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An Improper Affair

An Improper Affair (Millionaire of the Month #4)(26)
Author: Anna DePalo

Ryan watched his attorney pull paperwork out of his briefcase. They were sitting in the lodge’s office loft, the morning sun coming in through the windows.

Dan had driven over from Silicon Valley, where El Ray Technology was based, as soon as the sun had come up. Now, he set contracts out on the table before them.

"Everyone has signed," Dan explained, "so I just need your signature before I— " he smiled fieetingly "— send out some big checks."

"I want this wrapped up ASAP," Ryan said, checking his watch. "It’s already Thursday. I’d like to make this transfer public by early next week before someone leaks the news to the press."

He wanted to call the shots in this situation. He’d decide when and how Webb Sperling found out that the trap had been sprung.

"There’s a confidentiality clause in all the contracts— "

"Yes. I know," Ryan said, cutting him off, "but we’re talking about the Sperlings here. .Any one of them is capable of wreaking havoc at the last minute."

"It’ll be done," Dan replied, as Ryan leaned forward and began to sign. "I know you want to start concentrating on other things— like El Ray’s acquisitions in foreign markets."

El Ray was in the beginning stages of courting cable companies in South and Central America for a partnership or buyout. All the more reason, Ryan thought, to get this issue of Sperling, Inc. wrapped up and for this idyll in Hunter’s Landing to come to a close.

"In the meantime," Dan continued. "I’ve already drafted a letter to Webb, warning him his executive authority has ended and that all pending contracts negotiations and other matters are to be suspended."

Ryan thought about Kelly’s contract. There was a time not too long ago when he would have made it a priority to pull the plug on Distressed Success as soon as he got control of Sperling, Inc.

He doubted Kelly had had a chance to sew up a deal with Sperling stores— she certainly hadn’t given any indication to the effect during the time they’d spent together.

Knowing his father, Ryan figured he’d just passed the matter along to underlings and gone on with his golf game or whatever the heck else he did these days.

As Dan began to drone on about the contract particulars, Ryan’s mind stayed on Kelly.

It had been three days since he’d last seen her. Three days since the confrontation with Brenda.

In that time, he’d been tied up with his bid to get control of Sperling, Inc. In addition, he hadn’t wanted to go by Kelly’s place to hash things out if Brenda was still hanging around.

And, he admitted, he’d expected Kelly to put in an appearance at the lodge before now, no matter how much she might want to continue to avoid him.

She’d surprised him, however, by managing to stay away from the decorating job for three consecutive days.

She was probably occupied with her unexpected houseguest, he told himself. But another part of him acknowledged that there was no reason to think she’d softened toward him since Monday.

Yes. her sexual inexperience, once he’d found out about it, had put a whole new spin on things. But contrary to what she believed, it wasn’t her inexperience in and of itself that had attracted him. Rather, it was because it was further, definitive proof of what he’d been seeing signs of all along, but hadn’t allowed himself to acknowledge: Kelly was far different from her mother.

He had no intention of leaving Hunter’s Landing without telling her so— just as soon as this damn issue with Sperling, Inc. was concluded.

He was going to have it out with her and have her. Again and again, until they were both mindless with pleasure.

"Have you heard1?" Erica asked, when she showed up for her shift around lunchtime on Tuesday. "Heard what’?" Kelly replied distractedly.

She was doing some record keeping at her desk in her office at the back of Distressed Success.

She’d promised herself today would be the day she faced the music by going back to the lodge. She’d also just run out of excuses, because Erica had shown up and could cover for her at the shop.

"Ryan Sperling has taken over Sperling department stores and ousted his father from his role as CEO and chairman of the board!"

Kelly’s head jerked up. "What9 Where did you hear that?"

"I heard it on the radio on the drive over," Erica said. "You called Webb just in time."

Kelly pulled out her computer keyboard, and with trembling fingers, she did a Google search for Ryan Sperling and Sperling department stores.

A slew of hits came up, including a bunch of local news stories from the last few hours. She clicked on the first site listed and, when the article came up, scanned it rapidly.

It appeared Ryan had bought ownership shares in Sperling, Inc. from various family members, giving him a majority stake.

His first order of business had been to remove his father from the chairmanship of the board and to strip him of his title of CEO.

She sank back against the chair weakly, trying to digest the import of Ryan’s takeover, her mind racing. Out front, she heard the shop door open and close, and knew they had another customer.

Rotten timing, she thought, then rose and said to Erica. "I’ll get this one."

At the very least, the customer miglit help take her mind off the bombshell that had just landed in her lap.

She walked out to the front of the store, a polite smile on her face. "Can I help— "

She came to a halt.

There facing her was none other than Webb Sperling.

Webb Sperling fixed her with a dim smile as he looked her up and down. "Hello, Kelly. You’re the spitting image of your mother."

Kelly felt her own smile fade.

W’ebb’s eyes were pale— a washed-out blue, she remembered thinking once— and he looked as if he’d put on a good fifteen or twenty pounds since she’d last seen him more than a decade ago. At around six feet, he was tall and imposing— but also paunchy and balding, his complexion florid.

"What are you doing here’?" she blurted.

Rather than answer, he sauntered farther into the store. "I suppose you’ve heard the news.’*

"This morning," she responded shortly. What did one say to someone who’d just lost control of his company and been ousted from his position1? Condolences? I’m sorry?

Webb glanced around. "Nice little boutique you have here."

"Thank you," she said, "but I doubt it’s what brings you by." "Actually," he drawled, "I’m on vacation in the area— " A forced vacation, Kelly thought.

"— and I thouglit you’d be able to tell me where to find Ryan. This morning, he wasn’t at the fancy log house he’s staying at nearby."
