Read Books Novel

Bad Rep

Bad Rep (Bad Rep #1)(11)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

Sickening is right. I felt like a moron. And more than that I wanted to punch Jordan in his stupidly gorgeous face. He had been totally leading me on and that did not sit well with me. I noticed that Jordan was making a point to stay on the other side of the bar.

He asked me out and he had a girlfriend! One of my sisters to be precise and now he was avoiding me?! Lyla brought me another Jack and Coke and I drank half of it in one gulp. Gracie looked at me with a frown. “You alright?” she whispered. I gave her a weak smile and nodded.

“Fine, just tired.” I could hear my words starting to slur together and my head felt fuzzy from the alcohol.

I wanted to get out of there. But as I continued to drink and continued to get more wasted, I found that I wanted to confront Jordan f**king Levitt and set him straight. How dare he make look like a fool?

The bar was heaving and after awhile, Vivian and Milla joined a group of Kappa Taus at a table near the back. Gracie sat with me while I threw back drink after drink. “Girl, you’d better take it easy. You’re going to feel like shit in the morning.”

“Yeah, yea,.” I replied, finishing my fourth drink. “I’ve gotta pee. I’ll be back,” I said, getting to my now very wobbly feet.

“Do you need help?” Gracie asked, laughing as I braced against the bar to steady myself.

“Nah. I got this,” I hiccuped and headed to the bathroom. After finishing up, I left the bathroom and found myself face to face with none other than Jordan f**king Levitt himself.

“Hey. I think we need to talk,” he said, his face unreadable. Damn if I didn’t still want to stick my tongue down his throat. He was too yummy for his own good. And that pissed me off even more. I tried to move around him and he grabbed my arm. “Maysie. Please, just hear me out,” he pleaded, but I yanked my arm away, almost falling over in the process.

“Get your hands off of me,” I bit out. Jordan ran his hands over his face in frustration.

“I had no idea you were a Chi Delta,” he said. I rolled my eyes.

“Makes it a little inconvenient I guess,” I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

I hated how hurt I felt. But I had really started to like him. And now he was hands off. Life sucked. “Inconvenient? What are you talking about?” Jordan asked, frowning. I barked out a laugh.

“You know, the fact that I’m in the same sorority as your girlfriend. Makes it hard to tap my ass,” I spat out hatefully.

Jordan flinched at my words. “Shit, Maysie. That’s not at all what I was trying to do.” I felt like I was swaying on my feet and had to lean back against the wall so I wouldn’t fall over. That would just be perfect. You know, make more of a jerk of myself.

“Then what were you trying to do Jordan? Because you asked me out. When you had a girlfriend. That’s skeevy,” I said coldly. Jordan sighed.

“I would have told you about Olivia.” I snorted. Like I believed that. Jordan glared at me. “Will you just stop it already. I’m telling you the truth. Yeah, Olivia and I have been together for a while. But I feel drawn to you…”

“Drawn to my tits and ass, I’m sure,” I scoffed crudely. Jordan smirked and that annoyed me even more.

“Well, you do have mighty fine tits and ass, Mays.” I drew myself upright.

“You do not get to talk about my body in any way shape or form,” I hissed.

Jordan’s smirk dropped and he looked contrite. “I’m sorry. Really.” I huffed and looked away from him. This conversation was over as far as I was concerned. I really wanted to knee him in the balls, but I held myself back.

“Maysie. Listen. I really like you. Of course I’m insanely attracted to you. I mean, look at you.” His eyes roved over my body in a way that made me throb between my legs. Stupid vagina! “But, I also like talking to you. I wasn’t really thinking about Olivia when I asked you out. I was only thinking that there was this beautiful, amazing girl that I wanted to get to know better. And look, things with Olivia have been strained for a while. I mean she’s off partying in North Carolina all summer…”

Okay, that was it. I didn’t want to talk about his relationship with my sorority sister. I wanted to get the hell out of there. I put my hand up to stop him. “Just shut up, alright. I don’t care what your reasons were for asking me out. All I know is that you have a girlfriend. Not just any girlfriend, but the president of my freaking sorority. And right now, what I think is that you’re some two timing douche bag who wants to get a piece of something on the side while his girlfriend is away. And I have no interest in being that girl.” I pushed off of the wall and walked around him.

I heard him let out frustrated breath. “You’re not just a piece of anything. Don’t ever think that. I really like you, Maysie,” he said softly, stopping me in my tracks. Damned if I didn’t want to believe him. Damned if I didn’t still want to turn around and launch myself into his arms. But I had more pride than that.

“Whatever,” I threw back at him and walked away. I should have felt good for putting him in his place. But I didn’t. I felt horrible.

Chapter Four

I woke up the next morning with a horrible taste in my mouth and my head feeling like it had been run over by a Mack truck. I groaned and rolled over in my bed, startling when I touched a hard body lying next to me. I sat up, the blanket falling to my waist and gasped at the fact that I was naked.

Then it all came flooding back to me. Jordan. Jordan asking me out. Finding out Jordan was dating Olivia too-perfect-to-be-real Peer. I had gotten completely tanked and taken a cab back to the apartment. Then around three in the morning there had been a knock at my door.

Eli had shown up, completely stoned. Of course I had let him in. I was drunk, I was depressed over the whole Jordan fiasco. And more importantly I was extremely horny. So I had allowed him to maul my body with his hands while he trailed slobbery kisses across my face and neck. I tried not to imagine that it was Jordan as Eli took my clothes off and proceeded to give me some of the most awkward o**l s*x of my life.

Maybe it was the fact that he could barely stay awake while his tongue slid over me. Or perhaps it was the fact that I was dangerously close to calling out another guy’s name. Well, whatever it was, the mood left about as fast as it had arrived. So I pulled Eli up rather forcibly by his hair and made him stop with the god awful tongue tango he was attempting to perform on my nether regions.

He had protested and tried to keep going at it. But I had hauled him up by his shoulders and made him lay down on the other side of my queen sized bed. I hated cuddling while I slept, which was the reason I very rarely let guys stay the night. I liked my space. There was nothing more annoying than waking up with someone’s arm over your face and hot morning breath in your ear. Yuck. No thank you. The morning after was just not my thing.
