Read Books Novel

Bad Rep

Bad Rep (Bad Rep #1)(20)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

“I can’t believe you don’t have some sort of witty commentary on the bullshit macho spectacle earlier.” I leaned back against the sink and crossed my arms over my chest. Riley laughed.

“Well, it was certainly something,” she said dryly with a sardonic grin.

“And that’s it?” But the truth was, I actually wanted her insight into what was going on with Jordan. What he had done, that unexpected possessive aggression freaked me out. And not because he almost beat Eli to a bloody pulp.

“What do you want me to tell you? That Jordan is insanely crazy about you? To the point that he’ll take down a room full of guys if they look at you funny? I don’t need to tell you that, because you already know it.” I started to protest. But she gave me a look that shut me up.

“Stop playing stupid. He likes you. From the look on his face as he watched Eli maul you at the bar, I’d say he feels a lot more than like for you. I know you’re hot for him. So I don’t know what else to tell you. He has a girlfriend, Mays. Not just any girlfriend either. But one you know pretty darn well. I don’t know what to tell you to do about that. I’m not even sure what I would do if I were in your shoes. But you definitely have yourself a situation here and you need to sort it out before you become collateral damage.” Riley ran her hands under the tap and grabbed a paper towel.

I followed her to the door. “Well, that wasn’t even remotely helpful,” I joked. Riley laughed.

“Sorry chickadee. I’ll work on my sage advice and figure on some sort of Dear Abby answer for you later,” she said. I patted her back.

“That would be greatly appreciated.” I chuckled as we left the bathroom, my mood already improving.

“Maysie, you got a minute?” I looked over to the door of the men’s room and saw Jordan leaning against the wall. And my restored good mood evaporated just like that.

“I’ll go keep the masses entertained,” Riley said and left us. Jordan pushed off the wall and walked toward me.

“I don’t have anything to say to you, Jordan.” I felt wobbly on my feet and it had everything to do with the boy standing in front of me. But I tried really hard to keep my voice disinterested and my eyes cool. He scanned my face and I flushed an even brighter red.

“Well, I have stuff I need to say to you and you’re going to listen,” Jordan’s voice had an edge to it and I bristled at his audacity.

“Screw you, Jordan. I don’t need to stand here and listen to your bullshit after the crap you pulled out there.” I jerked my head in the direction of the bar. I could see Eli talking to Randall. He apparently didn’t realize I hadn’t come back from the bathroom with Riley.

“Look, I’m sorry, Mays. I didn’t mean to lose my cool like that. But he was touching you and I could tell you didn’t want him to. And…well…fuck…he was touching you!” he said in an agonized tone. His obvious jealousy fueled my anger. I leaned into him and dropped my words to a whisper.

“And what’s it to you?” Was that seductive voice mine? I licked my lips and saw Jordan’s eyes drop to my mouth.

“Maysie.” His voice was husky and he moved in closer to me. I should back up, move away. This was everything I didn’t want but everything I craved.

“Why should it matter to you what he was doing? You and I have nothing, are nothing. More to the point, there is no such thing as you and I!” I hissed. Then my shoulders relaxed and my gaze dropped to the floor. “You have a girlfriend, Jordan,” I said softly, my fury fizzling out the longer we stood close together in the dark space. That pull I always felt around him was back in full force and I placed my palm on his chest and felt the hammering of his heart beneath my palm. It was dim in the tiny hallway and I had a momentary flash of concern that someone would see us like this. Because we didn’t look very innocent, nearly pressed body to body as though we needed each other to breathe.

“It matters to me, Mays. It matters a lot. I don’t like seeing some other guy touching you. Not when it should be me touching you.” His hand slithered up my side, until he was cupping the back of my neck. I wanted to say something about Olivia. I wanted to yell at him for continuing to mess with my head like this. “I hated him calling you ‘his girl.’ Because I want you all to myself,” he dropped his voice into a seductive growl.

At that moment all I could think about was the fact that Jordan’s lips were moving toward mine. “I want to kiss you. More than I’ve ever wanted anything,” he murmured, stopping just shy of my mouth. I held my breath, waiting for him to make a move because I was too scared to do anything. I was terrified of this irresistible force that was building between us. And then I shocked us both.

“Then do it,” I whispered, licking my bottom lip in anticipation. Something sparked in Jordan’s eyes a split second before he slammed his mouth down on mine. He pushed me back into an alcove, pressing my back against the wall.

His traced his tongue along the seam of my lips and I opened them, allowing him access. Inviting him. Welcoming him. His tongue plunged inside and I made a noise deep in the back of my throat that sounded an awful lot like a whimper. Jordan’s hands dropped down to cup my ass and haul me up against him. I could feel his erection against my leg as our mouths mated with one another.

My hands slid up under his shirt and my nails dug into his back. Jordan moaned into my mouth, his lips becoming more frenzied. His kiss more urgent. I wanted him to drag me to the floor and have his way with me. I wanted to feel him buried deep inside me and yelling my name.

What I wanted obviously didn’t matter, because we were suddenly interrupted by a group coming to the bathrooms. The girls chuckled as they caught sight of us tangled up in each other. I pulled my mouth away from Jordan’s and tried to push him back with trembling hands, only gaining a few inches of separation.

“We can’t do this,” I whispered unsteadily. Jordan’s breathing was ragged and he rubbed his hand over his face. Then he stared at me and moved his hand so it ran down the length of my cheek.

“I’ve never felt this way about anyone. Ever,” he told me. The heat in his eyes had simmered down and now all I saw was tenderness. And that scared me a hell of lot more than the passion from just moments before.

“Not even with Olivia?” I cringed internally, hating myself for bringing her name into this. But I needed to. It had to be dealt with. Jordan needed to be reminded that what we were doing was behind his girlfriend’s back. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against mine. Our noses rubbed against each other and I didn’t have the strength to move away from him. He held me captive.
