Read Books Novel

Bad Rep

Bad Rep (Bad Rep #1)(4)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

I looked at her in confusion. What was with all the preening? Then a deep voice caught my attention. It was one of those voices that you imagine hearing in a darkened bedroom. After naughty sex. The kind of voice that was a combination of the most decadent chocolate and outright sin. “Are you the ones wanting applications?” I looked up and swallowed. Damn, who the hell was this?

A guy stood there, holding out two sheets of paper. I sat there, staring like an idiot. Because sweet lord was he cute. No, cute didn’t even begin to describe what he was. The guy standing in front of us, had short cropped dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. He had a tiny dimple in his chin and his nose was slightly crooked, like it had been broken before. He was tall and lean, but I could see the muscles of his arms beneath the fitted Barton’s t-shirt. He sported an eyebrow ring and I caught the glimpse of metal in his tongue when he spoke. I also noticed the upper edges of a tattoo along both sides of his neck. Holy bad boy Batman! He oozed sex appeal. And from his arrogant stance, he knew it.

Jaz jumped to her feet and gave the boy a hug. “Jordan! I didn’t know you were here!” she squealed. I looked at Riley who only rolled her eyes. Jordan hugged Jaz back before disengaging himself from her clingy arms.

“Yeah, just walked in two seconds ago. Moore is still on the phone, so he asked me to bring out the applications.” Jordan looked at me and my stomach flipped over. I opened my mouth but no words came out. God, I must look like an idiot. But I couldn’t stop staring at him. The longer I looked at him, the more I realized there was something familiar about him. I just couldn’t quite place what.

Jaz plastered herself to his side, making a point to press her ample br**sts against his arm. Riley snickered and I was finally able to break the intense staring contest we seemed to be engaging in.

“My friends here want to apply for the wait staff positions. Jordan, this is Maysie Ardin and Riley Walker. Guys, this is Jordan Levitt.”

“Charmed.” Riley deadpanned before taking the paper from his hand. Jordan smirked then handed the other one to me.

“Here ya go, Maysie,” he said, his eyes twinkling; as though he knew how much it turned me on to hear him say my name.

I cleared my throat a few times before answering with a shaky, “thanks.”

He looked at me a few more seconds and I felt my cheeks start to flush. I always seemed to blush at the most inopportune moments. My face was hot and I knew I had turned a bright red.

“Jordan! Are you going to start tending bar tonight?” Jaz asked and I suddenly found my friend’s voice grating. I finally understood why Riley found her so annoying. Jordan stopped looking at me and turned to Jaz.

“Yeah, Moore put me on the schedule from seven until close. I’m pretty stoked.” Jaz squealed again. I had to suppress my eye roll, which took significant effort.

Jaz turned to Riley and me as we started filling out the applications. “Jordan just got bumped up to bartender. He’s going to be great!” she gushed, pressing herself close to him again.

“Jeesh, is she going to start dry humping him next?” Riley whispered under her breath, shooting a look in their direction. I laughed quietly.

“It’s starting to feel like a low budget  p**n o in here. Just cue the cheesy 70’s background music. Bow chick-a-wow-wow,” I whispered back, trying to discreetly watch the pair as they talked.

Okay, Jordan was hot. Like, ridiculously hot. He had a delicious edge about him that was hard to ignore. He was this weird mixture of tatted up bad boy and gorgeous guy next door. But I felt embarrassed for Jaz, watching the other girl as she flirted shamelessly. No guy was worth shredding your self-respect like that. Even if he did have an amazing smile and the most kissable lips I had ever seen. And I couldn’t stop myself from fantasizing about running my tongue over his eyebrow ring.

“Bartender, huh? I bet you’ll make some serious scratch,” I commented, handing my completed application back to him. He tossed his perfect smile in my direction and I felt my panties getting wet. Dear lord, the flash of his gleaming white teeth was like a hot button to my nether regions. Down vagina! Down, girl.

Jordan scanned my application for a minute. I frowned, not knowing why he was looking at it. Wasn’t that stuff confidential or something? “You live over on Ox Hill Drive?” he asked, glancing up at me again.

Riley shoved her application at him. “Yeah, we do. So when will we hear whether we got the job or not?” she asked, cutting him off. I had to chuckle as Jordan blinked at Riley in surprise. He seemed taken aback by her hostility. He just didn’t know that Riley’s hostility was her way of saying howdy.

“Um, well, let me take these back to Moore. Don’t go anywhere.” He shot me another quick smile before disappearing into the back of the restaurant. Jaz sighed heavily and dropped back down onto the bench.

“Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to have him bend me over one of those tables and…” Riley coughed loudly, stopping her from finishing the thought.

Jaz fanned herself with a menu. I laughed. “Got it bad?’ I asked, watching as the other girl pulled her shirt back into place, effectively covering her boobs again. Jaz closed her eyes dreamily.

“Who doesn’t? Jordan Levitt is like a Rinard deity. Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of him before?” Jaz looked at Riley and me like we had just touched down from outer space.

I shrugged. “Nope. Who is he?” Jaz rolled her eyes.

“Oh, he’s only the hottest, most unattainable piece of ass on campus. He’s a senior and lives over at one of the Pi-Sig houses. He also plays in the band Generation Rejects. He’s the most amazing drummer ever.”

Ah. That must be where I knew him from. He was a Pi Sig and I was a Chi Delta. We must have crossed paths at a mixer or something. Though, it still bothered me that I felt I should be able to place him.

“Yeah, I’m sure he’s right up there with Keith Moon,” Riley snarked. Jaz frowned at her.

“Have you ever heard them play?” Jaz shot at her. Riley looked at me and I shrugged again.

“Nope, can’t say I’ve had that particular pleasure,” Riley replied, crossing her arms over her chest. I recognized the signs of my best friend’s ire rearing its ugly head.

“Well, listen to them sometime and then you can get all judgmental. They’re freaking fantastic. If you guys work here, you’ll see them. They play here every once in a while, though they usually play at the some of the other bars around town and the next town over. Which, I guess is why you’ve never heard of them, seeing as you don’t do much outside of saving the planet, or whatever it is you do.” Wow, Jaz was being really bitchy. Riley looked as though she wanted to pull the other girl’s hair out.
