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Accidentally Married to...a Vampire?

Accidentally Married to…a Vampire?(Accidentally Yours #2)(61)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Reyna’s smile melted away. “Such cruel, cruel words, Andrus dear. But keep it coming. It will make your screams that much sweeter to my ears.”

With slits on either side, her long black dress didn’t impede access to her usual arsenal of weapons strapped to her thighs. What tool would she choose? The small jewel encrusted blade he’d given her as a gift when they were lovers? Or her favorite machete she was rumored to carry these days? Today, she also had on leather thigh-high boots. She could be carrying a shotgun, too. He had to keep pushing her, make her furious so she’d kill him now, or he’d end up filleted, diced, and then charred daily for an eternity. Demilords were extremely resilient.

Andrus resisted the urge to squirm in the chair even though the ropes were burning his wrists. “Let’s also add delusional to that list. Shall we? Or, how about disgusting, evil, unfit to rule, vindictive, and…” He could see his words were not having an impact. In fact, she seemed bored by his tactics.

“Are you getting fatter?” he threw out.

Reyna’s eyes bulged with anger.

He wanted to laugh. Some things never changed. She was anything but fat. In fact, Reyna’s body was sleek and muscular. The memories of what he’d done to that delicious body flashed in his mind. He flinched. He didn’t want to think of those days. The days when he worshiped her, loved her. The days when she drove him mad because she refused to love him back.

Think of the day she betrayed you, he told himself. Think of how she turned you into a vampire and then tricked you into becoming a Demilord.

He said, “It’s amazing. Really. I didn’t know vampires could put on weight, but you’ve managed to be the first. Yes. Let’s add fat pig to the list of Reyna’s marvelous traits.”

Reyna snarled. She wrapped her fingers around Andrus’ neck and gave it a squeeze. The pain rippled down his spine. “Nobody calls me fat!”

Andrus closed his eyes. He prayed she’d keep going and take his head cleanly off.

Suddenly, she let go. “But, I suppose,” she said with an optimistic, perky tone, “everyone’s entitled to their opinion.”

Dammit all to hell! There has to be something I can say to push her over the edge.

“Oh, trust me,” he said, his voice raspy and low, “everyone’s got one. You should hear what your men say behind your back. They think you’re incompetent—”

“Enough, Andrus! It’s not going to work. You will be tortured. And I will enjoy every second.”

She bent down slowly and placed her hand gently to his cheek and kissed the corner of his mouth. “But first, I thought I’d enjoy that body of yours one last time, you know, before I slice it up into luncheon meat.”

She gripped his arm and snapped her fingers. They were suddenly in her townhouse bedroom in Paris. He recognized it because it was the very same one he’d been in when she’d taken his human life. This didn’t surprise him, but what did was how she could sift such long distances. Just like Niccolo. So, what other things had he been wrong about?

With vampire speed, Reyna tossed him like a rag doll onto her plush, red velvet bed, and tied him to the wrought-iron headboard. Before he blinked she was tugging at the top of his black leather pants. With ease she slid them down.

“Just as I remember you,” she whispered, sliding her red fingernails up his thighs. “Strong and lean.” She paused, staring at his flaccid penis. “What’s the matter, Andrus honey? You used to love it when we played this game. Don’t you recall?” She ran her hand over his groin.

Andrus stared blankly at the ceiling. Oh, he remembered all right. But there was no way in hell he would allow himself to forget how she’d betrayed him. He would not think about those endless nights of marathon sex when he bent her luscious body every which way possible and took her. He would not think about how much he enjoyed pounding his c**k into her. He would not give her the satisfaction of watching him grow hard for her—

“Oh, yes. Just like I remembered.” She began stroking him vigorously.

What? He looked down. Dammit! He was getting hard. This was not going well. If he kept this up, she’d keep him around for a millennium chained to her bedroom wall. “It’s only hard because I was thinking of Helena.”

The queen’s hand suddenly froze on his stiffening member. “What did you just say?”

Andrus instantly regretted his words. He should have simply said “another woman." The name Helena had just slipped out.

The queen flew into a rage. “Impossible! You could never love another woman! Never.”

Finally. He found the key to provoking her. Who knew she would be the jealous type? But it would be a risky game, this one. The queen now might go after Helena. He didn’t want that.

“Who said anything about love? She’s just a hot piece of ass. I find a new one every week,” he lied. “And trust me, compared to you…let’s just say age is beauty and the bloom fell off your two thousand year old rose about, well, two thousand years ago. Frankly, f**king a woman that old is pretty disgusting. I’m amazed you still get any.”

There. That ought to do the trick.

In the blink of an eye, Reyna was straddling him, her hand wrapped around his neck. “You’ll regret saying that, my love. I promise.”

She leaned down and sunk her fangs into his neck.

Chapter 21

Helena frantically paced across the living room of the lavish hotel suite. What was she going to do? She had no way of calling anyone for help or stopping Niccolo. He was hunting his best friend and would likely kill him before she’d had a chance to explain. Yes, Viktor had hurt her; however, there was more to the story.

She had to do something. She was even considering calling Andrus at this point. He might help her—oh no. Her heart suddenly sank. What happened to Andrus? Niccolo never answered her question. She should hate Andrus for everything he’d done, but couldn’t. He was just another soul caught up in this mess.

“Ha! I knew it,” a female voice blurted out behind her. Helena swiveled on her heel to find a gorgeous redheaded woman in a long black dress with side-slits and thigh high leather boots. “So predicable, my boy, Niccolo. He said he was going to San Francisco. I picked the most expensive room in the most expensive hotel.” The woman looked around the room. “I can smell him. Where is he?”

Helena wished she knew, especially now. This woman screamed danger. Was she another crazy goddess?
