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Beautiful Disaster

Your orgasm should be a reward, if there’s nothing you do that deserves a reward there’s no reason for me to grant you release."

She blinks, and I see when exactly she realizes the implications of all that, but she doesn’t back down.

"You’ll make me work for it, okay. What else?"

"Hm, let me thing. Ah, yes, speaking of rewards, you’ll better get used to having my c**k in your ass more often, because I’ll only f**k your cunt on special occasions from now on."

That idea seems to distress her somewhat.

"Does that limit everything you might want to shove into my pu**y, or just your cock?"

Her tone more than the words make me laugh.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, you know, more anal sex sounds great but I’ve been kind of hoping that we’ll do more, ah …"

She hesitates, and I’m sure that she’s blushing right now, adding to my amusement.

"Bella, why are you stuttering?"

"I have no idea," she huffs, then laughs. "Okay, this is ridiculous. I can say it if I can do it, right?"

"I’d certainly hope so," I remark dryly. "Just spit it out."

"Fisting. I was trying to talk about that. I’d be really disappointed if you’d keep that to a special occasions only activity. So my question, does that embargo concerning your c**k in my cunt also include your hands or other toys, or are you just f**king with my head here?"

"I’m strongly leaning towards the latter."

That draws another delighted laugh from her.

"Speak plainly, please. I really want that answer without any leeway for me to worry I’ll grow cobwebs down there any time soon."

"Don’t worry, if you want my fist in your pu**y I’ll never say no. In fact, if we do a little more anal play I think we can extend that to fisting there, too, eventually."

Her eyes go a little wide at that, but as before it’s mostly cautious excitement. To make sure that I disband any weird notions right away, I add, "Don’t worry, I know that takes more time. I really don’t want you to get hurt. But I love f**king your ass, and I know you do, too, so if you enjoy that same stretching sensation with toys there, too, we can eventually give anal fisting a try. That’s all."

"I think I’d really like to do that. Try, I mean. Eventually."

That eagerness, more than anything else she’s said that day, makes me realize just how much of a mental journey she’s been through of late.

"Okay," I acknowledge her, forcing my enthusiasm mostly from my voice. "If you really want that, we should probably get you used to having something stuck up your bum more regularly."

"Hm, I like the sound of that. So what, you’ll sodomize me for hours every day now?"

"If I had the time I would do nothing else anymore," I tease, then shrug at her sad laugh. "But what I was referring to is for you to wear a butt plug for a limited time each day. Let’s start with a small one for an hour each evening, and once you feel comfortable with that we can step it up in time frame and circumference."

As excited as she seems about the whole idea, that last part doesn’t sit too well with her.

"A small one, seriously? I mean you f**k me often enough when I have one of the medium sized inside me, and I never have any problems with that."

"But you seldom have it in more than a few minutes, and you’re usually not moving around. Just try it when we get home, small plug, one hour while you do stuff like loading the washing machine. If I’m too cautious you can always skip right to sleeping every night with a medium sized one."


Her enthusiasm makes me grin, and I nod sagely.

"Once we’re back I’ll also send you to Beth’s shop to pick up a few things I want you to take with you every day from now on."

"Just as?"

"A small vibrator and butt plug, and one of those remote controlled butterfly vibes."

Bella looks a little horrified at me mentioning that.

"You mean the one that’s keyed to text messages and such?"

"Someone’s been snooping around sex shops, I see?" I tease her.

She shrugs.

"Maybe a little. But that’s just mean."

"And your point is?"

Wise beyond her years she keeps her mouth shut at that, but I can see some apprehension lurk in her gaze.

"You said you trust me, remember?"

"Of course I do."

"Then trust me that I won’t abuse that. If you want to we can keep some shared calender or something where you can put down important meetings and the likes. And at the beginning at least I’ll call you first and make sure I won’t put you in a situation that will jeopardize your job."

This time she doesn’t hesitate to nod, and even offers me a small smile.

"I know I’m gonna regret this but yes, I trust you. Explicitly. But don’t think I won’t curse you inside my head!"

"You can curse me all you want, also to my face, but that might get your tight little bum painted with red stripes."

"Might be worth it a time or two," she quips, but her smile remains. I feel the similar look on my face turn evil slowly as I let my hands continue to roam over her body, before I kiss her again. Time will tell if any of this will work, and if it will turn out a burden or enrichment to our days. Just because I’ve hated feeling restricted in everything I do doesn’t mean she won’t get off on it.

As both of us seem happy enough with considering our talk concluded now I eventually get out of the tub again, and throwing Bella over my shoulder I carry her inside to the sound of her whooping laughter and futile protest.

Dumping her face-down onto the bed I’m on her before she can flip over, pinning her down with one hand between her shoulder blades as I crouch over her thighs. She’s still laughing into the pillows while I angle one-handedly for the lube in the nightstand, but the sound quickly turns into a wanton moan as my fingers push into her ass.

Shifting my weight so that I can hold both of her wrists above her head while most of my body is toughing hers I keep finger f**king her while I whisper into her ear.

"You like that, don’t you? Being helpless underneath me while I stretch your ass?"

"Yes!" she gasps, the sound cutting off when I bite into her shoulder. Even restricted in movement as she is I can feel her hips buck back against my hand, drawing an evil chuckle from me.

"You’re such a slut."

"Your slut, Master!"

Hearing her utter those words makes my c**k yearn for more action than just rubbing against the side of her thigh, so I extract my fingers and rearrange myself again to cover her whole body fully. Once she can shift her legs a bit she eagerly raises her ass, her thighs now pressed together, and I don’t keep her waiting much longer.

Once I feel her sphincter gripping the head of my c**k I let go of it to instead grasp each of her wrists in one of my hands, before I push fully into her, causing her beautiful body to arch underneath me. I only stop for the few seconds she needs to make herself relax a little, before I pick up a pace that’s not exactly rough but not gentle, either. Before long she’s trying to fight my grip on her while her hips jerk up to meet mine, a sure sign that she’s very close to coming already. I love how easy it is to push her towards that edge sometimes.

As much as I want to keep f**king her hard to reach my own climax fast I force myself to slow down, increasing the depth of my thrusts at the same time. Her haggard breathing turns to low moans, and our motions synchronize a little more. When I nudge her hair away from the side of her face with my nose I see her glare at me, aware that I’m deliberately playing with her, but that only furthers my own enjoyment.
