Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

Walking around them a few times, I let the flogger land all over their backsides, until I stop behind Bella, stepping close enough to her that my front touches her in several places while I reach between her spread legs from behind. Not surprisingly, I find her pu**y wet, and a low moan escapes her when I briefly push two fingers into her.

"So wet," I murmur into her ear, my voice making her shiver. I withdraw my fingers and instead grab Jasper’s c**k through her spread legs, adding a low, "So hard." He’s just as erect as before, a little at odds with his lack of enthusiasm for my ministrations, but considering how wet he is, too, I figure that his excitement might just stem from something else.

Catching his gaze, I stare intently at him, all the while continuing to stroke his cock, while my wrist pushes from below against Bella’s pu**y.

"I better not catch that inside of her, or you’re going to suffer the consequences. If you don’t f**k up I might allow you to f**k her later, but not before I explicitly tell you to."

"Yes, Sir!" he answers immediately, obviously no longer out to test my patience.

Acknowledging that with a curt nod, I let go and step away from them to resume my little game with the flogger. I don’t really have to hit much harder to reach the point where he doesn’t even relax anymore when I move on to Bella, his small evasive motions away from the hits becoming more jerky by the minute. The signs are obvious and I don’t intend to torture him unnecessarily like that much longer, but there’s still that matter of him breaking position in the beginning.

"Jazz, do you remember what I told you about not letting a sub get away with even the slightest transgression, to stress that you’re not a lenient slob, but deserve their attention and respect?"

From the way he exhales loudly I can tell that he knows what’s coming now, and I notice approvingly how he doesn’t even try to protest.

"Yes, Sir."

"You know what I’m talking about?"

"Yes, Sir."

Apparently the threat of chastisement has stopped short his need to ramble, although I wouldn’t have minded a few words more now.

"Because it’s your first time I won’t be too hard on you. Thirty strokes with the flogger should suffice. Bella, count."

I have no intention of dragging this out, and set to work quickly. He takes each hit with a strained grunt, his head sagging forward against Bella’s shoulder, while she counts for him. Her voice doesn’t reveal whether she feels sympathy or not. I make sure that each of the thirty strokes counts as the flogger bites into the hard flesh of his ass, clearly on the painful side of things but not cruelly so. He mostly takes it as a man, no whimper escaping him even when I’m done and let my hand touch the warm, now reddened muscles.

Stepping closer to him as I’d done with Bella before, I bring my hand up his side, letting the touch convey my satisfaction at his reaction. He leans into it for a moment, but then gasps when I pull his head back sharply by his hair so that I can see his face.

"Good boy. Keep that up and there’s a reward waiting for you later."

I let go of him and walk back to my toy rack to exchange the light flogger for a somewhat sturdier one. I catch Bella smiling slightly when she sees it but Jazz looks a little concerned, yet does his best not to shy away from the next few hits too much. The fact that they don’t hurt more than the light strokes from before the thirty heavier ones seems to surprise him, but I pay attention to keep each impact on the pleasurable side of things. Bella, of course, is another matter entirely, and I’m quite happy to tease the first real cry out of her when I hit her hard enough to leave two faint, red lines between her shoulder blades. On my next track around them I see her smile in spite of her clenched jaw, while Jazz is frowning ever so slightly. I can’t tell whether it’s his protective side rearing its head, or some form of fear that I will hit him just as hard, but for the moment I ignore it.

Things get a little more interesting as I go on, picking up speed while I stay at Bella’s back for longer periods of time now, making her squirm on her tip toes. I can tell that Jazz is having a hard time keeping still while she moves so much against him, but then decide that I might as well use that to my advantage.

What I really want to show him with this little demonstration is just how different their likes and limits are – and that to let her get her kick out of it, he has to learn to erase his own trepidation towards inflicting pain, and of seeing it inflicted on her. In that context, having her highly aroused from more than just the pleasure she derives from being flogged only helps my goal, so I decide to use their position to my advantage.

The next time I’m at Jazz’s back I concentrate the hits on his ass only, making him jerk his hips forward each time until Bella utters a low moan, clearly affected by the friction of his c**k rubbing against her clit and the entire outside of her pu**y. While distracted by what I’m doing to him, he still smiles in turn, the effect only increasing when I make her hips rub against his further when I work on her ass in turn. I keep that up for awhile and soon have them at the point where they realize that I want them to move. I’m rewarded with a handful of lusty sighs between Bella’s sounds of pain.

As much as I enjoy directing them like this, I soon tire of it, or at least my arm does, so I put down the flogger and pick up the thin cane instead.

Although clearly lost in what is going on, Jazz grows tense all over, and I leave it at a very few stinging impacts on his ass only before I stop again.

He obviously doesn’t like them at all, and doesn’t really relax when it’s Bella’s turn. It’s almost painful for me to watch him cringe like that, and for future purposes I decide to keep to the instruments that sting less for him, if needed. He still has to learn that I’m not going to bend my plans just because something is making him uncomfortable, but I figure I might sweeten the deal a little for him.

"I want you to kiss each other when I hit you. Show me just how much you enjoy being here like this, dry humping each other."

As expected, they respond immediately, Bella all too happy to open her mouth so Jazz can deepen the kiss momentarily. It’s a little awkward at first as they have to learn to coordinate that with their continuous rubbing and moving against each other’s sex, but by the third time my cane lightly touches Jasper’s ass, he doesn’t seem to mind all that much anymore.

After keeping that up for a few more minutes, I decide that it’s time to stop indulging Jazz. Instead I concentrate on Bella, seeing as she’s already worked up enough to come soon, although I’m disinclined to let her get there. Putting the cane away I walk back to them; the few extra inches I have on him help me to be able to unhook his cuffs from the spreader bar without having to lower it, and also remove the second bar from between his legs. He staggers for a moment but finds his balance quickly once he has to support his weight completely on his own again.

"Down on your knees, hands behind your back, your face right in front of her cunt."

He quickly complies and I see Bella smile down at him as he gets into position. Leaning down I pull his arms back further, then attach each wrist to the opposite ankle cuff.

"You’re only going to lick her when I tell you to, and you’ll stop at my command."

Getting the cane again, I’m satisfied when I see him remain still even when she pushes her hips forward with each impact, only getting to the task when I give him the signal. She responds fast with a moan between two grunts, and I decide to step things up further.

Bella doesn’t cringe when I exchange the light cane for a heavier one, letting Jazz lick her in the few seconds the switch takes. She barely has enough time to brace herself before I hit her ass hard and fast a few times, her cries now loud and telling of the pain I inflict.
