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Bad For You

Bad For You (Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Love #2)(16)
Author: Anna Antonia

When we weren’t shopping or dining together, Gabriel took every opportunity to get me nak*d and in his bed. I loved those lusty moments, panting and greedy for every slide of his body against and inside me. His name rolled off my tongue nearly as often as mine rolled off his.

As I’ve already said so many times, I didn’t know how one could be that deliriously happy and not explode.

Everyday a new experience awaited me and everyday I found it impossible to believe that I could love Gabriel anymore than I already did. And everyday proved me wrong.

Because of this, I was high on happy when I decided to surprise my lover.

I was going to enter Gabriel’s domain for the first time. Even though it was a Wednesday, I’d gotten off work early for me—which was on time for many others in my department. On a whim, I decided to go up instead of down when I got on the elevator. Considering how many times Gabriel had asked me to work for him, and how comfortable he was coming to my cubicle, it should’ve felt easy to enter his domain.

My ride in the elevator reminded me of what it would’ve been like if I’d waited for Gabriel after class or at his locker back in high school. I nearly rolled my eyes at the comparison. Wasn’t I was so horribly stunted when it came to romance? The only experience I’d had was incomplete and had taken place a lifetime before. I just hoped Gabriel never caught on or remarked on it.

Then I’d have to explain why I was so inexperienced and his crowing would make my head detonate. Gabriel didn’t need the ego stroke and I needed to keep my head right where it belonged.

I got off the elevator and passed through a set of glass doors etched with the company’s logo and entered the surprisingly cozy lobby. I expected an overblown affair whose sole purpose was to announce how powerful Gordon Industries was and how weak everyone else was in comparison. Instead, it was a beautifully crafted space of beige, white, and silver. An enormous flatscreen TV hung on the wall above a fireplace with a quartet of plush chairs centered in front of it.

The thick carpet muffled my steps as I approached the receptionist’s sleek desk. Strangely nervous that I was intruding a holy space whose sole purpose for existing was to make money, and I had no offering other than myself, I wondered what the beautifully dressed woman would think of my audacity in invading her serene domain. I squared my shoulders and held myself with the composure of a pure professional—not a girl intent on sneaking a peek of the boy she was head over heels in love with.

Before I could announce myself, Gabriel’s assistant suddenly met me at the desk. If I had surprised him with my presence, Rick was professional enough to hide it with a welcoming expression.

“Hello, Miss Adams! I take it you’re here to see Gabriel?”

I mirrored his smile, grateful I hadn’t received an impatient scowl. “Actually I am, if he’s not too busy. Is he available?” I glanced up at the ceilings, wondering if my presence had been caught on camera and relayed to Gabriel.

Rick nodded his head at the smiling receptionist. “Don’t worry about signing her in, Melinda. Miss Adams is one of Gabriel’s personal friends. Please call for me immediately whenever she arrives.”

Melinda stood up and reached for my hand, warm pleasantries at the ready. I shook it and returned her friendly smile. “It’s very nice to meet you, Melinda.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Miss Adams.”

“Great! Shall we go?” At my nod, Rick then ushered me down a lengthy hallway and up a staircase. I appreciated his silence since I’d never been good at small talk. We shortly arrived at Gabriel’s door. “He’s right in here, Miss Adams. I was actually on my way out for a snack so you can go right inside. No need to knock.”

“Please call me, Emma.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Emma. You can call me Rick. Gabriel has talked about you so much that I feel like I already know you.”

That was a good sign. Maybe he really didn’t mind my presence in his boss’s life after all. “Gabriel has nothing but great things to say about you.”

He gave me a knowing smirk. “You don’t have to be so polite. I’m sure he’s already whined to you about what a big bad bully I can be.”

“A little. Speaking of, I won’t be staying for long,” I assured him. “I just wanted to surprise Gabriel and let him know I’m heading home early.”

Rick tilted his head, crooked grin making him look surprisingly young and a bit mischievous. “I doubt Gabriel is going to let that happen, Miss Adams. You know how he is. Good luck!” And with that, Rick left me at the hallowed portal and disappeared down the hallway.

Feeling a little self-conscious, I carefully turned the knob and opened the door wide enough to slip in unnoticed. Gabriel didn’t see or hear me. With gunmetal gray jacket off, ivory tied loosened, and sleeves rolled up, my lover was fully engaged in his work. Lost in thought, eyes crinkled as they studied the paper before him, Gabriel was obviously in his element.

I didn’t pay much attention to the imposing wall of windows, dark furniture, or sculptures lined perfectly in their niches. Instead, I stood there with my back against the door, taking full advantage of the private moment to watch Gabriel simply be. It was a stolen moment, one I nurtured because of how I’d taken it.

Once more I was awash in high school memories. I watched him all the time back then too, careful to keep it from being obvious. It was my secret obsession. Now I was doing it again.

I often wondered exactly how he spent his days away from me. Ridiculous as it may be, sometimes I thought Gabriel just sat at his desk all day long and waited until he could call or see me.

A private toy, capable of only coming to life with me. Much like I only seemed to come to honest life with him.

You’re all I ever really wanted…

My heart squeezed painfully. Perhaps it was a throwback to some superstitious ancestor, but I truly didn’t believe I could be this happy and not pay the inevitable price. One simply did not have this much bounty in her life without something terrible happening to balance out the scales.

Come on, Emma. Don’t think that way. You’re just afraid—that’s all. Just remember it was that same kind of madness that made you leave Gabriel’s bed on Prom Night. Don’t let fear get the best of you. Not now.

I nearly left as quietly as I came. I didn’t want to bother Gabriel nor did I want to risk contaminating our joy with my runaway fears. I could just call him later on when I was confident again and not ready to throw salt over my shoulder for good luck.

I loved him and was so afraid I’d lose him because I loved him. How could anyone reason with such madness?

My hand reached for the knob behind me, ready to turn it when Gabriel looked up. His full lips immediately curled into an angelic smile. My legs weakened and my willpower crawled away. Would I ever become immune to his endless charms?

I hoped not.

Without saying a word, Gabriel stood up and walked towards me. Unbalanced and more than a little shy, I felt like that young girl watching him in class again. Except this time, I wasn’t just watching him sleep or moving down the hall. I was watching him look at me fully and seeing myself reflected in his beautiful smile.

Before I had a chance to say anything, his warm hands slid along my jaw and pulled me close for a tender kiss. It was homecoming, a sweet welcome to our secret world.

“I love you. I missed you. I’ll never run away from you again.”

Of course, I didn’t say those words out loud, but Gabriel’s body registered them as if I’d had. He pulled me close, one hand wrapped in my hair and the other on my waist. My fear ebbed until I could barely remember feeling it.

This is where I belonged—even if it took me nearly a decade to get here.

When we finally pulled away, just barely, Gabriel declared with a husky whisper, “What a lovely way to end my day. I’m so glad to see you.”

I clung to him as hard as he clung to me, refusing to let more than an inch separate us. “You’re not upset to see me here?”

“Why ever would I be upset to see you? Come, let us sit down.” Gabriel held my hand and walked me over to a seating area. As with everything else, I loved the feeling of his palm against mine. We sat down, knees touching, and looked at one another.

It was unbearably intimate. I suddenly had a hard time holding his gaze. I knew I would not be able to conceal my overwhelming love for Gabriel. Just sitting with him made me ridiculously ecstatic.

“What do I owe the pleasure of this surprise visit, Emma?” Gabriel kissed my knuckles and entwined his long fingers with mine.

“I just wanted to let you know I was going home early today.” I added in a sudden rush, “Please don’t think that you have to leave too. I just wanted to see you before I left.”

A playful light entered his glittering gaze. “Now, Emma, you don’t really think I’m going to let you go now, do you?”

“You could.”

“I could…but I won’t.”

I sighed in mock resignation even though his words made me giddy. “That’s pretty much what Rick told me.”

“Rick?” Gabriel asked softly while tracing the line of my jaw. “You saw him?”

It was getting difficult to concentrate. I leaned into his touch, hungry for more. “Yes, he is the one who brought me here. He said he was getting a snack.”

Gabriel looked down and smiled. The enigmatic grin hinted at secrets untold. “Did he now?”

I fully suspected Rick had not been honest with me. In fact, I was sure he hadn’t been. “I’m so sorry about coming in like this!” Heat raced across my cheeks. I made to get up even though that was the last thing I truly wanted. Gabriel’s work was too important for me to interfere with. Besides, I had just planned on seeing him for a few minutes. “I’ll get out of your hair—”

“No, no! Stay here!” he exclaimed while pulling me back down. “You’re not interrupting anything, Emma. Promise.”

“Are you sure?”


I didn’t quite believe him, but I didn’t push either. I enjoyed Gabriel’s attention too much to really try to leave. “Okay.” I looked around, fishing for something to comment on. My gaze alighted on a wall of books. I gestured with my chin and said, “That’s the library you were tempting me with, isn’t it?”

“Yes. When you agree to be my muse you can add to it.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “I like where I work, Gabriel.”

“Yes, but you’ll like it here better. You’ll see.”

I shook my head and laughed. I’m not even sure if Gabriel meant what he said or if he just liked to get a predictable reaction out of me. I leaned towards he just liked to tease me because I made it so easy for him.

“Where would you like to go for dinner tonight?”

“Actually I was planning on cooking.”

Gabriel’s expression lit up. “I get to eat your food?” He tugged me to my feet. “Then we need to hurry. I just need to finish up a few things. Come along, Emma. Hurry!” Gabriel led me to his desk at a fast clip. He sat down and quickly pulled me onto his lap. “We don’t have a moment to lose, baby.”
