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Accidentally Married to...a Vampire?

Accidentally Married to…a Vampire?(Accidentally Yours #2)(56)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Helena looked at her watch. Twelve o’one in the morning. So ironic. I met Niccolo three months ago today.

“But Cimil said I have to die to save him! And look at the goddamned book, Viktor! Look at it! You can and you will.”

Chapter 19

Niccolo rang the red call button at the front gate of the Demilord compound—Camp Fucktard—and groaned as the sun hit his back. It would drain what little energy he’d managed to gain from the small sips of blood he’d kept down.

A deep voice answered over the speaker box. “Wait there.”

“Before I turn to ash, if you don’t mind.”

The sun fully emerged over the horizon just as Andrus appeared a moment later with a large sword strapped to his back.

“Where is Reyna?” he barked through the wrought-iron gate.

Niccolo crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll take you to her once Helena and my men call me from somewhere safe.”

Andrus raised his dark brow. “Nice try, Vampire. How do I know you really have your queen and won’t double cross me?”

Niccolo reached into his pocket, punched the speaker button on his cell phone, and then held it out for Andrus.

Reyna’s voice roared through the phone, “Niccolo! I can hear you. Untie me immediately! You worthless pile of dog—”

“As you can hear,” Niccolo said coldly, “she’s ready and waiting for you.”

Reyna continued to scream obscenities as Andrus paused, thinking it over.

“Three hundred years, right? That’s how long you’ve waited for your revenge,” Niccolo urged Andrus.

“Sift her here,” Andrus demanded.

“She’s bound with silver chains; I cannot. You’ll have to go to her.”

Andrus eyes narrowed. “Where?”

“Somewhere in Europe. I’ll sift you there,” Niccolo responded.

“I understood vampires could only sift a few miles at a time.”

Niccolo smiled with a cocky grin. “What can I say? I’m awesome.”

Andrus cocked one brow, turned his back, and pulled out his cell. “Let them go.” He paused and listened. “Then just open the hidden door so they can sift away with the girl.” Andrus hit the face of the phone and shoved it deep in his black leather pants before he turned to Niccolo. “It will be a moment.”

“How were your men able to capture them so easily?” Niccolo asked.

Andrus shrugged. “What can I say? I’m awesome.”

Niccolo laughed. “Come, come now. I’ll be dead within the hour. What’s a little sharing among friends?” In truth, if he survived this, it might be useful information.

Andrus paused for a moment, still standing out of arms reach on the other side of the gate. “Let’s just say the gods gave us more than just their blood.”

“Divine weapons?”

Andrus shrugged again. “Something like that. We were created for the sole purpose of taking out vampires. Got to have some tools.”

“I sometimes wonder,” Niccolo said with regret, “what we could have accomplished if we’d worked together.”

“You’re partially to blame for my life being taken.”

“I’m quite certain I am not responsible for your situation in any way.”

“Where did you go, Niccolo?” he drawled, scathing. “You disappeared off the face of the planet, and without you leading the army, everything fell apart; the Obscuros began multiplying like cockroaches. Humans would have ended up enslaved if the gods hadn’t stepped in and created us.”

Niccolo debated telling Andrus the truth. Would it change anything? Would it change his desire to take Andrus’ head? No. Andrus had used Helena’s life as a bargaining chip for the queen. Andrus wanted to kill Reyna and end all vampires, even those who lived according to the Pact and served a crucial purpose in this world—culling the evil human population. Yes, perhaps a bit of the truth is what this man needed.

“My absence was involuntary.”

Andrus snarled. “What do you mean?”

“Divine intervention is what I mean.”

“I don’t believe you,” Andrus growled.

“Ask Cimil yourself.” Niccolo crossed his arms. “It’s also clear the Demilords can’t handle the job alone. The world needs good vampires.”

Andrus laughed. “Can’t handle it? I think we can.”

“Really? When I was taken by Cimil, the planet was in fairly decent shape. I returned to an Obscuro…” oh, what’s that phrase Sentin likes? Ah! “Cluster f**k. Makes me wonder. Whose side are you really on?”

Andrus growled. “My side. We gave up killing Obscuros. It was futile. We’d kill one, three more would pop up—like f**king immortal Whac-A-Mole.”

Niccolo’s phone rang. He looked at the number. Viktor. “Are you with Helena?”

There was a pause. “She is here,” Viktor sounded distraught.

Niccolo stared directly at Andrus as he spoke to Viktor. “Are you on your way to the safe house? I don’t want those bastards to find her.”

“Yeah, but there’s something I gotta tell you,” Viktor said.

Niccolo nodded. “I will call you very shortly, Viktor.” He hit end. Unfortunately, whatever Viktor had to say needed to wait. Right now, everything hung in the balance.

He turned his attention back to Andrus who seemed hell-bent on finishing is point. “As you can see, we found a much better solution to killing Obscuros…we’ll just kill your queen and watch your race dwindle to nothing. The vampires who remain, will be hunted. Ah, the smell of retirement grows near.” He took a stoic breath. “All right, then. I held up my end of the bargain, now take me to Reyna.”

The gate creaked open and Andrus stepped out. “No tricks, Niccolo. There is nowhere you or your men can hide from us. And don’t think we can’t get our hands on Helena again if we wish. We have friends in very high places.”

Niccolo swallowed his anger. “Are you certain you wish to do this? You are half vampire. This could end badly for you too if Reyna dies.”

Andrus stepped forward. “I’m willing to take the chance that my other half saves me.”

“So be it.” He grabbed Andrus by the shoulders. “Hang on.”


Andrus blinked and suddenly found himself in a long dark tunnel. A wave of dizziness struck him, and he stepped to the side, his feet landing in a shallow puddle.
