Read Books Novel

Bad Rep

Bad Rep (Bad Rep #1)(39)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

“Jordan told me he wants us to be together. But I can’t do that. Not now.” It all seemed so hopeless. How had I made such a mess of things in such a short amount of time? Gracie tugged on a piece of my hair and I looked up at her.

“Maysie, I think you need to get out of here. They’re probably lying in wait to attack in there. You need to give everyone time to cool off. And stay the hell away from Jordan. Don’t even entertain the idea. No guy is worth losing your friends over,” she said with such surety.

But at that moment, I wasn’t so sure I would be losing anything. But I agreed that I had to leave. I needed to get out of the fire. And I sure as hell needed to keep a healthy distance from Jordan f**king Levitt. He made everything way more complicated than I could handle. And I wasn’t sure that was something I could deal with now, or maybe ever.

I got to my feet and Gracie followed suit. We looked at each other for a minute before she pulled me into a hug. I tried to choke back the tears that threatened to resurface. Gracie rubbed my back comfortingly.

“It’ll be okay. It will all blow over.” She sounded as though she didn’t believe her words anymore than I did.

We pulled apart. “I can’t go back in there,” I whispered, strangling on the reality of the screwed up situation. I had to hide from my friends. I had to hide from everyone. Gracie pushed me toward the garden gate.

“Go through there. Do you have your cell phone? Can you call Riley to come and get you?” she asked me. I shook my head.

“I didn’t bring my purse. But I’ll just walk. It’s only five blocks to the apartment.” I just hoped I wouldn’t get jumped on my way home.

Gracie gave me a little shove. “Well, get out of here. I’ll try and do some damage control. I’ll call you tomorrow,” she assured me, though her smile was a little hollow. I reached out and squeezed her hand in silent thanks and then slunk through the gate like a goddamn criminal.

Who gives a damn about their reputation? Oh, that would be me. Especially since mine had gone straight to hell in the span of thirty minutes. I walked toward the sidewalk, shooting a panicked look back toward the house, hoping no one could see me.

“Maysie!” Someone screamed. It was official, I was having the worst night ever. I thought about not stopping. I should have just run for it. But my sense of guilt and even greater sense of pride brought me to a halt. Olivia came hurrying down the path from the front door of the Pi Sig house, Milla hot on her heels.

“You f**king bitch!” she shrieked. And then she slapped me. I mean, she put every ounce of strength behind that slap. My head swung to the side and I put my hand up to my burning cheek. My eyes watered and my teeth crunched together painfully. That would bruise. Just fabulous.

“How could you do this to me? We’re sisters! Sisters don’t screw each other’s boyfriends behind their backs!” she yelled in my face. Screw their boyfriends? What the hell had Milla told her that she had seen? What Jordan and I had done was bad enough, but I sure as hell didn’t sleep with him!

“Wait a second, Olivia. I didn’t…” I didn’t get a chance to finish because Olivia launched at me like a damn monkey. She jumped on me, taking us both to the ground. I tried to fend her off, but she grabbed a hunk of my hair and pulled as hard as she could.

“Stop it, Olivia!” I screamed as I felt my hair being yanked from head. My scalp was on fire. Her fingernails scratched down the side of my neck and she pushed her knee into my gut.

“You stupid, f**king WHORE!” she screeched into my ear. I rolled us both over until I was on top of her, holding her arms off to the side. My breath was coming in pants as Olivia thrashed beneath me, her heels digging into the back of my calves.

“Get off of me you skank!” Olivia moved her head to the side and bit into my arm.

“Ow!” I yelped, dropping her wrist. Olivia slithered out from underneath me and was on me again. I knew she wanted to do more than maim. She wanted to freaking kill me! I had never seen such hatred in someone’s eyes before. It was chilling.

People came filing out of the house and formed a circle around us.

“Chick fight!” The guys yelled and started chanting as though we were in bikinis and wrestling in jello. None of my sisters came to my aid. Instead, they stood silently and watched our president assault me.

“Olivia! Get off of her!” There was a murmur from around us and suddenly Jordan was pulling Olivia back by her shoulders. Gracie appeared beside me and put her arms around me, moving me off to the side. I felt battered and bruised and the tears started again. I couldn’t stop them. And I hated these people for witnessing my weakness. I had never been brought so low before. And they all had a front row seat.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jordan yelled, holding Olivia firmly. She started smacking at his chest.

“You stupid ass**le! How could you do this to me? You’ve humiliated me! And with her?” Jordan lifted his eyes to meet mine.

I looked away, not wanting to see him hold her. I sort of hated him right then. If I hadn’t wanted him so badly, none of this would have happened. It was so much easier to place blame anywhere but on myself at the moment.

I heard Olivia start to sob. “Why?” she wailed. I couldn’t help but look up and saw Olivia bury her face into Jordan’s chest, her body shaking as she cried. “Why?” she screamed again into his shirt. Jordan looked at a loss. But I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest as I watched him put his arms around her and slowly lead her back to the house.

“This party is over,” he called over his shoulder. Olivia wrapped her arms around his waist and Jordan supported her as they disappeared into the house without a backward glance. He hadn’t looked at me again. And that was all I needed to see to know I had ruined everything for absolutely nothing. My shoulders sagged in defeat and I wanted to curl into a ball and die.

I was given the evil eye by most everyone as they started to disperse. “Bitch” and “slut” were on everyone’s lips.

“Lets get you home.” Gracie said, keeping her arm around me. Gracie and I walked the long five blocks back to my apartment and I think I cried the entire way.

By the time I let us inside, I was all cried out and just felt empty. I was glad Riley hadn’t come home yet. I didn’t think I could have dealt with her questions. Gracie turned the lights on and sat me down on the couch. She went into the kitchen, opening cabinets and making a lot of noise. She came back a few minutes later with a glass of water and three ibuprofen as well as some antiseptic and band aids.

“Take these and let me put some stuff on those scratches on your neck. They look brutal.” I took the ibuprofen and swallowed them, trying not to wince as she started dabbing my war wounds.
