Read Books Novel

Bad Rep

Bad Rep (Bad Rep #1)(63)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

“Just like you went overboard when you stormed out of my show last weekend?” he reminded me. Damn him. He was right.

I looked over my shoulder and he wore an infuriating grin. “This isn’t funny.” I frowned and tried to hold onto my anger. Jordan shook his head and pulled me into his arms.

“I’m sorry if I pissed you off. I’m sorry if I acted like a f**ker. But I’m not sorry for chasing off that pansy ass that used to have what’s mine. Because you’re my girl now and I won’t have that ass**le sniffing around where he doesn’t belong.” I didn’t know if I should be thrilled or totally insulted by what he just said.

“Are you serious?” I asked with what I was sure was a stupefied look on my face.

Jordan sighed and held me tighter. “You and me, Mays, we’re a f**king mess.” He buried his face in my hair and I finally wrapped my arms around his back.

“I’m not sure that’s a good thing, Jordan,” I said, not being able to stop myself from pressing my nose into the front of his shirt. I loved his perfect guy smell.

Jordan pulled back, reaching up to run his fingers through my hair. “No, it’s a f**king great thing! But, we’ve just got to learn to trust each other. And to remember that when it comes to you and me, nothing else, and definitely no one else matters.” I couldn’t stop the smile spreading across my face. I smacked him in the chest.

“It is impossible to stay mad at you!” I huffed out.

Jordan grinned again. “That’s part of my charm, sweetheart.” He pulled me forward and kissed my mouth hard. I nibbled at his bottom lip and he moaned. “No, you can’t start that. I have plans for you,” he said as I tried to rub myself up against him.

“Screw the plans. Right now, I just want to screw you,” I said crudely. Jordan laughed in surprise.

“Damn. My Maysie has developed a dirty, dirty mouth,” he said, his voice getting husky as he kissed me again.

It was my turn to moan as his tongue teased mine. Then he tore away and set me away from him. “We are leaving right now. There will be time later for, how did you put it? Oh, yeah. Screwing.” I flushed red, totally embarrassed by the tart that showed her naughty head moments earlier. Jordan wrapped his arm around my middle and pulled me toward the door. He kissed the side of my neck as I locked up after us.

“There will be lots and lots of screwing. I promise you that,” he whispered into my ear as I tucked my keys into my purse. I shivered as I felt his lips touch my skin again. I loved when he talked like that. It was like an on switch to my groin.

Jordan took my hand in his and walked me out to his car. We stopped when we got to his truck and he held me out at arm’s length. “You look absolutely gorgeous, baby. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner,” he apologized, his eyes raking over my body. I couldn’t stop the self-satisfied smile that lit up my face. He had a way of making me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

“Thanks. You clean up pretty nicely yourself,” I said coyly, smiling at him as he opened my door for me so I could get into the vehicle.

“Only for you, Mays,” he said. And I definitely liked the sound of that.

Chapter Twenty

Jordan didn’t drop my hand as he maneuvered the truck out onto the road. “So, where are we going?” I asked, arching my eyebrow at him. He looked over at me.

“You’ll see in about five minutes,” he promised. Five minutes? Where in the world was he taking me that was only five minutes away? I was totally stumped.

And more than a little baffled when Jordan pulled into the parking lot at Barton’s. He stopped the truck and unbuckled his seat belt. I hadn’t moved, looking up at the sign in front of me. He unbuckled me and then smirked. “Well, aren’t you gonna get out?” he asked. I peered out of the windshield.

“You’re taking me to Barton’s?” I asked, needing clarification.

Jordan opened his door and got out. “Yep,” he replied, coming around to open my door for me. I was trying not to be disappointed.

“This is just so you can get your employee discount isn’t it?” I joked as Jordan wrapped his hand around mine. Jordan snorted.

“Wow, you think a lot of me huh?” he teased, squeezing my hand.

He held open the door to the restaurant and let me go in first. I hadn’t been there since I had quit. I still felt bad about leaving so abruptly. Because I had really liked working there. But with all the Jordan drama that had gone down, I had chickened out and shirked on my responsibility. Even now that Jordan and I were a couple, I knew working together wouldn’t be very good for either of us.

“Maysie!” I heard a screech as we went inside. The place was packed, not surprising. Though it was just Wednesday. I watched Jaz come hurrying toward me. She launched at me and gave me a hug.

“Girl, where have you been? I feel like it’s been years since I’ve seen you!” she said, giving me a full lipped pout. I laughed.

“It’s only been a few weeks, Jaz. I see you’ve survived though.” She looked kick ass gorgeous as always.

She looked over at Jordan and gave him a flirty smile. “Lookin’ good hot stuff.” And she left it at that. Which shocked the hell out of me, considering she typically took every opportunity to plaster herself all over him. I must have been looking at her funny because she nudged me with her shoulder. “Honey, he’s with you now, I’ll back off.” She winked, tossing her hair. And with a waggling of fingers in our direction, she went back to work.

Jordan leaned down close to my ear. “Huh, if I had known being with you would keep her at bay, I would have hounded your ass a lot sooner.” I elbowed him playfully in the stomach.

“You know you love the adoration of your gazillion female fans,” I replied dryly. Jordan kissed just below my ear and squeezed my waist with his hand.

“I only care about the adoration of one particular female,” he murmured. Gah! He was almost too much sometimes.

Riley picked that particular moment to show up at the hostess station. “Hey guys! Jordan, the section is all yours.” She motioned for us to follow her and I looked questioningly at Jordan. He shrugged and gave me a toothy grin, putting his hand at the small of my back as we made our way toward the back of the restaurant.

Riley stopped at a booth. “Here ya go, I’ll be back in a few with your drinks.” I looked around and saw that Riley’s entire section was empty but for us. We were in the very back of the restaurant so despite the crowd, it was actually pretty intimate. Then I realized where she had led us. I looked up at Jordan and felt my stomach go all gooey. His eyes were soft as he watched me work it out.
