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Beautiful Disaster

In theory, whipping someone with nettles might sound like a good idea, but they are way too soft to be of much use there. I still give it a try but mostly end up getting them on my own arms as much as on Bella’s tits, and eventually accept defeat – on that count.

Steeling myself mentally I untangle the plants from the rags, then grab a handful before I start mashing them all over her br**sts. Considering how much they irritate me they must be a bitch to bear for her, but I love the way she tries to cut off the involuntary sounds. Only that it’s still not enough for me, and she seems to realize that herself even when I let go of the nettles and grab the pocket knife from my pants.

Of course I could take the time to untie her now to save the rope as it is, but I’m much too impatient – and I still want to f**k her while she’s completely restrained. The hemp rope around her left ankle and on her lower stomach gives way easily, but instead of going right for the grand finale I pick up some of the nettles again.

I wait to make the next move until I have her full attention, or rather the weeds do, before I run them down from her navel to her pu**y lips. Her loud gasp get me to stop for a second and I make eye contact again, waiting for her to decide whether she wants to utter that single syllable that will make me stop, but she doesn’t.

"Raise your leg."

She complies with a whimper of dread, but the fact that she doesn’t hesitate tells me that she does indeed trust me. Keeping my motions gentle and deliberate I peel the knotted rope away that’s still resting between her labia, smirking at how soaked it is, before I replace it with the nettles. I make sure that they reach from just next to the butt plug up to her clit before I flatten my palm against them and start rubbing her, just as if I’m making her come the usual way.

Sweat is covering her brow and her teeth keep digging into her lip, and after a second or two she gasps out a low "Fuck!" that goes straight to my cock.

"Hurts?" I taunt, grinning at her obvious discomfort.

"Fuck, yes!"

And still her hips jerk forward against my hand, increasing the friction even more. Her pants grow louder with each passing second but she doesn’t seem ready to stop, and eventually I shift my grip a little more so that I can push two fingers into her – along with some of the nettles.

"Holy motherfucking shit!"

In spite of myself I start laughing, unable to stop myself, but she seems too far gone by then to really care. She’s so incredibly wet that I feel like her juices already dampen the burn of the plants on my skin, but that’s very likely just an illusion. I still keep up what I’m doing for another few minutes, delighted how turned on she is while she seems unable to reach that orgasm she’s yearning for this way.

When I finally relent and pull my fingers out of her she sags in her bonds but keeps watching me warily as I pluck the remaining nettle leaves from her pu**y. Same as on her thighs and tits the skin of her labia is covered in irritated, pimple-like burn marks, but her sensitive flesh is also as puffy as it only gets when she’s really turned on beyond the usual.

I consider looking in the backpack for a condom but then figure that I kind of deserve to get my c**k all burned up if I didn’t do a good job cleaning her, and I’m too impatient at the moment, anyway. Bella looks a little confused when I hitch her freed leg up over my waist before I shove my c**k into her pu**y, making her howl with delight.


I thought you said …" she tries to say, but I cut her off with a rough kiss.

"I think this definitely qualifies as a special occasion."

So I f**k my poor, helpless, tortured sub still tied to the tree, and the inevitable burn of the nettles on my c**k only adds to the f**king awesome feeling of it. Too much strain and pain have once again stripped all modesty from her as she keeps cursing and screaming through it all, begging me at the top of her lungs to f**k her harder, and once I deliver that, to let her come.

And because I’m not a completely cruel bastard, I finally let her orgasm right before I climax myself, reveling in the sensations she pulls me through.

After I feel secure enough on my own feet so I can support her I cut through more of the rope, too tired to care much for salvaging some, until I can draw her away from the tree and cradle her in my arms. She’s sobbing a little but mostly from sensual overload, and eventually she calms down enough to whisper a raspy "I love you" into my ear. Hugging her closer I assure her that the feeling is mutual, while I can’t stop grinning because I’m so proud of her and happy to call her my own.

Eventually I help her get up and hand her the clothes I’ve brought, and she doesn’t even bat an eyelash at them. While she dresses slowly I gather up all evidence of our deviant behavior, before I take her hand and lead her back to the main path. As she doesn’t complain about the butt plug I leave it inside of her, and mentally make a note that yes, she’s been right, and won’t need the small one anymore.

Back at the cabin I get a few reproachful looks from her while she’s busy doing some thorough damage assessment, but I simply can’t feel bad about the bruises and whip marks next to some rope burn on her wrists that remain. The only thing she doesn’t complain about are all the nettle burns that liberally cover her body, but that’s probably due to the fact that on the way back to the cabin she has kept rubbing her thighs together whenever she thought I’m not looking.

I don’t apologize for anything and I don’t think she expects it, either, but we spend the rest of the afternoon either soaking in the hot tub or screwing around all over the hard spaces inside the cabin, as quite frankly, nettle burns itch and we quickly reach a silent agreement just how to scratch that the best way. And because it’s still under special circumstances Bella isn’t too sore by the time we go over to the main building again to enjoy a late dinner.

The evening passes in relative quiet and comfortable ease, until we run into Adelaide, Gertrude and Cody just as we leave the restaurant as they return from a last evening stroll. I can barely wish them a good night before I start laughing, mostly as Bella turns a deep shade of red that could have rivaled a lobster. I’m sure eventually I will pay for that in one way or another, but right then, life can’t get better.

Chapter 21

As the last days of warm weather give way to true autumn, a comfortable routine settles between us. Both Bella and I have to work a lot, which cuts harshly into our precious free time we can spend together, but we manage to work around irregular schedules and endless shifts as good as we can.

But even though lack of sleep and having to deal with an abundance of stupid people should hamper our mood I feel as happy as never before, and every time I swoop her up in my arms and see her radiant smile, I know that she feels the same. Nothing can really reach us, nothing can hurt us, as long as we just have each other, that’s all that counts.

The same as sometimes negative things seem to pile on each other, at least I go through a spell of the little issues and problems taking care of themselves. At work, Amanda gives me hell for two weeks for pretending to be sick so I could take the weekend off for our stay at the cabin, but that also means that she forces to me live up to my full potential. Every time she busts my ass for something I know I’m learning to be a better surgeon, and every once in a while I even get a thumbs up from her – something I never see her give anyone else. I know some of the others are jealous of the bond forming between my mentor and me, but only as far as her scarce praise goes. Unsurprisingly enough, they never envy me when she drags me back into the OR only thirty minutes after I get a chance to sneak off to catch some sleep.
