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Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion(11)
Author: Ashley Blake

I turned to see Mr. Hunter walking quickly toward Zane and Zane did not hesitate as he ran out of there, but not before yelling to Abby.  “I’ll call you later Abby, I’m sorry and I love you!”

Did this just happen?  I looked at Jonathan and Claire who were staring at Abby and they were not happy.  Mr. Hunter went back inside once he saw that Zane was gone.

“Abby, really?  Why does he have to make a scene wherever he goes?”  Claire was clearly not pleased.

“Really Abby, that guy is a loser, you need to dump him once and for all.”  Jonathan sided with Claire and they both were not Zane fans.

“It’s complicated and that’s all I’ll say.  Let’s go inside, I’m getting cold.”  She didn’t wait for us to respond, she just walked off.

We followed her and I was happy to follow her because I was starting to not be able to feel my toes.  It was nice and warm inside and I hobbled on my skates over to Jonathan and sat beside him on the couch.  He put his arm around me and rubbed my arm to help warm me up.  His parents and aunt and uncle were already there so we all relaxed and got warm.

“Did you have a good time?”  He whispered in my ear so that no one would hear him.

“I did.” I whispered back to him.

“I’m having a good time with my family Sky, but I can’t wait until we can be alone again, Sunday cannot come soon enough for me.”

I glanced at him and he winked at me and I couldn’t help but giggle.

We all made small talk and nobody talked about the scene that we all witnessed earlier.  There was a little bit of tension between Abby and everyone else but she acted like nothing was wrong.  She wasn’t overly friendly toward me but she also wasn’t as nasty as she had been before.

I was getting really hungry so I was happy that we we’re having an early Thanksgiving dinner.  As soon as we finished a small snack and our hot chocolate we returned our skates and headed out to the waiting cars.

When we got back to the house, dinner was almost ready and was going to be served at 3 o’clock.  Bunny met us at the door and was really proud of the fact that she had finished making her dessert with plenty of time to spare.

“Okay everyone, my delicious pumpkin pies are ready ahead of schedule this year!  There is plenty for everyone so we won’t run out of pies because I know you all love them.  Skylar dear, I’m sure you’ll love them too!”

“I hope you like pumpkin pie.  My nana Bunny makes the best pumpkin pie in the world, you’ll see.”  Jonathan was beaming when he talked about his grandmother.

Mr. Hunter chimed in.  “Yes, Skylar, mother’s pies really are very delicious.”

Bunny smiled at him.  “Oh thank you darling.  Dinner is in a couple of hours so that should give everyone plenty of time to get ready.  The other guests will be arriving shortly so off you all go.”

We all chuckled as Bunny waved her hands at us while shooing us off.  Jonathan came to my room for a few minutes before I hopped in the shower and pulled me down onto his lap so that I was sitting sideways and we could see each other, and casually wrapped his arms around me.

“That was fun, huh?”

“Yeah it was; you Hunter’s are really competitive!  Did you notice that Abby wasn’t as nasty toward me today?  That’s a step in the right direction.  Hey, what’s the deal with that guy Zane?”

Jonathan rolled his eyes. "Ugh, that guy is the world’s biggest loser.  She’s been dating him off and on for something like three years and none of us like him but that doesn’t faze her at all.  She met him at some bar in New York where he’s a bartender and my parents are worried that he’s with her only for her money.  They keep threatening to cut her off if she doesn’t break up with him because, I will tell you one thing about my dad, he will not give away his money to anyone. He has worked hard all of his life, has worked for everything that we are able to have and there is no way that he will allow a guy like Zane to come in and get a piece of the pie. And it’s not because he’s a bartender, it’s because he’s lazy and he doesn’t treat Abby very well. My dad doesn’t care what you do as long as you work hard at whatever it is that you do, and Zane just isn’t that guy.”

"Oh wow, well there’s probably going to be a problem because I saw the way she looked at him, Jonathan, and it didn’t look like she wanted to break up with that guy anytime soon, even though they’re fighting right now.”

“What do you mean?”

"From what I could see, in the brief minutes that I saw her looking at him, Abby is completely in love with Zane so he’s probably going to be around for a while.”

He hung his head, slowly shaking it back and forth.  “That’s not good, that’s not good.  My dad will have a fit if she doesn’t dump him.”

“Well, I’m just telling you, I saw the way she looks at him and it was the same way I look at you.  She’s smitten.”

He raised an eyebrow and a smile touched the corner of his mouth.  “You’re smitten, huh?”

A smile slowly spread across my face as my eyes held his.  “Maybe.”

His eyes filled with love as they searched mine.  “I am definitely smitten.”

“Me too.”  I leaned into him and gently touched my lips to his.

He slowly pulled away, smoothed my hair out of my eyes, and winked at me.  “That was a good kiss.”

I giggled like a schoolgirl.  “You’re silly.”


“You haven’t mentioned the band at all with anyone here so I’m just curious, who has seen you perform?”

“My sisters have come to a couple of shows but that’s it.  I told them not to make a big deal about it because my dad is so against it, so I’m just going to go along with his plan and treat this as a hobby while I’m in school. My place really is with the company so I’m just going to enjoy the singing part until graduation and then it will be time to focus on my real career.”

“Jonathan, you are so talented, I mean, like, you could actually make a living with your band.  Are you sure you want to just throw all that talent away?  You guys are really good.”

“Thanks sweetie, but I can’t dwell on it too much because then I’ll start to second-guess myself.”
