Read Books Novel

American Queen

"Okay," he says, his eyes on me but his voice directed at Embry. "It's time, little prince."

"Thank you," Embry breathes. He presses so close behind me that I can feel the rough hair of his thigh against the back of mine. And then he reaches down, and with a groan that I can feel all the way down to my toes, he guides himself to my pussy, all eight straight inches sliding in with one thick thrust.

I come immediately. I'm so on edge, so wound up from the last however many minutes and hours of their attention, that the second I feel Embry inside of me after all these years, I release.

"Oh fuck, Greer," Embry groans in my ear as I convulse around him. Ash is chuckling to himself as he kisses my face and neck. Embry thrusts in deeper, my ass smashed against his hips, and he holds himself still so he can feel each flutter and wave of my walls. "I've been waiting so long," he says breathlessly. "So long to feel you come around my cock again. So long to fuck you. And oh God, it's so much better than I remembered."

The pulses eventually stop, and then Ash kisses my forehead. "I'm going to finger you while Embry is inside of you, okay?"

"Okay," I say, so languid and limp after my climax that I'll agree to anything.

"It will be uncomfortable at first," Embry warns in my ear. "But we'll go slow and we'll make it good for you."

"I'll be checking in with you," Ash says. "This is…new. For everyone except Embry at least."

I feel Ash's fingers against my clit, rubbing past the too-sensitive flesh and making me jolt as he finds the place where Embry's flesh meets my own. Embry grunts and I know that Ash is doing something to him that I can't see, something that makes the man behind me stiffen and growl. "If you want me to last," he grits out, "you're going to have to stop that."

Ash gives a dark little laugh and returns his attention to me, pushing one finger inside of me. "That's not so—oh fuck." Ash added two more fingers in the middle of my sentence, and now my back is arching, my body bucking automatically to get away from the foreign pressure.

"Talk to me, angel," Ash says calmly. "Open your eyes and talk to me."

I didn't even realize my eyes were closed. I open them and try to find the breath to speak, reaching past the pain swirling behind my sternum. "It's uncomfortable," I manage. "Embry was right."

"It will get better," Embry assures me. "But if you need to stop or take a breather, just say the word."

But I don't want to say the word. I want to have both of them inside of me, I want to have a moment where all three of us are completely joined. Ash presses his forehead to mine, looking at me through his long, dark eyelashes. "Breathe with me," he coaches quietly. "Follow my breathing."

It's nearly impossible, but I manage it, I manage to bring a breath deep into my stomach and slowly let it out, mimicking Ash's exaggerated breaths. And as I breathe and the pain gradually turns into something else, Ash moves his hand so that his thumb can rub against my clit while his fingers massage the spongy front wall of my channel.

"Oh," I exhale. "Oh God."

"There you go," Embry croons. "That's not so bad now, is it?"

"No." I shake my head a bunch of times and both men laugh. "Not so bad at all."

"I'm adding my last finger now," Ash warns me. "Keep breathing into your stomach and try to hold still."

It's to the point where I can't discern what flesh is finger and what flesh is cock, there's only the pressure and the pain and the orgasm lurking out of sight, feeding off of both. But I keep breathing and I hold still, and as Embry nuzzles the nape of my neck and Ash keeps his forehead against mine, the sharp pain fades away, leaving behind the pleasure, now stronger than ever.

Embry drops a kiss on my shoulder. "Greer, it's going to be tighter when he puts his cock inside of you, but not that much tighter. It will be just like this, where the pain is followed by pleasure, but it's easiest if you hold still. Do you think you can do that?"

I feel drunk. Or drugged. Or maybe this is just what joy feels like, a thick cock and an extra four fingers. "I don't know," I reply shakily.

"Okay," Embry says soothingly. "That’s okay. We can help you hold still. Would you like that?"

"I—I think so."

"Okay, sweetheart. We're right here with you, okay? You just keep talking to us, and tell us if you need to pause for a moment. We're right here with you and—" His voice gets thicker, rougher. “—And we love you. We're going to take care of you."

I give a dazed nod, and both of them move to wrap their arms around me, Embry's arms tight around my waist and Ash's wrapped around Embry's shoulders, pinning me fast between them. My face is in Ash's neck and Embry's face is in the back of mine, and there's nowhere to move, nowhere to go. I dredge up my safe word from the depths of my mind, but I won't use it. No matter the pain, I won't use it, because I want this pain.

I'll die without it.

"Breathe, Greer," Ash reminds me as he takes himself in hand and guides himself to my pussy. "There you go. Just like that. Good girl."

"The first part is the hardest part," Embry promises, his mouth moving against my skin. "Once his crown is inside, the rest gets easier."
