Read Books Novel


Accidentally…Over? (Accidentally Yours #5)(31)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Now this “man” had shown up and made her want something, something that would make her fear dying. Dammit. Why? He’d ruined everything.

“Ashli?” His breath tickled her neck. “Do you remember when I said you were my match? I do not think you understand what it truly means, who you truly are—”

She thrust him away. “Stop! Just stop! Okay? I don’t want to hear another word.”

“What is the matter?” he asked.

“You need to leave.”

“I cannot do that.”

“I’m not asking,” she barked.

“I’m not negotiating. I will not leave. Not until I know you are safely alive, fulfilling your role in the future.”

There he went with the whole “mysterious destiny” bull crap again. “And as for me, for us”—he paused—“never mind.”

“I am destined for one thing only: death. You’ve even admitted it.” She turned to leave but ran into a wall of hot, hard muscles. He gripped her by the shoulders.

“I admire your stubbornness,” he said. “Truly commendable. However, I am a god. I’ve been alive for seventy thousand years, give or take a millennia, and I know when I’m right. I also know how to win. You will not die. The Universe will not take you from me.”

His possessive words struck her down like a bolt of lightning. She couldn’t resist wanting this—whatever “this” was. She wanted to belong to him, a real live god.

He gripped her chin and tilted her head up. She knew he was looking into her eyes. She could feel it.

“Haven’t you ever heard of fate, woman? There is nothing stronger. It is an anchor in the ocean of time. Unmovable. And you are mine.”

His mouth was on her, hot, demanding, filled with a potent concoction of conviction, arrogance, and need. It didn’t matter what her mind told her; her body, heart, and soul jumped into the tiny life raft he’d just offered her.

Her muscles simultaneously relaxed and constricted with his touch, and she opened her mouth to the heat of his tongue and lips. Her hands moved from his smooth, chiseled chest, up his shoulders, seeking that mane of silky, long hair she knew she would find. Her fingers channeled through the soft, thick strands and pulled him toward her. Eyes closed, she saw every detail of this gorgeous man in her mind. Her collage. He was perfect. Waves of caramel-brown hair with red-and-gold highlights that shimmered in the sun. Skin the color of deep amber honey, and eyes like a tropical ocean, a shimmering turquoise, surrounded by a thick fringe of dark brown lashes. And his lips. Full, delicious, succulent.

With her body, she backed him against the wall, savoring his hard frame against her soft curves. She felt like she’d lose her mind if she didn’t do something with this pent-up lust. He turned her into an animal.

“You’re really not wearing any clothes?” she panted in between heated, wet, desperate kisses.

Instead of answering with words, he took her hand, the one palming his delicious pectoral, and slid it down. She kept her eyes tightly shut, not wanting what they couldn’t see to get in the way.

Ripped abs, a delicate dip in his hard stomach where she found his belly button, and then a light dusting of hair, slightly course. Was he really going to place her hand where she thought? And hoped?

Never breaking their wild, hungry kisses, her fingers grazed a thicker patch of curls and then… Holy, sacred shlong-a-saurus. She sucked in a sharp breath the moment her fingertips made contact. Hard, velvety, thick.

Máax released a grating groan, the kind that scraped and clawed at a woman’s core. That core which now quivered when she realized her hand only made it partially around his manly girth. Her fingers followed the long, hard line of his wickedly large penis, and she wondered when she would reach the tip.

He groaned again, this time so gravelly that she almost orgasmed. How is that even possible? It was as if the sound of his voice delved deep inside and enveloped her throbbing, pulsing flesh, rhythmically pushing against her.

This has to be bad. She had absolutely no control over herself when around him. But feels so good.

She leaned into him, their lips becoming more demanding and greedy of each other as she pressed him against her stomach. She’d never wanted to do this with a man, but she found herself needing to pleasure him, to hear him call out her name.

She cupped his erection against her abdomen, using her hand to massage him, while their tongues mimicked the rhythm of their bodies working toward the same delicious goal: to make him come. Yes. That’s what she wanted. To make him lose his immortal mind. She wanted to drive him crazy with lust. It felt like a primal instinct.

His hands reached for the hem of her dress, and he swiftly pulled the white flowy fabric up over her head, leaving her in just her pale pink bra and panties.

He unhooked the clasp in the front of her bra and stripped it away. She immediately felt his hungry gaze on her br**sts, right down the tips of her hardened ni**les, as if he touched her with his mind. How did he do that?

“Mmmm,” was all he said, but it managed to push her that final inch, well past any point of control.

Ohmygod. Change plans. She wanted him inside her. She wanted him to take her right there in the kitchen and pound her senseless against the wall. She wanted to feel his insanely thick, hard c**k push inside her body. She wanted him to use her for his pleasure. She just wanted him. All of him. All to herself. I’m so in trouble.

As if reading her thoughts, he spun them both and placed her back to the wall. He gripped her panties and then broke the kiss. She felt him look her over again, perhaps savoring the task of stripping away the last barrier between them.

“You are so… beautiful, Ashli. The most beautiful woman, I’ve ever seen. Every inch is”—he sucked in a breath—“perfection.”

Her br**sts were too big for her frame and her h*ps were too narrow. She’d always hated that about her body, but for a fraction of a second, she saw herself through his eyes. She did feel perfect, like a goddess. A sexy, smart, beautiful goddess.

She smiled but resisted opening her eyes. She knew the image of him in her mind would not be mirrored by her eyes. Her eyes would see nothing. Oh, but he was there. She felt every pulsing ripple, every hard inch. Oh yes, the man was there.

He slowly slid her panties to her ankles, and she kicked them away, leaving her completely bare. She wanted to say something, to tell him how badly she needed him to take her hard with that enormous shaft, but he didn’t give her a chance. His mouth returned to her, smothering her moans and groans.
