Read Books Novel

Bad Attitude

Bad Attitude (B.A.D. Agency #1)(14)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

It was a Glock 18, a full automatic pistol. Yep, Carlos had meant business with this. Grateful that his reaction time hadn’t slowed during his prison stint, he slid it under his pillow and settled down to sleep. But no sooner had he closed his eyes than images of Sydney tormented him again.

And as he drifted off to sleep, he wondered what she’d look like in a black lace teddy….


“I hear you, Andre,” Syd said into the mic of her cell phone as she navigated the light morning traffic from the Bat Tower to Church Street. Carlos had shown up an hour ago at the office without Steele in tow.

“I didn’t know you wanted me to bring him in. No one told me that.”

She adored Carlos, but there were times when the man didn’t think things through. He’d warned her that he’d left Steele asleep on the pull-out couch. Since Carlos didn’t have a land line, she had no way to even call Steele to see if he was ready to get started.

Andre was on the other end of the phone, headed for the stadium where the chopper would land so that they could all head out to D.C.

“I’m thinking he should be up and ready to go when I get there.” At least, she hoped so.

“I don’t know, Syd. I think the man likes to harass you. He might still be sleeping just to piss you off. Or maybe he isup and ready, and he ventured out to relieve his pain. For all you know, he’s off in flagrante delicto with some hot babe he found on the street when he went for coffee.”

For some unknown reason, that thought really pissed her off. “You’re not funny, Andre.”

“Oooh, someone’s cranky this morning.”

“Just have that damn helicopter ready to go when we get there.”

“Yes, ma’am, Miz Scarlett. You got any more orders for me?”

She let out an exasperated breath at his words. “I didn’t mean it that way, and you know it.”

“I know. Gather our boy up, and I’ll see you shortly.”

“All right. I’ll see you in a few.” Syd hung up the phone as she stopped in front of the building and parked. She pulled her headset off and left it in the passenger seat before she got out and headed for the door. She clipped the cell phone to her purse as she made her way up the sidewalk.

The building was completely silent as she made her way to Carlos’s apartment. As soon as she reached it, she knocked on the door.

No one answered.

Andre’s words about Steele having found a willing woman haunted her. Angry that he might be right, Syd leaned closer to the door and listened carefully. She held her breath as she waited for the telltale sounds of sex. But there was no sound inside. Everything seemed completely quiet. More relieved than she wanted to admit, Syd knocked again.

Again there was no response.

Now her anger gave way to fear that something might be wrong. She pulled her weapon out and reached for the spare key Carlos had given her. She opened the door slowly and did a quick sweep of the perimeter, only to find Steele still sleeping on the couch.

Steele was curled on his side, facing the wall. His blanket was twisted around long, tanned limbs that were lightly dusted with dark hairs. But what held her attention was the sight of his bared back and chest.

Holy cripes, the man had a body that was made for sinning. Her mouth was literally watering for a taste of that.

Get a grip.

The problem was, the only thing she wanted to grip was some of that luscious bare skin.

Her heart hammering, she shook her head in disgust at her wayward thoughts. It figured he would still
be asleep. Irritated at him for not being up, she put her weapon back in the holster and shut the door.

She crossed the room. “Steele?” she said, reaching out to shake him.

The instant her hand made contact with his skin, he opened his eyes and grabbed her, pulling her completely over him.

“Steele!” she shouted.

“Relax, Sydney,” he purred in her ear. “I knew it was you the minute you opened the door and I smelled your Ralph Lauren perfume. I just wanted to have you close to me.”

Steele leaned his head back. She felt him relax until she started to pull away. His arms tightened around her as he buried his face in her hair and inhaled.

“You smell like heaven,” he said gruffly in her ear.

Syd swallowed as she felt his hard body underneath her hip. There was something strangely erotic about his embrace. She lay completely on top of him with her back to his front.

He lifted one hand up to brush the hair back from her cheek. She knew she should get up, but some part of her was enjoying this way too much.

It’d been too long since a man had held her.

He fingered her cheek a moment before he brushed his lips against her ear. Syd squirmed as unexpected pleasure rushed through her. She’d always been a sucker for anyone who played with her ears. She didn’t know why, but that one thing made her instantly hot and needy.

Steele laughed playfully. “Like that, do you?”

She couldn’t answer as her body turned molten.

He slid his arms around her to hold her in a gentle hug as he began to tease her ear with his tongue. Syd arched her back as chills swept over her. She could feel his erection pulsing against her as he slowly pressed himself closer to her.

His whiskers scraped against her neck as he moved his hands lower to gently rub against her thighs while he lifted up the hem of her skirt. She licked her lips as desire pounded painfully at the center of her body, begging for a much more intimate touch.

Her body was on fire as he moved with a slowness that was as aggravating as it was thorough and pleasing. He began to gently rub himself against her while his hand stroked her inner thigh. Syd held her breath as he slid his hand up to cup her br**sts while he plunged his tongue into her ear.

She moaned in pleasure as his hands worked magic on her body. He left one hand to play on her left breast while he slid the other one slowly back down her body.

Steele was past thinking as he touched her silken inner thigh. He was truly grateful that she didn’t have on panty hose under her short skirt. Her skin was completely bare for him, and all he wanted was to feel closer to her. He let his hand slide over her flesh from her knee up high on her thigh, working his way in ever closer to what he really wanted.

He paused at the band of her panties, waiting for her to tell him no.

She didn’t.

Smiling in satisfaction, he slowly slid two fingers underneath the satin so that he could feel her crisp hairs tease his hungry fingers.

But that wasn’t what he wanted.

As he moved his hand over her, she parted her thighs so that he could have access to the part of her he was dying for. She turned her head and captured his lips with hers as he slid his fingers down her soft, wet cleft.

He growled at the feel of her as he pumped his swollen c*ck against her buttocks. He wanted inside her so badly that it was all he could do to keep from it. But the last thing he needed was to take a chance on making her pregnant.

Relegating himself to this small pleasure, he toyed with her before he plunged his fingers deep inside her wet heat. She shivered in his arms.

No, there was nothing frigid about this woman.

He lifted his legs between hers so that he held her open for even more exploration.

Syd couldn’t breathe as Steele teased her mercilessly. She rubbed herself shamelessly against his hand as he pleasured her. It’d been so long since a man had touched her like this. She hated how much she enjoyed the feel of his hands on her, the feeling of her body burning and aching for more of his touch.

“That’s it, baby,” he breathed in her ear while she rode his fingers.

Her throat suddenly dry, she reached around her hip to find his erection so that she could cup him tight. He growled in her ear, letting her know just how much he enjoyed having her hold him too. He was incredibly large and thick.

“See what you do to me, Sydney. I haven’t been this hard for a woman in a long time.”

She wanted to believe that.

“Think of me deep inside you.” He plunged his fingers in even deeper, wringing a cry of pleasure from her. His thumb pressed and teased her even while his fingers tormented her. “Now come for me, baby. Let me feel you.”

Suddenly her body exploded in pleasure. Throwing her head back, she cried out as wave after wave of ecstasy tore through her.

Steele smiled in satisfaction as she shuddered above him. And still he toyed with her. He wanted to wring every last bit of pleasure out of her body.

And then he felt his own orgasm coming. Holding her close, he moved even faster against her hand until he exploded. He growled as he finally found what he’d been needing in the worst sort of way.

Sydney lay against Steele as her body slowly came back under her control. Heat exploded across her face as she looked to see his legs holding hers open. His hand was still buried underneath her dark green panties, while her hand was under the blanket between their bodies, covered with his warm release.

Steele slid his legs down and pulled his hand up so that he could hold her. “Thanks, Syd. I really needed that.”

In a weird way, she felt the same way. “You ever tell anyone about this, and I’ll cut your balls off.”

He laughed warmly in her ear. “I don’t do that, baby. What’s between us stays between us. It’s nobody else’s business.” He moved his hands underneath her blouse to the catch of her bra.

“What are you doing?”

He opened her bra to spill her br**sts into his hands. “I just want to feel you for a little bit longer.”

She knew she should get up, yet she couldn’t seem to make her body cooperate. All it wanted was to feel more of him.

He moved his callused hands over her br**sts in a rhythm that actually started another fire inside her. He had an incredibly hot touch that was strangely gentle and firm as he kneaded her br**sts. He teased her n**ples with his fingertips, making her stomach contract with wave after wave of pleasure.

“You feel so good, Syd.”

Syd bit her lip as he toyed with her. No man had ever derived this much pleasure from her body before. He rolled over with her until he had her pinned to the couch’s mattress. His eyes flashed hunger at her before he lifted her blouse up so that he could capture her right breast in his mouth.

His rough tongue lapped and teased, making her stomach contract even more with each erotic lick he delivered.

Syd squirmed as her body started throbbing and humming again. Steele grinned at her as he pulled back to stare into her eyes. There was something so charming and sweet about him. It was at total odds with what she knew about him, and yet there was no denying that this tender side of him was there.

She brushed the hair back from his eyes.

“You are beautiful with your hair loose like that.”

His compliment warmed her.

His eyes continued to burn her while he tugged at her panties until he had them off. He pushed her skirt higher over her h*ps as he slowly kissed his way down her body. A part of her was completely embarrassed by his actions, but another, foreign part of her was thrilled as she watched him make his way down her stomach and over her thighs.

Slower and slower he moved while he nudged her thighs farther apart. His warm breath tickled her thigh as he nipped her flesh with his teeth.

He moved his hand to gently separate the tender folds of her body so that he could look at her. Syd shivered at the sight of him studying the most intimate part of her body. He ran one long finger down her before he shifted his weight and took her into his mouth.

Moaning aloud, Syd sank her hand into his hair as he pleased her. He was absolutely incredible, and she wanted to feel more of him.

Steele moaned deep in his throat as he finally tasted her. This was what he’d dreamt of all night long, and now that he had it…

He wanted to keep her like this. Warm and supple. No harsh words or feelings. Just the two of them lost in a moment of profound pleasure.

Closing his eyes, he savored her.

In the back of her mind, Syd knew she should be getting him dressed and out of here. But she couldn’t think straight with his mouth teasing her so. All she really wanted was to feel him deep inside her.

As if he could hear her silent plea, he sank his fingers deep into her body while his tongue probed and teased. She bit her lip as more and more pleasure built until she couldn’t take it anymore.

She screamed out his name as she came again, even more fiercely than the first time. Hissing, she arched her back, unable to stand the pleasure he was giving to her.

Still he continued to lick and tease until she begged him for mercy.

He pulled back with a triumphant grin. “Now that was worth getting up for.” He kissed her soundly before he pulled away. “So what’s on the agenda for the day?”

Syd pulled her shirt down as her body continued to pulse. Unlike him, she wasn’t comfortable with her nudity. And she was having a hard time remembering what they were supposed to do today.


Jake. Andre. Helicopter. Yeah, that was it. They had to go to APS.

“We have a flight to catch.”

He stretched like a languid cat. “What about calling Dillon?”

“You can do it from the chopper.”

He placed a quick kiss on her cheek before he rose from the couch. Sunlight cut across his nak*d body, highlighting the ripped perfection of it.

“Have you no modesty?”

His grin was absolutely wicked. “Not a bit.” He dipped his head down to capture her lips.

Syd didn’t want to be as affected by that kiss as she was. Something about him was completely addictive, even though she wanted to hate him. “You are the devil, aren’t you?”

His laugh was warm and deep. “Horny to the end.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Get dressed, hotshot. We have a lot to do, and Andre and Jake are already
waiting for us.”

Syd put herself back in order while he sauntered to the bathroom to shower. She heard the water come on as she gathered the blanket up. Her actions dislodged his pillow, showing her a Glock that was under it.
