Read Books Novel

All I Want

I brace myself for the fight I know we’re about to have as I step up into my truck, shutting the door behind me. But it’s not her verbal lashing grabbing my attention the moment I get inside. It’s her, rocking back and forth in the seat, trembling so badly I fear something worse than pneumonia. Her teeth chatter as she keeps her head down, body almost folded in half. I don’t think about what touching her does to me. I can suck that shit up and deal with the ramifications of my actions later, because the only thing that matters right now is getting her warm.

My hand slides along her back, startling her with a jolt that blends into her tremors. We’re both drenched, but she’s colder than me, frigid even. I swear to Christ my hand drops in temperature ten degrees just from the gentle pressure I’m giving her. I need something to wrap her up with, so I grab the beach towel I keep in here for days I go to Rocky Point.

I drop it next to me and grab the bottom of her shirt with both hands.

“We need to get you out of these clothes. Lift your arms.”

She pushes me off and slides closer to the door. “J…j…just t…t…take me home, Luke. I’ll g…g…get warm th…th…there.”

I don’t have time for this. She doesn’t have time for this.

I rip her shirt off, throwing the dripping material on the floor as she fights me every inch of the way. I reach for her boots to remove them but she kicks at me.

“S…s…stop it! Luke, what…”

I grab her ankles, pinning her legs against the seat in between us, and lean closer. “Tessa, you’re fucking freezing. Wrapping you up in this towel isn’t going to do shit unless you take these clothes off, so stop fucking fighting me and let me do this. I have to do this.”

She slouches against the window, her body going limp in surrender. “Why?” she asks, so soft I almost miss it.

I look up at her as I pull off her one boot, then the other. My eyes search her face before I finally admit, “Why did I spend my entire morning putting in a door for a girl I’m not supposed to care about? Why do I do everything?” I drop my gaze to her legs. “It’s you, Tessa. Nobody else would’ve made me stop.”

My eyes pinch shut for a moment before I toss her socks to the floor.

Smart. Admit you’re still hard up on her. Really smart.

“You p…put in a new d…door for me?”

“Yeah. Your key is with that dickhead manager.” I refocus and unbutton her jeans, sliding them off and discarding them with the rest of her clothing. I’m able to wrap the towel around her twice as I shift closer, pulling her up so she’s sitting next to me.

I push her hair out of her face, feeling her lean into my touch, and I suddenly don’t want to drop my hand.

Her eyes, full of unshed tears, draw me in, and slide me even closer to her until she’s right up against me. I don’t fight the commanding need in me that wants to be with her right now. I don’t block it out with memories of our past. I let myself indulge in this. In her.

“Hey,” I whisper, afraid if I speak any louder, she’ll pull away from me. “What is it? Are you still cold?”

“Why her, Luke? Why does she g…get you like that?” she asks, blinking and sending the tears down her face as the quiver in her jaw seems to settle.

I stare, confused, shifting my body so I’m looking at her straight on. “What are you talking about? Why does who get me?”

“What all do you give her? Everything? Does she even have to ask for it?”

Maybe she’s actually in shock right now, because she sure as hell isn’t making any sense.

I lift her chin that’s dropped down, meeting her eyes. “Tessa, I don’t…”

Her hands spring out from underneath the towel and grab the bottom of my shirt, lifting it up to mid-chest. “Does she get this?” Her finger grazes the name on the side of my ribcage. “Does she? Did you tell her who this is?” she asks, her voice breaking as she pushes against me, separating the connection we just had. She takes in a loud breath before yelling, “I wanted this! I had you for three months and I begged you! I fucking begged you, Luke! And she gets it? Why? Why, goddamn it? I gave you everything! I never held back with you and I got nothing.” Her movements slow, the force of her hands weakening as her sobs fill the inside of the truck.

I grab her shoulders and push her back so I can see her. “Who? What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Jolene,” she cries. “You slept with me last night and you have a girlfriend? And you tell her shit about me? Fuck you! I hate you! I fucking hate you.”

She tries to get out of my grip but I hold her in place, pulling her closer as her hands fist my T-shirt. “Goddamn it! Stop fighting me!” She squirms more and I pin her against me, wrapping my arms around her body. “Calm the fuck down a minute. Jesus Christ. She’s my neighbor, Tessa. What, did you go over my house or something? Is that where you’re coming from?”

She nods.

“She’s not…” I pause, taking in her guarded expression. Like she’s actually afraid of my answer. “Why do you care who she is? You ended us. You’re the fucking reason why I hooked up with her in the first place.”

“So you are sleeping with her. You fucking dick!” she grits out, and the entitled look on her face, like I owe her this information and so much more, causes me to break.
