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Accidentally Married to...a Vampire?

Accidentally Married to…a Vampire?(Accidentally Yours #2)(54)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

She snickered and slapped her thigh. “It was hysterical watching him keep his hands off you! OMG’sss.” She shook her head. “Good times. Good times. Oh! And I told him you needed to be made a vampire, willingly, on the day of your three-month anniversary. That was a big must—or…is a big must. Yeah. That one was right…I think. It’s hard to keep this stuff straight in my head.”

It all explained Niccolo’s bizarre behavior. “So you lied to him? It was all just a plan to get him to fall in love with me quickly, and then lead the army for your war?”

Cimil flashed a devilish grin. “Yes? And…yes, again? Protecting one’s true love makes for an excellent warrior. Didn’t you see how he slaughtered that creep Rodrigo the night you met? Brilliant move on my part, by the way, tipping off the queen—I knew she’d send that loser to check things out, and I was just itching to collect his soul. Cha-ching!”

Damn her! This was all just some joke. But on the bright side…“He really does love me?”

“Of course. Weren’t you listening?” Cimil pointed up. “The universe herself has destined your joining. You were meant for each other.”

“Then why can’t it still work out?”

“Looks like your boy Andrus, there, has taken a liking to you. Totally unexpected, you know, and it will all end terribly. He kills Niccolo. You kill Andrus. And we’re left with that crazy cow, Reyna, and lose the Great War.” Cimil made a sour face and turned her thumb down. “Booo. Terrible ending.”

“Why does Andrus try to kill Niccolo? I thought he was after Reyna?”

Cimil shrugged. “Ask him. Likely some competitive, jealousy bull crap. What do I care? He’s not nearly as entertaining as Niccolo. Especially with that bond you two share—it’s the most powerful I’ve ever seen. Oh! How about the time he was PMS’ing? Does it get any better than that? PMS’ing vampire men! Hysterical!”

A blind rage flew over Helena. “Glad to see the destruction of our lives is so damn amusing to you! You know what? Maybe the world is better off ending in a giant apocalypse! At least we won’t have to put up with your insanity!”

Cimil shrugged. “Hey, I’ve been alive for a very, very long time. Boring,” she sang out. “Gotta do something for kicks, and a good apocalypse every now and then fills the cracks. It’s like the Super Bowl for us gods…but without the beer and everyone could die. Fun, right?”

Helena wanted to strangle Cimil. It really was all just a big game to her, but Helena would lose everything, including her life. At least she could save Niccolo; that was something. And she’d die knowing he really loved her. And hopefully the good guys would win, saving the people she loved, too. But what if this was just another lie? She just told Helena that she’d lied and manipulated Niccolo. The woman was obviously insane. But was she evil? Were there bad gods? Helena had no clue. Christ! This sucked!

“I hope the universe has a big pay-back planned for you, Cimil. I hope she mates you to a toad, and he gets eaten by some animal so you can suffer a broken heart for eternity.”

Cimil frowned. “Oh, believe you me. I’ve starred in that movie four times! Hey, what made you such a bitter pill?”

Helena had never been so angry and heartbroken in her entire life. “I don’t know, maybe you just told me I found the love of my life and now I have to die to save him. Could also be that there’s an apocalypse coming so everyone I love is in jeopardy? Take your damned pick!”

“Isn’t it so exciting?” Cimil clapped and jumped like a pogo stick. “You’re going to love it! Did I tell you that your Auntie Cimil is also Goddess of the Underworld? We’re going to be together for a very, very long time.”

Underworld? “You mean—I’m going to hell?”

“Silly, where else would a vampire’s bride go? Heaven?” Cimil burst out laughing. “You’re a riot, girl!”

Chapter 18

Niccolo pressed the heel of his palm into his throbbing forehead. In his other hand was a bag of ice-cold blood. His brain felt like the victim of a bear trap.

Helena. She’s afraid. She was also feeling loss and love, the sting of betrayal and rage, all at the same time.

Then suddenly, it melted away. He felt nothing. Bloody inferno! What was happening to her?

He clutched the bag firmly in both hands. I must go to her. I must be strong to fight. He thrust the bag to his mouth and pierced the plastic with his fangs. The blood slid down his throat. I will not retch, I will not retch…His stomach churned painfully. The air seemed to swirl violently around him. He was going to either pass out or vomit.

Think of Helena. Think of Helena.

He swallowed hard and managed to keep from vomiting. He felt his strength returning immediately. He grabbed another bag from the cooler behind the passenger seat and drank it down quickly.

He lifted the sleeve of his black tee and recited the annoying words etched in his skin. He knew the phrase actually worked because he’d watched his men slip over the gate and into the standing of trees. Niccolo moved out of the vehicle and strapped two swords over his back. He gave the leather straps crossing his chest a quick tug and then turned towards to the iron fence.

There, standing just out of reach on the opposite side of the iron slats, was Andrus. His face was all smiles, smug and mocking.

Niccolo unsheathed his swords and approached with deadly determination. He would take Andrus’ head if it was the last thing he did. If he had to gnaw through the metal fence, he’d goddamned do it.

The Demilord held out his palm. “Don’t go there, Executioner.”

He threw something metallic and large up and over the fence. Viktor’s sword landed at Niccolo’s feet.

Andrus blew on his fingernails and then buffed them on his dark shirt. “We’ve got your men locked up in our dungeon. You did a piss poor job of training them, you know. Taking their weapons was like taking candy from a baby.”

They are still alive. Thank the gods. Niccolo just needed to buy a moment and think. “You speak from experience. Why am I not surprised you pick on babies?”

Andrus frowned. “Funny. Let’s see if you’re in the mood to crack jokes tomorrow after we stake your men to the ground and let them bake in the sun until they whither and die. I think one is named is Viktor, is he not? Your right hand for almost a millennium? Then there’s always Helena…I bet she’d make a nice snack for a few of your hungry vampires.”
