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Bad For You

Bad For You (Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Love #2)(11)
Author: Anna Antonia

“Gabriel,” I chided softly with a smile. “You can’t keep barging into my workplace.”

“Why not? I own the building you know.”

“Yes, but Med-Tech rents this space. Boundaries, Mr. Gordon. Boundaries.”

“I check in with reception. I’m not a total barbarian,” he pointed out haughtily.

“Really? They don’t call me down to meet you.”

“I know,” Gabriel said cheekily. “My powers of persuasion are mighty.”

Compromise was the name of the game. That and a little dose of sweetness. I had to try a different tact. “Can I meet you at the main doors?”

“You can but may you?”

“Cute, Gabriel. May I meet you at the main doors?”

“No. I will meet you in your cell.”

It became obvious I wasn’t going to win this. “Okay, Gabriel. I’ll be ready.”

“Wonderful!” he said as if he hadn’t pushed to get his way. “Goodbye, my Emma.”

“Goodbye, my Gabriel.” He was so spoiled about these things and I loved him more because of it. With an eye on the clock, I worked on my numbers for the day until they were arranged neatly and exported for the senior analysts.

I’d just shut down my computer when I heard Gabriel’s footfalls coming my way. Excitement skittered across my nerves as I gathered my things and turned around. Dressed in a slate gray suit, white shirt, and silver tie, Gabriel took my breath away. I checked to see if my mouth hung open. Outwardly oblivious to his effect on me, Gabriel greeted me with a soft kiss.

“I missed you, baby.” Gabriel’s finger followed the curve of my cheek. “Did you miss me?”


His smile bathed me like the living-giving rays from our sun. “Ready to go, Emma?”

We left my office hand in hand. I only passed by a few of my coworkers, all male thankfully, before making for the elevator. Gabriel kept my fingers entwined with his as we descended to the first floor. “Waylon will be our driver this evening,” he said as explanation for not going to the garage.

I was beginning to catch onto the rhythm of his life. Limo time for public functions and when the need for Gabriel Gordon the Billionaire rose up. SUV for our private time. Tonight Gabriel’s bank account was about to be trotted out, hence the requisite status symbol.

Everything in his world seemed to be cut in two.

Suddenly sad for him, I tightened my grip in his. He responded in kind before turning his attention to the young man in uniform guarding the main lobby.

“Bobby! You doing good?” Gabriel called out in greeting when we approached the security desk.

“Always. Thanks for asking, Sir.”

“Where’s Mr. Jackson?”

“He’s up on the third floor,” Bobby answered while pointing up.

“Anything wrong?”

“No, Sir. He’s doing a check of 3-B. Did you see the game last night, Mr. G?”

“No, I missed it.” His proprietary arm around my waist explained why. “Miss Emma put the game on the backburner.”

Bobby’s friendly grin and nod included me in the conversation. “Well, you two missed a helluva game, Sir. Double overtime.”

Gabriel groaned in good natured disappointment. “Please say our boys won.”

“You know they did!” Bobby fist-bumped Gabriel before he wished us both a good night.

“Let Mr. Jackson know I’ll see him tomorrow, Bobby.”

“Will do, Sir. See you tomorrow as well, Miss Emma.”


I could see the rapport between them was genuine. Approachable and friendly, Gabriel won over practically everyone he met. He slipped off the mantle of status as easily as he wore it. I wondered why it took me so long to see that.

“How long have Bobby and Mr. Jackson worked for you?”

“About four years.”

“You like them.”

Gabriel tossed me a charming grin. “Don’t worry, baby. I don’t like them more than I like you.”

I buffeted his arm. “I know that! I just think it’s cool how nice you are to them.” What I really meant was “I just think it’s cool how nice you are to them especially because you a billionaire and they’re not.”

“Manners are free, my dear. Besides, they’re good people. What’s not to like about them?”

Gabriel’s demeanor was refreshing and quite different from his set. Unfortunately, the families I’d come in contact with barely treated their staff as human.

Again, why had it taken me so long to see that Gabriel was different? Overcome by a rush of emotion, I slung my arm around his waist. “Have I told you I loved you?”

“Not in the last five minutes.”

“Well, I love you.”

Gabriel laughed. He kissed the corner of my brow and hugged me to him. “I love you too, baby. More than the moon.”

Waylon, dressed smartly in uniform, greeted us with tip of his hat. “Miss Emma, Mr. Gordon.”

“Hello, Waylon.” My warm greeting was answered by a flash-smile. The driver opened up the door and ushered me inside with a small bow. Gabriel followed, making sure to pull me out of the corner until I was almost on his lap.

“I’m going to block off that spot to keep you out of it, Emma. No better yet—I’m going to have the seats redone until they’re half this size. I’ll install another bar or something there.”

I didn’t have to ask him if he was serious. He probably was.

The limo launched into traffic, taking us to a destination known to Waylon and Gabriel. It didn’t much matter to me since it was all new. Besides, all I really wanted was to be with Gabriel. We could drive in circles for all I cared as long as I could stay right where I was.

A shiver snaked its way down my spine. I closed my eyes, waiting it out.

Gabriel linked his arms around my waist. I swore I felt the same shiver in him as well. “Seriously, how much did you miss me today? I could barely function today not knowing how well you did or didn’t eat.”

“I ate well but I barely survived the day,” I teased. “It’s a good thing you came when you did or I would’ve withered away. My hair would’ve turned white, my teeth would’ve fallen out—I’d be a terrible sight.”

“Oh, my dearest love,” he breathed into my ear. “I really can’t have that. Not unless my hair falls out along with my teeth too. Then we can be withered together.”

I snuggled deeper into his embrace. His heartbeat lulled me, comforting me in a way I can only describe as primal. The shivers stopped. “Did you give your assistant a hard time?”

Gabriel huffed, sounding thoroughly peeved.

“I take that as a yes.”

“Rick was ready to string me up by my heels. He finally kicked me out about the time I had to get you. Said I was no use to him as long as I kept whining about my ‘missing widdle Emma.’ Can you believe it?”

“Well, were you whining?”

“A little,” he admitted with a sniff. “Or maybe a lot. I can’t really say. I don’t remember.”

“Rick is going to hate me, isn’t he?” I only half-teased this time. I remembered how irritated the man was with Samantha the Samaritan when we were all in the elevator last week. Gabriel’s love life must’ve interfered with Rick’s work more than once for him to be so frustrated.

“Of course not! He loves you already because I do. He’s a sucker for a grand love story like ours. You’ll see when you meet him again soon enough.”

I wondered exactly what Rick knew about us. Did he get the sanitized version or the raw uncut love story? Part of me didn’t want to know, but the other part was occasionally brazen. So I asked.

“Gabriel, what does Rick know about us?” I tilted my head back so I could look at him.

“He knows practically everything there is to know. I glossed over our intimate details, obviously, but I’ve been an open book for the rest.”

I didn’t expect that answer. “You’re close to him.”

“I couldn’t have taken Gordon Industries this far without him. He’s indispensible to me.”

“You’re lucky to have him then.”

Gabriel nodded. “I am. Now tell me—did you enjoy lunch with your friend?”

“I did. It was…nice.”


“Very nice.”

Gabriel waited a beat before asking casually, “Did you tell her about me?” His expectant air told me he’d be disappointed if I hadn’t. “Or are we keeping a low profile for now?

Amused, I assured him with “Of course I told her.”


“And Gretchen was happy for me.” Mostly anyways.

“Really?” His smile was that of a joyful child. Innocent and full of glee.


“Does she know about our past?”

“She knows you were the boy that broke my heart.”

Gabriel huffed loudly, brows snapping together over a patrician nose. “I broke your heart? I broke your heart? I think you have that story backwards, missy! You broke my heart, remember? If I’d had my way, we would’ve been married for almost seven years by now. You’d be Mrs. Emma Gordon and I’d be your ever-doting husband.”

My lover’s ability to casually rob me of breath and speech never failed to surprise me—no matter how many times he did it. “You wanted to marry me?” I asked carefully, belying my racing heart and dry throat.

He didn’t make light of my question or what he’d easily admitted. “Yes, I did. I still do. Don’t worry though—I’m not proposing. At least not yet.”

“But you plan on it?” I had no idea how I managed to keep my voice from cracking.

Gabriel leaned closer until his nose touched mine. “Haven’t I already answered that by now?”

I closed my eyes, unable to look into his without feeling an embarrassing prickle. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything at all. I haven’t asked you. Yet.” Gabriel’s lips made contact with my neck. “Breathe, Emma. We’re fine, okay?”

My body erupted with goosebumps. “I know. I’m just…”

“Just what? Scared?”

“A little, but not because of you proposing one day.”

“Then what is it?” he whispered while trailing a series of delicious kisses all along my collarbone. “You can tell me, baby. I won’t judge.”

“It’s that sometimes I love you so much I think I’m going a little crazy.”

Silence and then, “Emma?”


“I love you so much all the time that I know I’ve already gone a little crazy. It’s not so bad. Promise.”

I giggled like a school girl and wanted to slap my hand over my mouth for making those embarrassing sounds. Gabriel’s chuckle made me do it again.

“Ooh la la, Emma. I’m going to make it my life’s mission to have you make those adorable giggles at least once a day. Twice on the weekends.”
