Read Books Novel

Always Remember

Always Remember (Memories #2)(41)
Author: Emma Hart

“I am not that bad when I’m on my period,” I protest, looking at Lexy for help. “Am I?”

“No worse than me.” She smiles.

“Oh, great.” I sigh. “You’re the Queen Bitch when you’re on, so I must be the Bitch Princess.”

Lexy smiles wryly. “Isn’t that your title anyway?”

I glare at her. “It can be arranged, you know.”

A hand grabs my waist and spins me round. I bite back my shriek of surprise, steadying myself again Sam’s chest.

“You’re serving first,” he breathes into my ear.

“I’ll serve something up in a minute,” I mutter, pushing myself away from him. One side of his mouth curls up, and damn, for twenty-two, he’s kind of immature sometimes.

I guess that’s why he’s the cream to my strawberries.

I serve, flicking my wrist in the air. Goddamn, there’s a reason I don’t play tennis on the Wii. Playing it on the Wii is too hard with all the wrist flicking and sensory issues. My remote never, ever, ever co-operates with the damn sensor when I’m playing tennis. Bowling? No problem. Boxing? On a good day. Tennis? Kill me.

Miraculously, I win the first set from a disgruntled Samuel. He spins the remote in his hand, his eyes fixed on the screen. I’m a little amused, I won’t lie. The buffoon wants to win, and he means business. I flick my eyes towards him, fighting my smile, and ready myself for battle

The sensor is working with me today, for the first frickin’ time ever. And Samuel Edwards is goin’ down.


I swing my legs from the kitchen table, grinning. Sam pours a glass of coke, his shoulders slumped slightly.

“It’s just a game,” I say through my grin.

“You beat me. Four times.” He shut the fridge door and turns, looking at me with disbelief.

I put my hands either side of my body on the table and lean forward slightly. “It’s just a game,” I repeat. “But winning was sah-weeeeeet.”

“Jennifer.” A slight growl is in his voice.

“I mean, you always beat me at bowling, so to sneak up behind you on tennis and win was just like “Pow, boom, wham! Take that!”” I giggle. “And your face. You looked like a cat that had just had his cream taken away. Mind you that is a change from the smug “cat got the cream” look on your face usually.”

He puts his glass down and storms across the kitchen towards me. He slips his body between my legs and frames my face with his hands before pressing his lips firmly against mine. I squeak, gripping his arms and wrapping my legs around his calves. He nips my bottom lip as he pulls away.

“What was that for? I’m pretty sure you’re too pissed for that to be a congratulatory kiss,” I mutter, blinking at him.

“That was a “shut the f**k up” kiss.” The glimmer returns to his eyes a little and he trails his hands down my body to my waist. “Because God knows kissing you is the only thing that shuts up that smart mouth of yours.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Hey, you like my smart mouth.”

He grins a little lopsidedly. “I love your smart mouth. It’s good for kissing. Like this.” He brushes my lips with his, his breath falling heavier than his touch.

“It’s not all my mouth is good for,” I tease quietly.

“I know, babe, I know.” He ghosts his mouth along my jaw towards my ear. “Your mouth is good at a number of things, and I remember each and every one.”

A shiver snakes down my spine as heat pools in my low stomach. It’s like my body is a puppet and he’s pulling all the strings, controlling my reactions with a few simple words and touches.

“Good, then you don’t need a refresher course.” I kiss his jaw, the slight stubble there grazing my lips.

“You know…” He pulls back, a thoughtful look on his face. “I think I forgot it all. Would you believe that?”

I smirk. “No, no, I don’t believe that.”

He shrugs a shoulder and tightens his grip on me. He pulls me forward a little, hooks his hands under my thighs, and lifts me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and link my feet behind his back.

“Well, I want reminding.” He carries me from the kitchen to the living room, stopping in the living room.

“Night,” he says to Lexy and Alec. They both turn and smirk.

“Help,” I mouth to Lexy over his shoulder as Sam turns away. She shakes her head, giggling quietly. Alec winks and looks back to the television.

So much for helping a friend out of a sticky situation, guys. Okay, so it’s not sticky as yet, but I have my money on the fact it will be very, very soon.

And that isn’t the roaring flame in my stomach speaking, or the clenching of the muscles in my lower body. It’s my hopeful and smutty mind speaking. One hundred percent.

He walks casually up the stairs, pushes his bedroom door open, and kicks it shut behind us. He crosses the room in a few long strides and deposits me on the bed.

My eyes travel up his body as he moves away from me, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it into the corner. Slob. The muscles in his back ripple as he stretches, and he’s doing this deliberately.

Two can play at this game, Mr. Edwards.

The mattress squeaks as I get up, and his head twitches round slightly. The mirror is perfectly positioned that he can see my every move without turning – and I’m gonna use this to my advantage. While hiding my smile, of course.

I unbutton my cardigan and turn away from him, sliding it over my shoulders and down my arms. My fingers hook under the hem of my top and I slowly pull it up and over my head, revealing the lacy black bra I changed into before we left my flat.

Mhmm. I said this was game f**king on.

He swallows audibly across the room. The floorboards creak a little. I undo the button on my jeans and roll them down my legs, bending at the waist. I bite my lip and run it between my teeth, trying to hide my smile.

Sam’s hands rest on my waist, warm against my skin, and I step from my jeans. As I straighten up, my bare back presses against his chest. He drops his head and kisses my shoulder, his lips dragging gently along my skin. His hands explore my body, cupping my br**sts and massaging them softly. I let out a soft sigh and relax back into him, snaking one of my arms behind his neck.

“You,” he breathes into my ear. “… are so beautiful, Jennifer Mason.”

I turn my face into him and brush my lips against his. I shift my body round so my front is against his and I tangle my fingers in his hair. His mouth dominates mine as he pulls me closer to him, shuffling back towards the bed. He sits down, pulling me into his lap, and I straddle him. My body presses against him, my core rubbing against his erection, and tonight I need this.
