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Bad Attitude

Bad Attitude (B.A.D. Agency #1)(32)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Reluctantly, he pulled back from her kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. “You know Andre and Carlos can see us, right?”

She smiled a smile that hit him like a fist in his gut. “Let them.”

He returned her smile before he pulled her even closer and kissed her again. Honestly, he’d never been the kind of man to be public with a kiss, but at the moment, he didn’t care. All that seemed to matter was Syd.

But unfortunately, they had way too much to do to neck like two horny kids in the mall. Hissing in regret, he forced himself to leave that tempting mouth.

“We’ve got a party to attend, young miss.”

“I know,” she said before she gave him one last quick, scorching kiss. She sighed as she stepped away. “What will you need?”

“Nothing but a suit.”

She nodded. “I can pick up a dress and shoes. It shouldn’t take too long, and then…” She dropped her gaze meaningfully to the bulge in his pants.

Steele felt his c*ck jerk as a rush of excitement went through him. “Don’t tease me, Syd.”

She bit her bottom lip playfully. “Haven’t you learned yet that I don’t tease?”

God, he was beginning to seriously adore this woman. “How long does it take a woman to buy a dress, anyway?”

She laughed evilly as she started back toward their car.


Steele learned a few things that afternoon. The first was that women took an excruciatingly long time to find clothes and shoes.

The second was the fact that Syd thought her ass was the size of a movie screen, but honestly, he loved the extra weight on her. He thought her lush curves were sexy as hell, and every time she turned around to give him her back and stick her butt out to ask if the dress made her fat, he thought he’d die from the pain of his erection.

The third was to always say she looked edible, no matter what she tried on, and she’d reward him with a kiss, then fuss at him for lying.

And the fourth was the most important of all…

“Josh?” Syd called in a loud whisper as she edged the dressing room door open an inch. “I need help.”

He pushed himself away from the rack to move closer to her. “What?”

“The zipper’s broken. I think. I can’t get the dress off.”

Those words almost made him drool. “Okay. Turn around, and I’ll unzip it.”

She glared at him. “Not out here in public. I don’t have a bra on under this, and I don’t want anyone to see me.” She stepped back into the room.

The no-bra comment put an image in his head that was absolutely cruel, to his way of thinking.

Steele looked around to make sure there weren’t any other women in the area before he stepped inside and shut the door. The room was a lot nicer than most of the men’s dressing rooms he’d been in. It had a nice padded chair and two mirrors that reflected the two of them.

Syd turned around to give him her back. Steele paused at the sight of her standing in front of him. He had a perfect view of her backside as he took the small zipper in his hands and wrestled with it.

At first it was a stubborn bugger, but he finally got the cloth out from under it. He yanked the zipper down, baring the whole of Syd’s back.

That was a mistake.

The minute he saw the pale skin, all he could think about was tasting it.

Syd couldn’t breathe as she saw the fire in Steele’s gaze. Every hormone in her body fired. All she could do was watch as he gently ran his hand from the small of her back, up to her shoulder. Chills erupted in the wake of his hot touch.

His gaze met hers in the mirror before he pushed the dress off her shoulders and bared her to his hungry stare. It was so strangely erotic to stand nak*d in front of him with her n**ples puckered, her br**sts heavy.

He pulled her against him before he slid the dress over her hips. It fell to her feet with a rush as her body throbbed with sudden need. There was something about Steele that always made her hot.

Steele dipped his head down to bury his firm lips against her neck. Syd leaned back with a hiss as his arms came around her to cup her br**sts and tease them until she was weak with hunger. She sank her hand in his thick hair while those large, dark hands soothed and teased her.

She’d never done anything like this before, and for some reason she couldn’t fathom, she didn’t want to stop. She liked being naughty with him. His lips burned her flesh as he kissed his way up and down her neck. He breathed into her ear a second before he ran his tongue over the sensitive flesh there.

She was completely done for, and she knew it. Her body was too revved up to stop him now. All she
wanted was a taste of this man.

She turned her head to capture his lips an instant before he lowered his left hand down over her stomach.

Syd ached with expectation as he teased and tormented her with an excruciatingly slow path toward the part of her that was craving his touch. And when he finally cupped her between her legs, it was all she could do not to cry out in relief.

Steele knew what he was doing was completely inappropriate. Hell, he’d never done anything like this before. Someone could come upon them any second, and that knowledge only added excitement to the moment.

His breathing ragged, he moved his hand up enough so that he could sink it beneath her pink satin panties. She trembled in his arms as he brushed his hand through the short, crisp hairs until he could touch the most sensitive part of her.

He drew a sharp breath between his teeth as he felt how wet she was. Oh yeah, this was what he wanted. Pulling back, he watched her face in the mirror in front of them as he sank two fingers deep inside her.

Her grip tightened in his hair as she spread her legs wider for him. His heart raced wildly while she bit her lip seductively and slowly rode his fingers. He loved it when she did that. She wasn’t coy or embarrassed. She was a woman who knew what she wanted.

He rubbed his swollen groin against her hip. “I want inside you so badly I can taste it, Syd,” he whispered against her ear. But he knew that he couldn’t. They didn’t have a condom.

So instead he pacified himself with pleasuring her.

Syd couldn’t think straight with Steele’s hands and lips on her body. All she could do was watch him in the mirrors as he worked magic. Those fingers stroked and pleased until she couldn’t stand it anymore.

She had to force herself not to scream as her orgasm claimed her. Steele captured her lips with his while her body spasmed. Still he didn’t pull back. He tormented her until every last tremor had been milked from her body. It was only after she collapsed against him that he pulled his hand away.

He smiled tenderly as he cupped her with his hand. “Now that’s what I like to see…my Syd well sated and purring.”

His Syd. Those words should make her angry, but instead there was a strange sense of pleasure inside her. And in truth she was purring. How could she not be?

But then turnabout was fair play….

Licking her lips, she turned around to face him.

Steele had a moment of panic as he saw the determined look in her eyes. That feeling only heightened as she reached for his fly.

“What are you—”

She interrupted his words with a scorching kiss before she unzipped his pants and pushed them down enough that his hardened c*ck was free. Steele growled deep in his throat as she cupped him in her hand.

She pushed him back against the chair. He stumbled, then landed on it. Before he could recover, Syd pulled his pants down even more on his legs. Licking her lips, she eyed his c*ck with a seductive intent that had him hotter than he’d ever been before.

He didn’t dare breathe as she spread his thighs wide and placed her body between his knees. He’d never seen anything sexier than that in his life.

She yanked his shirt up high on his chest, then ran her hands over him, teasing him. Her breath fell against his erection as she dipped her head to tease his nipple with her tongue.

He could swear he saw stars as intense pleasure went through him.

Syd wanted to laugh in triumph at the sexiness of Steele at her mercy. She inhaled the musky scent of him as she trailed her lips down his chest toward his navel.

He arched his back as he watched her carefully.

She glanced up at him and reveled in the look of pleasure on his face. He was always so kind, so careful to make sure she had her pleasure first. He really was a gentleman—in every sense of the word.

Wanting to make him happy too, she smiled at him an instant before she lowered her head and took him into her mouth. Syd moaned at the salty taste of him as she gently teased him with her tongue.

Steele sank his hand into her hair as he watched her in the mirror. He could see every nuance of her pleasuring him. She was nak*d except for the panties that he hadn’t removed.

Why hadn’t he removed those?

Even so, it was the most incredible moment of his life. Nothing had ever felt better than her mouth on him. Her hand massaged his sac as her tongue worked magic on his body.

And when he came, he ground his teeth to keep from making a sound. But it was hard…damn hard.

Syd didn’t pull away as he shuddered around her. Instead, she took her time, making sure to give him just as much satisfaction as he had given her.

When she finally pulled back, the little smile on his face warmed her completely.

She licked the taste of him from her lips as an awful jealous thought sought to ruin this. Steele’s earlier words came back to haunt her with a vengeance.

Steele frowned at her as if he sensed her sudden mood change. “What?”

Don’t say it….But it was out before she could stop it. “Am I better than your fiancee was?”

He looked a bit dazed. “Huh?”

She pulled back. “I know it was stupid. I was just wondering how I rated. Never mind. Forget it.”

As she stared to move back, he stopped her. Those dark eyes scorched her with sincere heat. “Baby, you’re the best I’ve ever had.”

Those words thrilled her. “Thank you, Josh.”

He inclined his head to her an instant before he kissed her. He pulled back with a grin. “Of course, I might have to have another go-round just to make sure that I was right.”

She shook her head at him. “You are so bad.”

“Yeah, but you love that about me.”

And in that moment, she realized something. He was right. She did love that about him.


They didn’t say much that night as they prepared for the president’s arrival. They checked and double-checked every bit of data, and the more they looked at it, the more she was convinced that Steele was right about who the real target was.

How could they have mistaken the fact that the contract was for the son and not the father?

But the recriminations died as the afternoon of the party arrived.

They arrived as a couple to find Andre already in place as an agent. Steele looked impeccable in his black suit with a red silk tie, while she wore a simple black dress with pearls and conservative heels…just in case she needed to run after someone.

“Remember,” Syd said in Steele’s ear as she straightened his tie. “They’re from Uhbukistan, not Ooga-Booga Land.”

“King Oompa-Loompa, gotcha.”

She rolled her eyes at him before she stepped back. Neither the president nor his son were there yet.

Where could they be?

“President’s in the study with his son,” Carlos said in a very low tone as he came up behind her with a tray of wineglasses. “Kid didn’t look happy to be there.”

“I wonder if he found out,” Syd said without moving her lips as she reached for a glass.

Steele cleared his throat. “Can Andre get in to check on them?”

“No,” Carlos said under his breath before he moved on.

Steele let out a sigh. “Well, that ended that idea.” He glanced toward the door that separated the banquet area from the offices, then handed Syd his wineglass. “I feel a sudden need to get lost.”

Syd wanted to follow after him, but she knew better. She was already garnering way too much attention as heads came together trying to figure out if she was Angelina Jolie or not—and that was with her hair down. If it wasn’t for the fact that she might have to run and shoot, she would’ve worn her glasses.

Honestly, she felt like having the wordsNot Angelina tattooed on her forehead. But that would only make her stand out more.

So instead of joining him, she stayed back and tried to be inconspicuous as he wandered over to the double doors of the president’s office.

Steele walked into the room without preamble. The president, his son, and the guards all looked up at him.

“I take it this isn’t the restroom,” Steele said jovially. “My apologies, gentlemen.”

The son was a short man with dark brown hair and a smarmy look to him. Eurotrash. He’d always hated that term, but it was strangely fitting for this man.

“I feel the need to go relieve myself too,” he said with a sneer to his father. “Follow me, American, and I will show you the way.”

Steele didn’t miss the way the president’s eyes narrowed on the much younger man. Oh, yeah, no love lost between those two, even though they both shared the same hawkish features.

The son pressed past him and didn’t look back as he jerked open the door to the hallway.

Steele excused himself from the president before he followed after him. The son was mumbling in Uhbukistani as he led the way down a narrow hallway toward the bathroom.

“Tell me, American, you have a father?”

“Haven’t met anyone yet who didn’t.”

The younger man laughed. “I like that. I shall have to remember it.” He sobered. “Do you like your father?”

This was a little too personal for strangers, and it made Steele damn uncomfortable. “He’s all right.”

“All right…pricca.You are lucky, American. My father…I have tried to please him, and all he can see are my faults. He thinks the worst of me no matter what I do or say. I give up.”
