Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

And suddenly Bella’s strange behavior makes a whole lot more sense.

She’s still tense as hell as she clears her throat, then responds with her voice oddly strained.

"Yeah, right, yesterday. Did you find that book you were looking for, on, what was it, the propagation of European Medieval societal hierarchy into the American colonies?"

I follow their exchange with a near sick kind of glee on the inside, while I hope that my pleasant smile on the outside doesn’t look like a shark ready to go for his helpless prey. I seem to be doing a good job except for the long look my mother bestows on me when Bella cuts their conversation short, and with a tense, "I need to talk to you," pulls me back towards the kitchen.

We’re barely out of earshot of the others when she stops and turns to me, torn between apologetic cringing and half-hostile defiance.

"So you met Alice’s new boyfriend yesterday, huh?" I ask succinctly as I lean closer to her, using my height to appear just a tad more intimidating than is probably called for. In turn Bella straightens and crosses her arms over her chest, the line of her jaw clearly defined as she gnashes her teeth.

"Yes, in fact I met Alice and Nate yesterday, just after my meeting with my editor, when I was already running late for my late lunch with Jazz. Bite me!"

We stare into each other’s eyes for a few moments, but she’s the first to look away, her cheeks coloring with a deep blush of discomfort. She starts fidgeting then, and when she makes as if to turn away from me I don’t move, forcing her to either squeeze herself by me or stay where she is.

She stays, but when she looks at me again a certain amount of exasperation has replaced part of the defiance.

"Obviously I know about him, no big deal. But maybe now you can better understand why Jazz’s rambled confession made me want to tear his head off, then drag you both into bed with me? She’s so obviously over him, has discarded him like a dishrag, and I couldn’t just ignore that all of a sudden there was no reason left why we shouldn’t re-start what we had, if we wanted that. And before you ask, I didn’t tell either of you asshats because I knew you’d just get your heads shoved even further up your asses if you knew. Don’t even try to deny it!"

I let her stew for a while before I straighten, giving her a little more space.

"I’m not. But if I recall, you’ve had ample opportunity to tell me afterwards."

She huffs, but then sighs.

"Yes, I had, and I’m sorry I neglected to do so, but I was kind of hoping that she wouldn’t bring him here. I know, I can get quite delusional when I get f**ked thoroughly enough."

I reward that with a grin – not a nice one, but it is obvious that it had the desired effect on her, the way she holds her breath for a moment – then lean in with the intent of kissing her with a silent promise of providing her with more reason for further delusions later, but before I can finish the move I hear my mother clear her throat from the direction of the door.

"I swear to you, Edward, if this is about you throwing a hissy fit because of Alice’s new boyfriend, I will spank you over my knee, whether you’re too old for that or might like it too much for my own comfort nonwithstanding."

That gets me moving away from Bella immediately, who answers my rueful smile with one of her own. Trying to look properly chastised I turn to my mother then, who is still gazing at us levelly.

"Why should I? He looks like a decent enough guy."

My mother’s elegant brows rise, and her snort isn’t exactly ladylike.

"Don’t give me that crap. I hope it’s not too much to ask of my grown-up son that he behaves like an adult?"

"Of course not," I grumble, then I feel like hitting myself for sounding like a petulant child. "Look, this isn’t about Nate or Alice, and in fact we were just about to rejoin the merry band that’s ready to descend on the dining room any moment now."

"If you say so," she replies, the turns around, switching effortlessly from stern mother to best hostess there is. "Oh, and as you’re already in the kitchen, could you please bring four bottles of beer with you? Emmett and Nate already said they want one, and Jazz really looks like he could use one, too."

"And the forth one?"

"Why, for Bella of course! At least I figure she will drink some as since she broke up with Mike she stopped pretending she doesn’t love to chuck down a Heineken as much as you guys? I know you won’t touch any, seeing as you’re designated driver and due for work in the evening."

With that she leaves us to ourselves, and when I glance at Bella, she grins and stretches up onto her tip-toes to place a quick kiss on my chin.

"That would be really nice of you."

And just like that I’m left alone in the kitchen, with nothing else to do other than to fetch the booze or look even more stupid. I hurry to rejoin the others, not wanting to seem like I’m moping around when I’m really not.

Of course my mother’s assessment has been correct – while I’m surprised that I really don’t feel any resentment towards Nate, Jazz has a much harder time coping with meeting his successor so soon. He accepts his beer with a grateful smile when I hand him the bottle. Being the last to reach the table I’m forced to take the last remaining place, between Bella and Jazz. I’m pretty sure that my mother had intended for me to sit between her and Bella but sneaky as she is, my beloved has stealthily switched our seats, leaving me smack in the middle of everything. The other long side of the table is divided between Rose and Emmett on the one end closest to Jazz, and Alice and Nate on the other, with my father having the honors of occupying the head of the table.

At first conversation is a little awkward, but Emmett and Jazz soon enough start discussing the latest NHll results while Bella and Nate resume their talk about that book she mentioned earlier. It turns out Nate is a history professor at Columbia, and he seems only too happy to regale our merry group with some anecdotes from his studies when my mother prompts him to – better than the cranberries on the carpet tale anyway.

Slowly everyone is easing up, and once we dig into the food, things are as close to civil as can be expected. Rose keeps eyeing us speculatively but holds her tongue, and thankfully no one else drops any weird comments, either. When the conversation turns to the Revolutionary War, Jazz finally chimes in. I’m surprised how relaxed he seems, and allow myself to let my own guard down a little. Everyone is enjoying the food, and to mixed amounts the company also; in fact the only one glaring at anyone is my father in my general direction from time to time, and I can certainly live with that.

Things progress like that to coffee and pumpkin pie, when Alice suddenly speaks up, looking all ecstatic and ready to bounce in her chair as she grabs Nate’s hand on her left, and Rose’s on her right.

"We forgot to say what we’re all thankful for! Come on, everybody, we need to do this or it’s not a proper Thanksgiving!"

I have to bite down on my tongue to keep from groaning, but of course no one protests – keeping Alice from her perceived traditions is like stealing a small child’s cotton candy. A bit grudgingly everyone clasps hands around the table then, only Emmett and Rose modifying the gesture where he’s holding the baby with one arm, and Rose her little daughter’s hand instead of her husband’s.

"Let’s start with our happy, young parents, I’m sure yours will be easy to guess!"

Rose still looks less than ecstatic, but then again she seems tired and strung out since she got here.

"Okay, how about this. I’m thankful for my husband remembering that he pledged he would be on diaper duty whenever he’s home, even at 4am in the morning. And I’m thankful for my wonderful darling daughter letting me sleep for up to three hours in one go before she loudly demands me to demonstrate again why we’re mammals. Anything else? Oh, right, I’m thankful for endless reruns of TV shows at night because otherwise I’d never get to catch up on them all in just under a month!"
