Read Books Novel

Always Remember

Always Remember (Memories #2)(33)
Author: Emma Hart

I smile a little as he places meatballs on top. “Meatballs? Isn’t that what Alec made Lexy?”

He shoots me a glance over his shoulder. “You haven’t had any meatballs until you’ve had mine.”

I run my tongue across my teeth, grinning wickedly. “I think I’ve had your meatballs, Samuel. Plenty of times.”

He puts a plate in front of me, his face coming level with mine. “Close your mouth, or we’ll skip straight to dessert.”

A tantalising tomato smell reaches my nose, and I pick up my fork. “I’m starved. Dessert will have to wait.”

A smirk graces his lips as he sits opposite me. “Are you sure? We could always heat this up later.” His eyes tell me that something will be getting heated up later either way.

I stab my fork into a meatball and bite into it. “I’m sure,” I say around my food. “I need energy for dessert.”

He stretches his feet out under the table until they meet mine. “Oh, so we’ve agreed on what’s for dessert?”

“This is really nice,” I interrupt. “What did you put in that sauce?” I twirl some spaghetti.

“Jennifer…” He fights his smile, but his cheek twitches slightly.

“These are the best meatballs I’ve ever had,” I carry on, holding in my amusement. “By far.”

His eyes darken a shade. “I told you you’d never had meatballs till you’d had mine.”

I close my mouth around a meatball, pulling it from my fork. I chew it slowly, my eyes trained on Bing’s. “I’d say I’m very, very fond of your meatballs.” I grin.

He swallows and sets his fork down next to his plate. “How about I show you how you should really twirl spaghetti?”

“I’m not getting the sexual innuendo, if you were attempting one.”

Bing pushes away from the table and stands, his lips curved upwards and a predator-like gleam in his eye. I know this look, and it instantly sets my body on overdrive. He stands behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders, slipping his fingers under the straps of my top.

“Twirling spaghetti straps, babe,” he mutters, his lips by my ear. He slides the strap over my shoulder and down my arm. “Twirling them right off of you.”

I breathe in, his skin red hot on mine. “I thought we were waiting for dessert.”

“We were. But I think I want dessert first.” He kisses my shoulder, his lips warm from the meal.

“It’s rude not to eat at the table,” I mumble, turning my head into his.

My chair jerks backwards. Bing steps in front of me, his hands on the back of my chair, boxing me in. My heart flutters erratically, and my lips part as he moves closer. I tilt my face up towards his.

“Who said we had to leave the table?” he whispers huskily. I shiver a little, looking into his eyes. I raise my hands up and grip his shirt, pulling him closer to me.

I brush my lips across his, wrapping my legs around his and holding him in place.

“Who indeed?”


I rest my head against Bing’s chest, feeling the beating of his heart beneath my ear. His arms slip around my waist, and I snuggle in closer, basking in the warmth of him.

“I like your date nights,” I mumble.

He chuckles slightly, and his lips touch my forehead. “I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have a problem with us making them a regular thing.”

Now we’re freaking talking.

“I might start liking you too much if that happens.” I tilt my head back and look up at him. “I’m still too busy deciding if I like you or not.”

“Oi,” he growls, flipping me onto my back. He leans over me, and I run my hands down his sides.

“What?” I blink at him innocently.

“If you don’t like me, I might have to start taking drastic action, Jennifer.” He kisses along my neck, grazing his teeth across my pulse slightly.

“Uh-huh?” I breathe. “Like what?”

He smiles against my skin. “Drastic action would be keeping you here, pinned beneath me in this bed while I give you a thousand reasons to like me.”

“In that case, I solemnly swear to never, ever like you. Not even for a second.”

“Is that so?” he murmurs, lowering his body on top of mine.

“Absolutely. You didn’t give me enough reasons last night.”

“I better get started then.” His hand travels down my side to my hip, before slipping under me and cupping my ass. His fingers massage me slowly as his lips find mine-

“Who the f**k is at my door?” I growl as my doorbell rings insistently.

“Ignore them.”

The doorbell goes several more times, and I sigh. “That would be your sister,” I tell him, kissing him soundly. He mutters a curse at Lexy under his breath, rolling off of me.

I climb from my bed and cross the room to my dressing gown. Bing whistles long and low, and I glance over my shoulder with a small amused smile. I snatch my gown and wrap it around my body, pulling the door open.

“I preferred the other view!” he yells. I stick my middle finger at him and walk backwards.

I grab my keys from the side and unlock the door, yanking it open. Lexy’s eyes travel up and down me, taking in my gown, and finally meet mine.

“I’m sorry, I’m not exactly dressed for early morning visitors,” I say dryly. “I wasn’t expecting a dawn wake up call.”

“It’s not dawn. It’s eight a.m.” She pushes past me.

“What are you, a freaking cockerel?” I push the door shut and pad across the kitchen to my kettle. I need coffee.

And if I’m willing to drink coffee, you know I had a damn good night. Wink wink.

“No need for me to be one,” she retorts. “Considering Bing never made it home last night, I’d say there’s more than enough c**k in the flat.”

I rest my forehead against a cupboard door, shaking slightly with laughter.

“I heard that!” Bing shouts from my room. “Watch it, baby sis!”

“Good morning, brother, dear.” Lexy grins, leaning back against the counter as a now-dressed Bing emerges from my room.

“It would have been had you not showed up,” he throws at her, winking at me.

Lexy purses her lips. “Well, Jen has to get to Uni in a few hours, so you’re gonna have to save it for later.”

“Or you could leave and come back in a few hours, and I’ll finish what I was just starting.”
