Read Books Novel

Bad Rep

Bad Rep (Bad Rep #1)(37)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

“Touch me, Jordan. Now!” I cried out desperately. Jordan’s lips quirked up in a taunting smile.

“What, like this?” His forefinger slipped underneath the edge of my underwear and slowly rubbed my throbbing clit. “Do you like it when I touch you like this, baby?” he whispered, watching me as his finger slid into my warmth. He stared at me as I clutched his hand and guided his movements in and out of my slippery folds.

I met his eyes and whispered, “Yes, I love it.”

Jordan groaned and thrust another finger inside me and I arched off of the sink. Jordan’s other hand roughly pulled down the neck of my dress so that my br**sts were on full display. In one movement, he tore my bra from my body and I couldn’t even register the fact that I would have to be braless the rest of the night.

With my br**sts heavy and aching from desire, he cupped first one, then the other as he started rubbing my ni**les. His callused fingers pinched and teased as his other hand manipulated my saturated heat. He had lit a fire inside of me and I was ready to go down in the flames.

“Oh God, Jordan!” I gasped as his fingers increased their rhythm.

“Come for me, Maysie. Please.” His voice was a strangled plea and I was helpless to resist him. It was the most raw and intimate experience I had ever had with a guy before. Jordan watched me as I started to clench around his fingers and he continued to thrust them inside me. He licked his lips as I lifted my hips and pressed into his hand. I cried out his name, feeling myself shatter into a million tiny pieces.

Then Jordan picked up every one of those pieces and put me back together again. He removed his fingers from my dripping center, putting my panties back in place, his hand lingering between my legs. Then he gripped my waist, pulling me toward him again. He rested his forehead against mine and looked at me with an expression that made my heart twist up.

“I can’t turn my back on us now. Don’t f**king ask me to!” he demanded, looking almost angry. I closed my eyes and felt the first tears prick behind my eyelids.

Jordan put his lips to mine again and this kiss was less hungry than before but no less intoxicating. His hands came up to cradle my face and we kept kissing. It was almost as though we couldn’t bear to be separated.

“Oops. Am I interrupting?” Four words and my life just got ripped in half.

Chapter Twelve

I tore my mouth from Jordan’s and looked over his shoulder in horror to see Milla leaning against the door jam, her arms crossed over her chest. I shoved Jordan backwards and got down from the sink, straightening my shirt.

“We were just…” I tried to think of something to say, but it was useless. She had seen us together, kissing. I knew my mouth was swollen and bruised. There was no way I could whitewash that. Jordan didn’t seem as bothered by this latest development as I was. In fact he looked annoyingly relaxed.

Milla clicked her tongue. “What would our lovely president say if she could see the two of you like this?” Jordan opened his mouth to respond but I cut him off.

“It was nothing! I swear! We’re both just drunk!” I cried out desperately, lying through my teeth, as Milla started back down the hallway. God, if only I could blame alcohol on my behavior. But I was stone cold sober and I knew that I had no one to blame but myself. I started to run after her but Jordan grabbed me from behind, holding me in place. I twisted in his grip, trying to get away.

“Let me f**king go, Jordan! She can’t tell Olivia!” I was panicked but Jordan continued to hold me still.

“So what if she tells Olivia? I’ll go scream from the rooftops that I want to be with you and only you! I don’t care!” he said angrily.

I pushed at him as he tried to pull me closer. Tears started running down my face. I was an emotional wreck and I had just gotten caught messing around with my sorority sister’s boyfriend behind her back. I felt like such a slut.

“You don’t get it, Jordan! I do care!” I screamed at him. Jordan looked shocked by my words. He began to rub my arms slowly, as if he were trying to calm a skittish animal.

“Why does it matter what anyone else thinks? We want to be together and that’s what’s important.” he said softly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I should have felt soothed by his words. Isn’t this what I wanted? Right then all I could think about was how wrong this situation had become. I was freaking out. I couldn’t listen to this right now. Not when I had to do damage control.

“Who says that’s what I want, Jordan?! I don’t know that I’m ready to shit all over my friends for some guy! Now, just leave me the hell alone!” I yelled, wrenching myself free and stumbling down the hallway, leaving him standing alone.

I was scared to go downstairs. No, I take that back. I was freaking terrified. I knew Milla would waste no time in telling everyone about what she saw. What was I going to do? Dear flipping God! WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO?

I headed down the stairs, peeking into the living room. The party was still going on in full force but then I saw it. Little groups of my sisters huddled together, talking animatedly. My eyes darted around, trying to find Milla. And there she was, her arm around Olivia who had her face buried in her hands. A self-satisfied smirk danced across Milla’s face. This was so much worse than I could ever have imagined.

I gnawed at my bottom lip. They still felt tender from kissing Jordan only minutes before. Had it only been minutes? It felt like a life time ago. I hit the bottom stair and it was like one of those movies when everything goes in slow motion. I saw a few of my sisters look up at my entrance into the room and everything just stopped.

And their faces were anything but welcoming. I had to find Gracie. I needed to explain to someone who would listen to me. Then the whispering started. The buzz of hushed voices filled my ears and it was deafening.

I practically tip toed further into the room, feeling exposed and on display. Everyone was staring at me. Everyone knew! You didn’t have to be the most observant person on the planet to see that. It was on every one of their faces. My supposed friends all looked the same. They looked disgusted. Outraged even. A few of them looked almost jealous.

And the guys leered at me as though I had come in with my clothes off. “Having a good time tonight, Maysie?” Gio sneered as I tentatively headed to the kitchen. I didn’t even bother to respond. I needed to find Gracie. I needed to talk to Olivia. I needed to pick my dignity up off the floor.

My eyes flickered up and found Olivia watching me. Our normally happy, party loving president looked at me as though I had just killed her favorite pet. Anger and betrayal painted her face in an ugly mask. I couldn’t deal with her right now.
