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Accidentally…Over? (Accidentally Yours #5)(38)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

A blistering urge to have her hot, lusty way with the god sideswiped her. She wanted to seek comfort in that potent male body—yes, yes, invisible, but she knew exactly what was there—and lose herself in the powerful emotions he triggered. She didn’t care that it might not lead anywhere. Like the last time they’d gone at it like frisky little chipmunks in her kitchen, her entire body craved him.

Before she could act on those impulses, she found herself standing, being tugged toward the bathroom.

“They’ve included every comfort known to womankind: a sauna, jet tub, and champagne bar.”

She leaned inside the doorway. Her entire previous beach house could fit inside. “It’s incredible. Really, but—”

By the hand, Máax tugged Ashli into the hallway. Raised ceilings with large skylights above and white tile flooring beneath illuminated every corner with bright, cheery sunlight. Máax dragged her through the rest of the new home complete with six guest rooms, five more baths, a study, one giant living room, and a gourmet chef’s kitchen.

How had he planned all this?

“And then there is this…” Máax opened the double doors to her new beachside patio.

What the…? She felt like she’d won the grand prize on a game show. And look! It’s your newww open fire pit and stainless steel outdoor kitchen, Ashli! But wait! There’s more! That’s right. It’ssss hand-carved furniture! Wild applause.

“Máax. This is all too much.” He’d gone overboard, turning her sweet, charming tropical bungalow into a multimillion-dollar mansion. Not that she wasn’t grateful, because she was, but it was all too strange.

“Nothing is too much for you.” Máax pulled her into his body. His electrifying hands cupped the back of her head. “I want you to be happy here.”

“I didn’t come here,” she whispered, “for a house. I came because I wanted to live.” And, maybe, to be with you.

“And live, you shall. For a very, very long time—forever, if I can help it.”

Her brain tripped and stumbled. “What did you mean by that?”

“Why don’t you let me finish showing you the house?” he suggested.

“Máax? What is going—”

Whoa. She suddenly remembered Máax throwing her into that pool of dark green water in the middle of the jungle. “Wait! What happened at the cenote?”

The sound of Máax scratching his thick beard perked up her ears. Why was he thinking so hard about his answer?

“Let us go inside,” he finally said.

She swiped for his hand or arm or some piece of him but missed. “No. Tell me now.”

Máax was silent. Was he still there?

“Máax?” She waited for several moments.

“Yes,” he answered. “I am here.”

“What’s going on?” Why did she have a bad feeling?

A gust of wind blew her hair over her face. She pushed it back and caught a glimpse of the ocean. Her ocean. At least that hadn’t changed. She’d give anything for a swim right now to calm her nerves.

“It is simple,” Máax said coldly. “I took you to my realm and filled you with our light. You are immortal now. This is why your eyes are now turquoise. Like mine.”

They are? “What? Sorry?” Did he just say immortal?

Máax grabbed her hand and placed it over his heart. “I am truly sorry for not telling you, but—”

“Sorry? You’re… sorry? You can’t just do that kind of crap without telling a person, Máax.”

“Ahhh,” he argued, “but I can. I am a god, and by definition, that is our right. We meddle. We make decisions. We use the powers and gifts bestowed upon us by the Universe and Creator to keep humans safe.”

He couldn’t possibly be serious. Could he? “Okay. But this is my life! You had no right to—”

“Are you saying you are displeased that you will live?” he asked smugly.

She closed her mouth. That wasn’t the problem. Not even close!

“Because,” he added, “I know you merely pretended to be comfortable with the notion of death, but I saw the truth. You came here because you wanted to survive. I merely took things a step further and granted you immortality.” He paused, giving her a moment to process.

True. She did want to live. He’d given her a glorious glimpse of what life could be like when filled with passion for a man who was so incredible, so powerful and sexy that he made her knees wobble. And he could never die. Ever. He’d never grow old or sick. He would never leave her. That was, if she decided to stay with him, which, at this very moment, was not sounding like a ticket to Happy Ever After Land. How could he make her immortal and not discuss it with her? How?

“So you see,” Máax continued, “you made the choice, I simply gave you what you wanted.” He said proudly, “And I fixed your tooth.”

Conceited, smug, sonofabi—

“I also gave myself something I wanted—well, needed, actually: you.” He added, “And your safety as well.”

Her fury wavered for a moment but rebounded quickly. It was one thing to want to save her, but treating her like she was… she was… not his equal. Uh-uh.

“I’m going for a walk.” She turned toward the beach. “And you better not follow me.”

“You should not be alone,” he argued.

Really? Really? “You know, for a deity, you’re not very smart.” She threw out her arms. “I’m immortal now, remember? I don’t need your protection anymore.”

She didn’t need anyone. Never had. Because she was a survivor. Uh-huh. That’s right.

Ashli stomped down the beach, anger spouting from her ears. So much had happened so fast that she couldn’t quite make it all feel real inside her head. Okay, the anger felt real. Sort of like a wasp break-dancing in her frontal lobe. The hollowness felt real, too. She’d left her home, her café, her life.

Well, you didn’t really have much of a life, now did you?

Maybe not, but it was her life. And she’d left it all because Máax had convinced her that the future would be a safe place. Then why did she feel more in jeopardy than ever?

Because Máax deceived you. How was that possible? Wasn’t he supposed to be the God of Truth?

He made you immortal without telling you, which isn’t the same as lying.
