewhere safe to stop and sleep for just a few hours before driving the rest of the way. No doubt the world’s most deadly vampire and his guards were right behind them. Andrus, like all Demilords, knew Niccolo and his men were a force to be reckoned with. He’d never have a chance fighting so many well-trained warriors at once. Especially since Andrus’ abilities were hunting, not being hunted—a tiny detail he failed to share with Helena. He had already summoned backup, but they were dispersed around the globe and would take a day or two to meet up with them.

Heading southwest, eyes fixed to the rain sleeked road, he leaned to his right and grabbed another Snickers from the glove box. Just two more days, and they’d be there. He’d send a message to Niccolo, and Reyna would finally be his. Perhaps after three hundred years, he’d finally see an emotion touch her eyes. Terror. Yes, even the cold-hearted queen would feel that when he took her head.


Helena sensed the faint hum of an engine as her mind slipped out of a deep sleep. If it weren’t for the discomfort of a seat belt digging into the top of her head, she might have slept another day. She wiggled her toes and lethargically sat up.

“Good morning, Helena,” Andrus said in a groggy, deep voice. “Or, should I say afternoon?”

“What’s good about it? I feel like the world just sat on my head and kicked me in the stomach.”

Andrus did not respond.

“Hey, are you okay.” She leaned between the driver and passenger seats to look at him. His eyes were glued to the road, but his lids were at half-mast.

“I am…tired.”

Helena noticed the pile of candy bar wrappers on the floor of the passenger side. “I hope Demilords have a good health plan.”

“I only wish I could get sick, then maybe I’d die.”

“Jeez. Morbid enough?”

“Sorry,” he said. “I’m tired. That’s all.” His eyelids notched down another fraction of an inch.

“When’s the last time you slept?”

“Two weeks ago.”

Lord love a duck! Even Niccolo slept daily, and he was tough as nails. “Pull over, let me drive.”

Andrus shot daggers with one glance. “No.”

“Oh, I get it. Only big strong men know how to drive a Hummer?”

“What car do you drive, California girl? Wait. Let me guess. A convertible VW or a Prius.”

Ha, was he going to feel stupid! She was one of the lucky ones who commuted less than five miles each way to school. So when Ann’s brother wanted to sell his truck for the bargain price of two Gs, she pounced.

“A 1974 Bronco.”

Andrus’ head swiveled. “Windsor V8?”

“What else?” Helena loved that frigging gas-guzzler. The hard top was a bear to put on in the winter, but in the summer, that truck was a little slice of heaven. She felt strong and free riding that beast down the highway along the coast.

“Fine.” Andrus pulled off at the next exit into the gas station.


As soon as Helena topped off the tank and hit the freeway, Andrus was sawing logs in the backseat. For her, the seat had been spacious, but for a man his size, he looked like a bear crammed in a shoebox. As soon as she found a good spot, she’d pull over and rent a room so he could stretch out. In all honesty, she could use a hot shower and bed herself. Helena flicked on the radio and picked an oldies station. The Beach Boys came on, and it suddenly reminded her of the night Niccolo saved her.

She changed the station. She didn’t want to think about him; she wanted to think about going back to her old life with her mom and friends.

But they’re moving on with their lives. Shouldn’t you?

She’d spoken to Jess and Ann just last week. They’d already moved away to start their careers. Her other friends had gone off to get their doctorates. What was she really going back to? Just a place with lots of memories of surfing at sunset and running on the beach.
