Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

The way she’s tensing I’m surprised she doesn’t explode right out of the plush cushions, and when I pull back enough to see her face, I have to grin at the radiant smile greeting me. The temptation is there to leave her hanging again, but I’m not that cruel. Not if she doesn’t royally mess up, that is.

"Like, here?"

"Yes, here, or else I would have told you to bring them into the playroom, wouldn’t I?"

"Of course," she yips, then she’s off running to fetch the required items, leaving me to wonder if she has deliberately left out acknowledging that order or not. As it is, she seems mostly giddy rather than defiant so I guess she didn’t do it deliberately, although that’s no excuse.

I’m halfway convinced I should teach her a lesson after all when she returns, but the way she drops to her knees, eyes downcast as she offers me the stack of fluffy towels with the bottle of lube sitting on top pacifies me somewhat again. I decide that one last time I will let things slide, but if she keeps this up I will have to teach her a lesson soon.

I take the stack from her and scoot from my usual place at the bend of the ll-shaped couch to the longer side, spreading the towels on my previously occupied seat.

"You’re wearing way too many clothes," I remark dryly, and before I can blink she’s on her feet, yanking on her jeans and blouse.

"Yes, Master," she still manages to huff out between shedding the layers of fabric. I’m amused to see that she isn’t wearing any panties but her new dark red butt plug, a medium sized toy consisting of three tapered segments, each larger in circumference than the one before, instead of a smooth, bulled shaped one.

"I see you’ve been a good girl," I remark, earning anther smile from her.

"I’m always trying to be a good girl, Master."

"Hardly" I grunt, then add with a smirk, "or else I wouldn’t have so much need to paint your ass with red stripes. Now up with you onto the couch, on your knees, arms on the backrest."

She follows suit, assuming position with her knees spread wide, her head pillowed on her elevated arms. I idly drum my fingers over the base of the plug until a soft moan escapes her, before I extricate the toy and f**k her ass slowly with it. As the tapered segments slide in and out of her her relaxed muscles adjust to the motion, and before long I feel even the slight resistance disappear. Thus satisfied I remove the plug and put it down on the towels, then squirt a generous amount of lube over her anus and the fingers of my left hand.

Two fingers easily slide into her, and after wriggling and spreading them a little I add a third. Bella keeps still for the most part but when I speed up my ministrations her hips start pushing back against my hand, adding to the friction, and I love the way her soft moans and sighs float through the room.

I’m just about to consider adding a forth finger when her cell phone goes off, the annoying ringtone making us both freeze in mid-motion.

"Sorry," she huffs, her annoyance making me grin, and at my nod she scrambles up to shut off the most offending device without even checking who’s been calling. When she sees me nod again she does the same with mine, although I’m sure she just shuts off the sound, not the whole phone.

Working at a hospital has some drawbacks, after all.

She looks properly apologetic when she settles back onto the sofa but I don’t chide her, instead resume where we’ve left off before the interruption.

Maybe a little faster and less gentle than before, but she doesn’t seem to mind, at least judging from how wet she is as I discover with my free hand.

I keep skimming my fingers over the less sensitive parts of her pu**y until she starts bucking in an attempt to get them to slip where she needs them.

"Please!" she eventually moans.

"Please what?"

I’m expecting that she will plead for me to rub her clit now, but she surprises me.

"Please let me turn around, Master? I’d really like to look at you while you keep f**king my ass."

"Sure, roll over."

Her motions are lithe as she changes position, more lying than sitting in the corner as she props her ass up near the edge, her heels digging into the cushions. A prod at her ankle is enough for her to scoot forward even more before she raises her legs, holding them spread and pulled back with her hands around the back of her knees.

I offer her a lopsided grin as I push my fingers back into her ass, and I have to admit, being able to see her look of need and lust in her eyes is worth the change. Soon her eyes drift close while her face contorts as she starts to fight for control, but I have no intention of easing up on her.

Stopping for a moment I try to add a forth finger, but while I can work it past her sphincter I can tell that the added intrusion will take her a while to relax around, and I’m too impatient for that right now. So instead I thrust the same three fingers of my other hand into her cunt.

Bella gasps as her eyes fly open, but I don’t give her a second to adjust, and go right back to a fast, deep rhythm. I’m sure that if I add any other kind of stimulus, like rub her clit, she’d come this very second, but the past weeks have helped further her control. I can tell that she’s fighting hard to keep her hips still not to further play into my hands, but the second I concentrate on rubbing her g-spot directly I feel her seize up with what will turn into a climax very soon.

"Don’t you dare come without permission, slut!"

Her fingers, previously splayed around her legs, are now bunched into the towels, and her eyes are pleading with me. Still, her lips remain closed, and only a few cut-off gasps leave her throat.

I speed up my motions further, my mind split between letting her climax, and shoving her just that little bit too far to make her fail. Every time my fingers thrust into her in perfect synchronicity I can feel her tense a little further, but as the minutes tick by, my own frustration rises. She should be begging to come be now, and her silent defiance is ticking me off.

Bella actually sighs with relief when I suddenly withdraw my fingers, and her reaction surprises me again.

"Don’t you want to come that you seem so happy to be left alone?"

Her gaze turns confused at that before her lust crazed mind catches on to the meaning of my words.

"Oh, I desperately need to come, Master, but I’d rather go unsatisfied than disappoint you."

"Really?" I inquire, turning my voice teasing, but she only smiles.

"Yes, really."

"Keep that thought."

Then I push my fingers back into her ass, adding that forth one after two thrusts. I don’t taper my motion nor speed down and I feel her bear down hard on my hand, a small gasp of pain, or at least discomfort, my reward.

But she adepts quickly, and before long I feel her relaxing again, even to the point where it doesn’t feel like her ass is trying to stop the circulation in my fingers.

"Do you like me f**king your ass with my fingers?"

The look she shoots me is full of challenge, but when she replies her voice is meek and nice.

"A lot, Master."

"Do you think you can come from that alone?"

"Of course, Master."

I pretend to mull over that option while I keep the motion up for a few more seconds, then stop with my fingers as far inside her as I can get them, and spread them a little. I know exactly when discomfort turns into real pain as the light huffs and gasps from before turn harsh all of a sudden, but I still hold that position for another twenty seconds. Her eyes seek mine and capture my gaze, but that’s the only thing she does, no pleading for me to stop or ease up on her. Seeing her determination makes me proud of her, and after I’m done counting silently, I let my fingers slide out of her, with only three penetrating her again the next time I push back in.
