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Accidentally Married to...a Vampire?

Accidentally Married to…a Vampire?(Accidentally Yours #2)(65)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Reyna. Was. Dead.

No! No! No!

But there was no denying it; her eyes were as cloudy as a week old fish, and her body was disintegrating.

“Gods no!”

He could care less about Reyna, but how would he save his woman? His body now felt like he’d been submerged in hot liquid metal. Reyna’s blood—the blood flowing through his veins which had kept him immortal all these years—was withering away. In a matter of moments, all that he was would be no more.


Clutching his beloved like a cherished broken doll, his knees buckled. “I love you, Helena. Love you like no other man has ever loved a woman in the history of the world.” He brushed the tendrils of her honey locks from her forehead. “I know a part of you still hears me, and you must know that you’ve meant everything to me. You are the light I’ve been deprived of for thirteen centuries. Do you hear me, woman? I love you!”

With those solemn words of desperation, he realized her heartbeat was gone. He never knew so much pain could be possible for one being to bear. What had he done to deserve this? Wasn’t it enough that he’d had his human life, a life filled with love for his brothers and family, ripped away? Wasn’t it enough that despite his loss, he hadn’t crumbled? That instead, he’d chosen to dedicate his existence to protecting the innocent and killing Obscuros? He’d asked for very little in return: his freedom, which he no longer cared about, and now, for his mate to live.

Despair filled every crevice of his soul as he sat on his haunches, paralyzed while Helena died in his arms and his own life slipped slowly from his body, preventing him from saving her. “I will find you in another life, my love. I will always find you. We are meant to be together…forever.”

A small chuckle came from Andrus who was curled up on the floor writhing in pain. Niccolo had almost forgotten about him. Black splotches covered Andrus’ body. The spots were turning to gaping holes, some the size of grapefruit. He groaned as the holes seemed to be filling in with new pink flesh. The vampire blood in his body was dying, and the light of the gods was repairing him. Andrus’ gamble had paid off.

“I’m finally free,” he laughed quietly, his eyes empty.

Niccolo gathered up his strength and walked slowly to the bed with Helena cradled in his arms. He laid her down on the soft velvet comforter before taking his place beside her. The last memory he wanted was of sweet, beautiful Helena.

He stroked the loose strands of hair from Helena’s face. She was so beautiful. He couldn’t have imagined ever loving anyone so much. But he had. He still did. And he was grateful for it. He was grateful for every moment they’d had together.

I will find you in the next life, my love. This I vow.

He looked at his hand. The flesh melted away, leaving giant holes filled with ash. He gripped Helena with his last ounce of strength, hoping their souls might travel together to the next place, wherever that was.

“I love you, my bride.”

Too overcome with pain as the queen’s blood died inside him, his body gave out.

Chapter 22

“Bravo! People. Well done! That was fabulous!”

Gripping Viktor by the arm, Cimil appeared at the side of the bed and began clapping and jumping as if she’d just won a shiny new car. “I can’t remember how long it’s been since we’ve seen such a fab show! This was drama-tastic! Better than Romeo and Juliet. Better than The Sound of Music, South Park, Trueblood, Dexter, My Little Pony, and Shrek put together!”

“Cimil, shut it!” Viktor barked. “You’re a sick, sick goddess, and I sincerely wonder why the gods haven’t locked you away yet.”

Cimil’s bright red lips puckered into an exaggerated pout. “I’m wounded, Malibu Beach Vampire. I thought we had something special, you and I. But now I feel like a razor head, toothpick, dental floss, Q-tip, gallon of gas, paper plate, plastic fork, space shuttle, baby seal soul, cruise ship, Swarovski crystal, and Faberge egg.”

“Huh?” Viktor’s face twisted.

“Yunno. Things you use once and throw away. Did someone forget his vampy oatmeal this AM? Jeeeez,” she spouted.

Viktor snarled. “Yeah. Whatever. And for the record, you made me sleep with you. Blackmail-sex does not constitute ‘something special.’”

Cimil coyly chewed her index finger and shrugged. “Well, you wanted to find out who the blonde wench from your dreams was and why she haunts you. I saw an opportunity to get a taste of that manly body of yours. What can I say? I’m an opportunist—or…a total whore. Gods, it totally rocks to be me!”

Viktor shook his head and stared down Niccolo and Helena. “Are you going to help me move them or not?”

Cimil sighed. “I suppose. Do you think Niccolo will ever forgive you for turning Helena into a vampire?”

Viktor growled. “You told me he would because I saved her. Since Reyna wasn’t my maker, Helena will live on. Do you think he’ll ever forgive you for turning him into a Demilord before you put him to sleep in your piggy bank?”

She shrugged. “Oooh. I hope not. I love conflict—World War Numero Dos…fucking awesome! Can’t wait for number three! BTW—I wonder if we can come up with any new twists for these two lovers. Oh! How about Immortal Survivor? We can put them on an island with only each other for food. See who holds out longest?”

Viktor growled. “Don’t even think about it, you crazy shrew. They’ve been through enough.” Viktor scooped up Niccolo’s limp body which was already healing.

Cimil shrugged and picked up Helena whose wounds were also now closing.

“I guess we’ll come back for the other one,” Viktor commented as he glared at Andrus unconscious on the floor.

Cimil narrowed her eyes. “That one is gonna need a little therapy after his ride on the crazy-Reyna bus. I’ll have to take him back to my realm and see if that puts him right.”

Viktor cocked his head. “You can take other beings back to your world?”

Cimil looked confused. “Nope. Private club. Gods and demigods only.”

The realization hit Viktor. He looked down at Niccolo. “You mean, now that their vampire blood is dead…?”

Cimil nodded. “I know! It’s fabulous, right? I love when we get new members!”


Helena’s awareness of her own thoughts washed over her like an unrelenting fog. In the distance, birds chirped and a gentle breeze wafted through the treetops, penetrating the sanctuary of her deep slumber. The air was thick and warm like a soft, soothing blanket.
