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The hand behind my head follows the path his other hand just traveled and when he reaches my ass, he flexes his fingers, digs both hands in and lifts. Instinctively, I bring both my legs up and wrap them around his body, driving my core flush with his hard erection. Just what my body is craving, demanding to take what it needs.

I hadn’t realized we were moving until my back meets the cold wall, I break away from his mouth and push back a little. This does nothing but help rub my swollen pussy against his denim covered cock. Biting back the moan, I look into his green eyes, so dark and hooded with desire. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” I weakly try to protest. I want this, God how I want this. Right or wrong, this feels like heaven; even chocolate is no match for the full body electric tingles that are shooting through my system. Every hair is standing on end, my core is clenching with anticipation of the orgasm that is just within reach. God, please don’t let him take my comment seriously.

He brings his face back level with mine, rubbing my painfully neglected nipples against his shirt. I dig my hands into his sides, moaning again when I feel how solid and warm his hard body feels under my fingertips.

When he speaks, his words tingle my lips; reminding me of our kiss, making me groan all over and rock my pussy against his hard length.

He sucks in a deep pull before speaking, his voice thick with lust. “Oh, Princess, I can’t think of anything that we should be doing more. You feel that? You feel how fucking hard I am for you? I can feel your warm fucking cunt hugging my dick, even through my goddamn pants, you are on fire for me.” He brings his hips forward, rocking against me and supporting my body against the wall. We both moan, my head falling back and thumping against the wall. He brings his left arm under my ass and supports me while bringing his other hand up, running it along my hips, making me gasp when he tickles my sides on his way to my swollen breast. His fingertips brush softly against the swell of my breast before pulling the tank down and under, pushing my tits up high. He lightly runs his fingers down and circles around the barbell in my nipple; I am panting now and can feel my orgasm building. When he pinches my still tender nipples between his thump and finger I let out a soft cry, grinding down against his cock again. “Still sore?” He questions, sounding like he is standing at the end of a tunnel. “Hmm…can’t speak, huh baby? Just think how good it will feel when I bury my cock deep inside that warm pussy, when I fuck you so hard you will feel me for days. Going to make you drown in pleasure, fuck you so good, so fucking good.” He drives that home with one more rock of his hips. I close my eyes, too overcome with everything he is doing to my body to even act like I understand.

His hand releases my breast and right as I am ready to protest, I feel the warm heat of his mouth. His tongue traces the outline of my nipple, nips at the soft skin under my breast, licking his way back up before closing his lips around my nipple and barbell, giving a hard pull.

“Oh God, don’t stop…please don’t fucking stop.” I beg, fanatically moving against him, desperate to reach my orgasm.

His fingers play against my stomach as he dances them down my torso. He splays his fingers wide and pushes his thumb hard against my clit. “Soaked, fucking drenched, can’t wait to have my mouth down there licking all that wetness up.” He rolls his thumb and crushes his lips back down on mine, swallowing the cry of satisfaction, I scream out as the waves of the most powerful orgasm come crashing down on me. I feel like my whole body has just lit up, coming to life with each roll of pleasure that rockets through me. His tongue tangles with my own; this kiss is full of ecstasy. Our tongues mate together while he slowly brings me back down to earth with small rolls of his hips against my still pulsing pussy. He reminds me that he is still very ready to continue, when I feel the thickness brush against me again.

“Fuck, baby…you feel so good in my arms again.” I look up into his eyes, trying to focus on his face long enough to make sense of his comment. The harshness that I have grown accustomed to seeing mar his beautifully handsome face is gone, and in its place is pure affection. He looks like the old Axel, the one so full of love for me that nothing else matters. In that moment, I can almost believe it, almost believe that we can get back there again and after all we just shared, I realize that I want that. I want Axel back. I want us and our love back. It has never felt like that before, not even with him. Time might not have been on our side the last few years, but right now…I can almost hope that fate has decided to love me and give me some happiness for a change.

“What are we doing, Axel?” I ask, tightening my arms around his neck and bringing my forehead down to his chest. What are we doing? I have no answers myself, but I hope he doesn’t look at this as a mistake. That might just kill me.

“I don’t know, Princess. I don’t know. But, it feels way too fucking good to ignore.” He brings his hands back up to either side of my face and pulls me up to look at him. “We got some shit to figure out, Izzy…but after this, I won’t let you go until we figure it out. Not happening. Do you feel it? Every single thing we ever felt for each other, it is still there Izzy and I won’t let you push me away. We walked back into each other’s lives for a reason.”

I nod my head, because really what can I say? He’s right; I just have to believe that when we sit down and bring back all those memories he will still want to hold me so tight. “Okay, Axel. You’re right, we do need to talk.”

The white flags are waved; I bring my head back down and rest against his chest. His heart is pounding rapidly against my ear and his scent, which is now mixed with my arousal, is invading my senses. I bring my arms up, wrap them around his torso and pull tight. His sighs softly, adjusting my body so that he can pull me closer and just enjoy the moment of our hearts being together again.

Peace. Even with the fear of telling him everything, my soul is at peace.

A deep throat clearing brings me back to earth. I lean up and look over Axel’s shoulder and meet Maddox’s laughing eyes. It’s such a rare sight that I am momentarily speechless. He looks so different when he allows his emotions to come out, youthful and approachable, completely different that his normal hard, cold staring.

“Interesting, live porn. Think you could at least take this reunion behind closed doors? Or maybe your own fucking house?” His eyes might have been laughing with me but his question to Axel was full of unspoken warning. It looks like I have earned myself another big bad brother.

“Sorry, Mad.” I whisper over Axel’s shoulder and give him a wink.

“Sorry? Fuck that shit, Izzy.” Axel lets my feet fall to the floor and holds on to my hips to make sure I have my balance and gets ready to address Maddox. He leans down and with a growly whisper says, “Don’t you move, Izzy. I won’t have Locke looking at you half naked with that just fucked glow about you. Damn…mmmm. I can’t wait to be deep inside you.” I get one chaste kiss before he gives me his back and makes sure his big body is completely covering me before addressing Maddox.

“My bad, brother. I won’t apologize that it happened, hell fucking no, best breakfast I’ve ever had.” His laughter is vibrating his body. I dig my hands into his shirt and push my heated face into his back. How embarrassing.

“Funny, just hilarious. Fucking shit, I need to get laid. Asshole.” Maddox walks past us and into the kitchen. He’s wearing some worn sweats, hanging low on his hips. It’s a good thing I don’t have the hots for him, because this view of him scratching his ass while searching the fridge was not his best look.

“Classy, Mad!” I call over to him, unable to keep my giggles in, “You shouldn’t have any trouble with the ladies if you keep digging in your ass!” I’m laughing harder now, feeling like the weight that was pushing down on my body is almost gone.

Axel turns around, gives me a small smile and wraps me in his arms again, lifting me off the floor so he can easily whisper in my ear.

“Missed that sound, so fucking much.” His lips kiss a line from my shoulder to my ear, his tongue comes out and licks along the shell causing me to shiver in his arms and moan his name.

“You two need to either get the fuck out or get behind closed doors. Don’t need to be seeing that shit this goddamn early. Go reunite somewhere else, serious as fuck right now. I get it and I will only say this once—about fucking time.” Maddox says matter of fact like while he butters his toast.

I pull away from Axel and just look into his eyes. I notice the adoration that still shines bright. I hope I’m giving him just a small sign of what I’m feeling when I smile up at him.

Maddox was right last night, I can’t hold it in anymore and when I have Axel back in my arms the uncertainty isn’t as terrifying. With everything else that is a mess right now in my life, I feel like this is one thing I might be ready to deal with and move on from. Hopefully, I am making the right decision here but I can’t hold on to the past anymore. I can’t hold that pain in and more importantly, I am ready to let him in. Let him in; in the hopes that we can find a way back to each other that isn’t just about this sexual buzz roaring around us.

“Go get cleaned up, yeah? And please put some fucking clothes on, as fine as that body is, I don’t want anyone else enjoying the view.”

“Sure, Axel, I’ll go get cleaned up but I don’t understand what your issues are with my clothes! Most bathing suits show a whole hell of a lot less than this. Maddox doesn’t care and he doesn’t see me like that.” I try to reason with him and it might have worked if Maddox would have kept his mouth shut.

“Just because I’m not pushing you up against walls and humping you like a fucking animal doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the view. You just haven’t caught me looking.” He laughs, LAUGHS, between mouthfuls of his breakfast.

“Ugh, pig!” I yell and run off to the room I have been staying in.

“Izzy, get your shit packed up. I’ll be back around lunch to pick you up. This fucking sleepover party bullshit is over now. You’re coming home with me, got it?” He yells down the hall.

Ready or not…time to find some of that locked down courage and face the facts. Ax is back and we are about to have a make it or break it, come to Jesus talk. For the first time in years, the thought of opening up those old wounds doesn’t terrify me.

Chapter 14


Fuck me. I thought as I walk out of Locke’s apartment and climb into my truck. I sit there for a second, trying unsuccessfully to calm down, shifting slightly to try and ease some of the discomfort in my pants. My cock is so hard that I might have permanent indentions from my zipper.

I rub my hands over my face, trying to bring my heart back to a normal speed. Fuck. I can still smell her, her arousal still clinging to my fingers, making my cock even harder. Swear to Christ, I have never been this ready to explode, not even when I was a horny teenager getting a fucking hard on for every single female I looked at.

