Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

I stay crouched over her for a moment, feeling my heart slow down as the adrenaline leaks from my body, then kiss her shoulder softly before I begin to free her from her restraints. She utters a series of pain filled sounds when her locked muscles are forced to stretch, then relax, and I know that she will be sore for more than just a few hours. She obediently holds still while I unbuckle the cuffs, then rolls into a ball to alleviate the strain her body has been subjected to. I stay kneeling next to her and stroke her sweat soaked hair gently while I watch her relax. Only when I’m sure that she’s fine, except for her frustration at not being allowed to come, I look up and signal Jazz to come over.

He’s unfamiliarly meek as he crouches down next to me so I can release him from the cuffs, and also remains somewhat subdued when he follows me as I carry Bella over to the shower. We take turns supporting and washing her, leaving her probably more thoroughly cleaned than strictly necessary and even more frustrated than before, but she takes it in stride.

Obviously the mental satisfaction of a wonderful scene far outweighs the downside of not being allowed a physical release. She still has that look in her eyes that I associate with her as my sub, that longing to please me and take whatever I wish to give her, as long as I keep her on a very short leash.

I send Jazz into the bedroom ahead of us, then lift her up onto the counter and get to the more uncomfortable part for her of cleaning her labia piercings thoroughly. They’ve been healing well but human saliva is about as germ-filled as fluids get, and while I’m sure she’s happy to trade the discomfort now for the pleasure she’s received, neither of us want to risk her getting infected just because we’ve been horny and careless.

"That was fun." She finally breaks the comfortable silence while she watches me work, wrapping one stand of wet hair around her finger over and over again.

"You think?" I grin, then brush my thumb over her clit, making her inhale sharply. I chuckle when I realize just how aroused she still is, but abandon teasing her soon after. She doesn’t even glare at me, making it obvious just how much she’s still in her role.

When I’m done, I pick her up and carry her into the bedroom where Jazz is waiting for us, about as tired as Bella but a lot less strung out. He scoots over when I put her down onto the mattress, then pulls her to him and I crawl under the covers to join them. Like the last time we ended up here together, Bella is content to find herself between us, laughing softly when I nibble on the side of her neck.

Jazz watches us for awhile before he clears his throat, drawing our attention back to him.

"That was unexpected, but I can’t say I feel like complaining."

"Well, good for you!" Bella huffs, already sounding a lot more like her usual self. It’s funny to watch her use him to pull herself back together, although part of me resents that she feels the need to do so.

"So you’ll do it again?" I want to know.

Jazz hesitates but then nods, although a slight frown remains on his forehead.

"If you ditch the cane completely next time, okay." Bella must have made a face for he backtracks almost immediately, adding a quick, "When it comes to my ass, I mean, feel free to work her over as much as she wants."

"Now why does that still sound like you’re trying to convince yourself you’re okay with that?" I remark dryly, getting a hard look from him in return that somehow amuses me even more.

"Hey, I’m trying, can’t teach a dog new tricks overnight! But I have to admit, watching your face light up with intensity while you were making her scream and writhe was a lot more of a turn-on than I expected."

I hadn’t even noticed that he was watching me, but stranger things have happened, and his observation leaves me smiling back at him.

"So you won’t run the next time if I’m getting out the heavy guns?"

Now he’s looking properly cowed.

"Uh, this wasn’t what you consider, ah, heavy?"

I don’t even have to answer; Bella does it for me when she starts to laugh, rocking us both with the motion of it.

"Are you serious? Jazz, this wasn’t really that much more than we did last spring in the woods! Okay, this time you were on the receiving side of things, too, but Edward didn’t really hurt me. Sure I might have groaned and grunted a little, and shouted a few times, but that’s nothing. Look at my ass, I don’t even have any real marks!"

Jazz seems stunned at her revelation, then actually checks her butt, only finding a residual reddening of the skin but not a single welt that survived long enough to still show.

"Happy now?" she asks, still laughing, before she curls into my embrace again.

"I guess. It just seemed more vicious while it was happening."

"That’s part of the game as we play it," I admit, amused by how long it takes him to discern reality from acting.

"Although some parts of it were pretty rough. Like when you were trying to shove me right through the floor while you were f**king me. It’s funny that you were all about trying to lend strength to me when Edward went a little enthusiastic with the cane, but you didn’t seem to realize just what problems you were causing with your own body weight."

Jazz looks downright guilty at hearing that, a clear admission that she’s right in her assessment, but before Bella can drive the point home, I interject to put them both more at ease again.

"That’s why it was my call to stop it or let you go on. Getting caught up in the moment happens to everyone, but if you let it happen, you better make sure beforehand that you won’t injure your partner for real, or that someone is close by to keep track of what’s going on with you. There’s a reason why you need to learn things from me."

Bella nods, a little sheepish at her previous words, then adds, "Plus, it’s kind of a huge advantage to have someone handy who can drive me crazy with his tongue on my clit so you can beat my ass soundly without having to stop to do that whole pesky jerking me off yourself. Must be so much easier this way."

"So you think it’s easier to be in control of two people at the same time compared to just one?"

She huffs, her eyes taking on that playful glint that makes it obvious that she’s up to something.

"Maybe not easier, but it can’t be that hard."

"Why don’t you try it yourself then?"

As the words leave my lips I realize that must have been her goal from the start.

"What a great idea, and coming so out of the blue!" she simpers, then laughs when first I, then Jazz, look quizzically at her. "What, are you afraid I’m going to take revenge on you?"

"The thought might have crossed my mind," Jazz admitted, making her laugh a little wickedly.

"We’ll see. It’s not like a small woman like me can force two hunks like you to do anything against their wills, right?"

Instead of answering, I kiss her, drowning out her laughter. And true enough, my c**k isn’t the only part of me already looking forward to this.

Chapter 31

I’m not surprised that once the emotional roller coaster that was our Thanksgiving weekend is over, the days leading up to Christmas seem to zoom by. Maybe it’s also because those days are among the best I’ve had in a very long time, even though at times I feel a little guilty about it.

One thing I’m not surprised at is how easily Jazz integrates himself into our daily lives again. In hindsight, the full impact of just how much I missed him while he was gone is immense, and seeing Bella act as happy and carefree as I do helps me feel a little less like I’m betraying her. Which I am sure I’m not, but having spent months locked inside my own head thinking about my issues with him has left its mark, and it takes more than a few rounds of f**king and a nasty Scrabble tournament to leave all that behind.
