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Archangel's Enigma

Archangel’s Enigma (Guild Hunter #8)(21)
Author: Nalini Singh

When Raphael laid out the reason why, Jason’s skin pulled taut over his facial bones, the intricate Polynesian-inspired tattoo that covered the left side of his face suddenly stark against his brown skin. “There’s a reason I’ve always told Naasir not to try and get into Lijuan’s citadel.”

Galen, able to hear the conversation since Raphael had looped him in, nodded. “He’s too reckless, with no care for his life.”

That wasn’t quite true; Naasir did care for his life. He simply had no fear. As a result, he took far too many chances for Raphael to be certain he wouldn’t be caught by Lijuan—and unlike when Naasir had been a child, Lijuan wouldn’t forgive the trespass. “You’ve been in the citadel,” he said to Jason. “Can Naasir get in?”

“Yes.” Not in its usual queue today, strands of Jason’s black hair blew across the curves and fine dots of the ink that marked him. “He’s also stealthy enough to get away with it, if he doesn’t allow his more primal instincts to take the lead.”

“That might be a problem,” Galen said, his hands on his hips and tone rough with concern. “He was adamant that Andromeda is his responsibility.”

Galen had good cause to worry. Once Naasir took on such a task, he’d die before failing. “Go,” Raphael ordered Jason. “Track him down, and help him break out the scholar.” He knew Jessamy’s apprentice wouldn’t have been harmed . . . or not badly harmed in any case. Lijuan wanted the information Andromeda held in her head.

And her blood was that of Lijuan’s closest ally.

“Sire.” Jason signed off.

“Is the scholar likely to cooperate with Lijuan to save her skin?” Raphael asked Galen.

“No.” A response that held not the slightest hesitation or doubt. “Every time I’ve spoken to her on the subject of Alexander, she’s been adamant in her distaste for what we all believe Lijuan intends to do.”

“Lijuan’s Refuge stronghold?”

“It stands—she’s left a full squadron there and they’re bristling today.”

Raphael had believed Lijuan understood the lines she’d crossed when she precipitated a battle in the Refuge, but clearly her arrogance left no room for the rules that bound their race. “How long is Andromeda capable of surviving in Lijuan’s citadel?”

“Not many know that she’s a fully trained and capable warrior,” his weapons-master told him. “So she’ll survive—but I don’t know if she’ll survive whole. Lijuan’s methods of persuasion can be horrific.”

In Galen’s pale green eyes was the knowledge that no one who experienced Lijuan’s brand of “hospitality” ever came out the same.


Andromeda had forced herself to stop struggling during the journey. The futile action would only tire her out and leave her defenseless when they reached their destination.

Do not be stupid. That is the first lesson of battle. Think.

Repeating Dahariel’s words silently in her mind, she lay painfully quiescent.

As it was, Xi’s squadron did stop twice. The first time, it was in an ice-strewn cave only about an hour out from the Refuge. And though they stayed there until daylight had faded from the skies, Xi didn’t release Andromeda, despite her repeated requests. She finally worked out that they wanted her tied up and ready to go should they have to make a rapid departure.

Stiff and cold after so many hours in such discomfort, she was almost grateful when they did finally take off again. At least this way, she had fresh air. The second stop came deep into the night, on a small island that was a dot in the ocean. She might have been tempted to fly off, but her wings were severely cramped from being crushed in the net, and she knew her speed in flight was nowhere close to Xi’s. Better to bide her time, to be smart and wait for a better opportunity.

“I can fly,” she said after the short rest period when she’d been given some water and trail bread to replenish herself. “There’s no need to truss me up like a chicken.”

Xi didn’t answer, just threw a blindfold in her direction. “Or I can blind you,” he said conversationally when she balked. “Given your age and the complexity of eyes, they’ll probably take three months or so to grow back.”

A trickle of cold sweat rolled down her spine. “I’m sure your archangel wouldn’t be well pleased by such abuse.” Lijuan needed her.

“You don’t need eyes to tell my lady what she needs to know.” The general stared at her, his own eyes as dark and hard as onyx. “Which will it be?”
