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All of You

All of You(27)
Author: Christina Lee

But I didn’t need to hear the words fall from his lips right then. I already knew how he felt. He had already showed me plenty today.

Our kiss turned passionate—all lips and tongue and slick bodies. His hardness bumped against my stomach, sending a shock wave through me.

I reached down, stroked him lightly, and felt him throb between my fingers.

“Let me take care of you.” I knelt down and flicked my tongue against his skin.

“God, Avery,” he groaned.

Just as my lips were sealing around his tip, he reached for my arms and pulled me up. His eyes were dark—so dark—with need.

“I want to feel connected to you,” he growled against my lips. “I need to be inside you. Right now.”

His gruff voice sent a path of gooseflesh between my thighs. I reached for one of the condoms that he now stored in his bathroom drawer and helped wrap it over his taut skin.

He lifted me up as if I weighed nothing at all. Like he didn’t have any bruised ribs. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he pinned me against the shower wall.

He thrust into me, whipping all lucid thought out of my head. It was just him and me in our own little perfect bubble.

And it felt so amazingly right, when everything that had happened that day felt so infuriatingly wrong.

His grip tightened on my thighs as he nestled himself deeper. My head fell back against the cool tiles, and I moaned out his name.

“Baby,” he whispered, and then gave me a slow and molten kiss that stole my breath away. All of my muscles went liquid, and I was thankful that he was holding me up.

When he moved against me, it wasn’t with the hungry need I’d anticipated, given his haste to make love. It was with a maddening fluidity that made me shudder against him.

A yearning flickered inside my chest and radiated outward. Nothing in the world mattered except the drugging rhythm of his body and the soothing murmur of his voice.

A cry wrenched from my throat and my muscles jerked as he pushed me higher against the wall and drove himself in more deeply.

My pleasure turned into a raging inferno as my breath caught and my mouth fell open. “Oh God, Bennett. Yes.”

We both came fast and hard, like we had poured all of the turmoil and chaos of the day into each other.

Afterward, we lay on his bed kissing, wrapped in nothing more than his soft and warm sheets.

I didn’t know what was going to happen after today. There was uncertainty and confusion and a good amount of fear.

But at that moment I was so glad to be enveloped in the arms of this beautiful man who I cared for unfathomably.

Who would never make me feel unsafe or invisible.

Who would protect my heart and my body.

If only I’d let him.

I broke out of a kiss to catch my breath and traced my fingers over his swollen cheek.

Then my lips found his ear. “Ask me what I’m feeling right now.”

“In five words or less?” he said, a smile quirking his lips.

I kissed his forehead. “Of course.”

He cleared his throat. “Ms. Michaels, please tell me what you’re feeling this very instant in five words or less. And no cheating.” I sat up and straddled him, my lips close to his, our eyes locked in one long unblinking look.

“Fierce . . . intense . . . toe-curling . . . love.”

And then I poured all of those words into a kiss, leaving him panting and breathless.

Making sure he felt all of my truths to the very depths of his heart.

And in all the spaces between.
