Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

Trying my best at a sleazy leer, I lean closer, now almost touching the desk.

"But Ms. Swan, I’m sure we can find another way to compensate you for the loss."

For a moment I almost think she’s breaking role when she smiles, but then I realize it’s a humorless grimace. She slides her fingers over her phone, still holding my gaze.

"Hi, this is Bella Swan from the library. I need to speak to Dean Thomas. Is he in? Why yes, please connect me. I’ll hold."

"No, wait!" Jazz hollers, sounding surprisingly concerned, but Bella only cocks one eyebrow without removing the phone from her ear.

"You wanted to say something, Mr. Whitlock?"

"Don’t do this, please! We didn’t mean it like that, you know? We’ll do anything you want, right?"

He looks over at me until I nod, then elaborates.

"Like, we’ll mow you lawn, paint your house, take out the trash, wash your car, stuff like that."

"We’ll even help in the library, if that’s what it takes," I offer, but I can’t hold my brief snicker back. Bella’s eyes flicker from one of us to the other, but her gaze doesn’t lose its hostile, predatory quality.

"Anything? Really?"

"Yes, anything!" we both echo, making her purse her lips yet again.

Keeping up the game, she pretends that her call finally went through, her voice going from hard to buttery soft as she tells the "dean" that she has finished updating the lists and found everything in order. I allow myself a pretend contended exhale, but before I can do more than that, Bella ends the call and fixes us both with a somewhat hungry glare.

"Just to be sure, I will keep these forms until I consider your debt repaid.

Don’t worry, boys, I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this just as much as I will."

She then gets up for the first time and walks around her chair to the supply cabinet. I’m surprised for real when she gets a small handheld camcorder from inside, and after fiddling with the controls, puts it up on one of the side boards. The recorder is focused on the center of her desk.

"For my own amusement later. I hope you don’t mind," she drawls, then puts her hands on her hips and regards us both with a calculating look.


Jazz and I exchange glances, and I can tell that whatever advantage his advance knowledge has given him is now gone. I give a hint of a shrug, then a slight nod at him to go on, letting him take the lead.

"But you didn’t respond at all before when we offered to f**k you!"

Her grin is devious, and I feel a little like shying away from her when she comes stalking towards us, her high heels clicking loudly on the floor.

"That’s because I still don’t want to get f**ked by either of you. You said you’d do anything, and yet you balk at the simplest of things. I’m sure the Dean is still in his office; one phone call from me and this whole situation resolves itself. Do you want that?"

He shakes his head, and even manages to look somewhat chagrined.

"Good. Then be good little boys and do what I say now."

Bella turns away and walks back to the door, shutting it with an ominous sound before she returns to her desk. She seems a little more relaxed now as she sits with one leg crossed over her knee.

"I’m waiting. Don’t make me tell you again or the deal’s off."

Excited as I am, I decide not to make a fuss, but Jazz is a lot slower than me to unbutton his shirt and kick off his shoes. I’m already completely naked, my hands folded over my genitals in a pretend attempt at modesty.

Bella keeps watching us with a serenity that I never thought her capable of, as if she couldn’t care less about having two naked men standing in front of her.

Once Jazz is completely naked, too, she allows herself a tight-lipped smile as she scrutinizes us.

"Come on, don’t be so shy. Let me see what you’re so proud of."

Feeling my mind already slipping into a more obedient state, I drop my hands to my sides, but Jazz is once again reluctant. From the way his whole body vibrates with tension, I’m not even sure it’s only an act. I have to admit, it’s funny to realize that he has almost no problem submitting to me, but Bella, in full-on Domme mode, makes his hackles rise.

Bella seems to come to the same conclusion as she gets up and walks around us once, stopping behind Jasper. She grabs his arms and pulls them to his sides, needing to use some force. In turn, she snorts when she steps to the side and glances at our cocks – mine is already screaming for attention, while Jazz isn’t even semi-erect.

What she does next also comes as a surprise, and again a mixed pleasure as far as Jazz is concerned – she slaps us both in the face, Jazz only lightly, but me hard enough to make me blink with pain for a second. He grunts and automatically steps away from her while I try not to move a muscle, earning an amused snort from her as she gently strokes my cheek where she has just slapped me.

"Aren’t you a good little slut? I like that at least one of you has the good sense to behave."

Both her tone and the way she pats my cheek are condescending as hell, causing an unexpectedly deep blush of humiliation to spread over my cheeks, but I’m certainly not going to complain. Jazz looks less happy but she obviously enjoys his resistance just as much as my compliance.

"I don’t give a shit if you like what I make you do or not, as long as you keep doing it to my satisfaction," she tells him. The way she looks down on him translates perfectly, even though physically she’s the one having to look up into his face. He looks uncertain as to how to react to her revelation but keeps his tongue, earning another smile from her before she stalks back to her chair and sits down with a fluid, elegant motion.

"This just won’t do, your c**k all dangling down like this, soft and small. At least I hope it gains size once it gets hard, or I will have to start to wonder if you pay the girls to tell everyone that you’re hung like a horse. Come on, take care of that yourself."

Gritting his teeth, he does what she orders after spitting into his hand, pumping his c**k with jerky motions that are at odds with how fast the results become visible. Bella keeps watching him with a nearly uninterested look, then glances over to me, a suddenly nasty smile on her face.

"Do you like watching your friend jerk off? Let me guess, playing football has always had a special kind of appeal for you, with the sweaty locker room camaraderie and communal showers."

While I really feel like smirking, I try to look offended, but before I can open my mouth she forestalls me with a raised hand.

"I’m not interested in hearing your lame excuses and denials. I don’t give a shit whether you like pussies or cocks or both, as long as you keep behaving like the good little boy that you are."

Eventually she seems satisfied with Jazz’s work and he stops at her nod, his c**k now standing proudly away from his body. Reaching into the top drawer of the desk, she pulls out two small boxes. She places them both on the table, then walks around and stops behind us once more. Extricating something from the first box, she crouches down next to Jazz. He barely has time to smirk at what he likely presumes is going to be a blowjob before he finds his balls gripped tightly. Bella buckles a nifty little leather contraption around them and the base of his cock, ending with his balls pulled down and separated by a thin strap, while a thicker strap is fixed around the base of his balls. I know from experience that while somewhat uncomfortable to some, a spreader/separator combination like that won’t be much of a bother to him.

When Bella turns to me and gets a different item from the second box, I realize I won’t be so lucky. Still, it’s mostly excitement that makes me tense when she grabs my own balls and squeezes them before she pulls them down and brings the two halves of the metal stretcher around them. I can’t deny that I am a little uneasy when I realize just how heavy the stretcher is.
